Bevel Seat Fittings
The Bevel Seat system requires plain and threaded connectors
and a hex nut 10 create a leak-proof. metal-to-melal connection.
John Perry Fittings
John Perry assemblies require a hex nut, threaded and plain
connectors and a gasket to create a leak-proof connection.
I-Line Fittings
I-line clamp assemblies require a male and female ferrule,
a gasket and a clamp. The spedal shape of the I-line ferrule
coupled with the spedal clamp compresses the gasket to form
a leak-proof connection.
Q-Line Fittings
Q-line damp assemblies require two ferrules, a gasket and
a damp. The spedal shape of the Q-line ferrule coupled with
the special damp compresses the gasket to form a leak-proof