877.963.4966 •
dixonvalve.comGeneral Product Information
1. Never hit coupling valves to release trapped
2. Never leave couplings in the path of moving
3. Never use couplings near a welder, flash heat, or fire /
flame sources.
4. Never use API modified sealants or over apply PTFE tape
during installation.
Safe Quick Coupling Practices
1. Always wipe the coupling cavities and faces clean
before connecting a coupling.
2. Connect coupling before installation to ensure that
it works properly.
3. Always check the body seals before connecting a coupling.
4. Shut-off power source before connecting a coupling.
5. Always install a safety check valve on a pneumatic line
and/or compressor.
6. Always use a safety cable on large air lines (½" lines and
7. Always use a whip hose on hydraulic or air tools.
8. Use dust caps or plugs when couplings are not in use.
9. If the locking sleeve is inoperable, check the safety lock.
10. Wear eye protection while connecting or disconnecting a
Quick disconnect couplings can fail without warning! Prior to the operation of quick coupling products, be sure to inspect
and replace worn out fittings and safety devices. If a leak is detected during operation, release the pressure from the
circuit before investigating the cause of the fluid leak. Do not use your fingers or skin to check for leaks, high pressure leaks of
fluids can easily penetrate the skin and can cause serious injury or death.
Unsafe Quick Coupling Practices
Not Smart!
5. Use care if you must install quick couplings onto black
iron pipe.
6. Never hit a coupling sleeve with a hammer or blunt object.
7. Never overtighten a coupling connection.
8. Never rotate a quick disconnect coupling under pressure.
9. Do not overpressurize quick disconnect couplings.
10. Never use a hose with a quick disconnect coupling to lift a
OSHA Regulations Ensure Operator Safety
Standard - 29 CFR, 1926.302 (partial):
(b)(1) Pneumatic power tools shall be secured to the hose or whip by some positive means to prevent the tool from becoming
accidentally disconnected.
(b)(2) Safety Clips or retainers shall be securely installed and maintained on pneumatic impact (percussion) tools to prevent
attachments from being accidentally expelled.
(b)(4) Compressed air shall not be used for cleaning purposes except where reduced to 30 PSI and then only with effective chip
guarding and personal protective equipment which meets the requirements of Subpart E of this part. The 30 PSI requirement
does not apply for concrete form, mill scale and similar cleaning purposes.
(b)(5) The manufacturer’s safe operating pressure for hoses, pipes, valves, filters and other fittings shall not be exceeded.
(b)(6) The use of hoses for hoisting or lowering tools shall not be permitted.
(b)(7) All hoses exceeding ½" inside diameter shall have a safety device at the source of supply or branch line to reduce
pressure in case of hose failure.
Standard - 29 CFR, 1926.603 (partial):
(a)(9) Steam hose leading to a steam hammer or jet pipe shall be securely attached to the hammer with an adequate length of at
least ¼" diameter chain or cable to prevent whipping in the event the joint at the hammer is broken. Air hammer hoses shall be
provided with the same protection as required for steam lines.
(a)(10) Safety chains, or equivalent means, shall be provided for each hose connection to prevent the line from thrashing around
in case the coupling becomes disconnected.
Safety Cables
Safety Check Valves
Be Safe When Selecting Quick Couplings!