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StandardClassificationforNon-metallic The measurement of tensile strength should not be construed as an indication of the performance of that GasketMaterials product in use. ASTMDesignation:F104 This classification system provides a means for ThermalAnalysisSystem specifying or describing pertinent properties of commer- cial non-metallic gasket materials. Materials composed of Thermal Analysis, often referred to as TA, is a series asbestos, cork, cellulose, and other non-asbestos materi- of techniques that characterize materials by measuring als in combination with various binders or fillers are in- and analyzing changes in their physical and chemical cluded. Materials normally classified as rubber compounds properties resulting from controlled and measured chang- are covered in Method D2000. es in temperature. The TA techniques include DSC (Dif- ferential Scanning Calorimetry), TGA (Thermal Gravimetric Since all the properties that contribute to gasket per- Analysis) and TMA (Thermal Mechanical Analysis). formance are not included, use of the classification system as a basis for selecting materials is limited. DSC measures heat flow into or out of a material as it is undergoing a programmed thermal profile. The resulting The purpose of the classification system is intended to plot of heat flow vs. temperature can reveal a great deal of provide a common language for communication between information about a material. DSC is being used to deter- suppliers and purchasers; to guide engineers and design- mine such things about a material as specific heat, melting ers in the test methods commonly used for commercially point, crystallinity, glass transition temperature, degree of available materials, and be versatile enough to cover new cure of thermosets, purity, oxidative stability, and reaction materials and test methods as they are introduced. kinetics. It is based on the principle that non-metallic gasket TGA measures changes in the weight of a material. materials should be described, insofar as possible, in By heating a sample in a controlled manner in various terms of specific physical and functional characteristics. An atmospheres, the composition of various materials can be infinite number of such descriptions can be formulated by determined. The technique is also useful for performing use of one or more standard statements based on stan- thermal stability studies. dard tests. TMA provides measurements of penetration, expan- All fibrous and PTFE type gasketing materials in this sion, contraction, extension, and relaxation of materials as catalog show our F104 Line Callout. a function of either time or temperature. By using various probes and accessories, TMA can be used to determine expansion coefficients, softening points, heat-deflection TensionofNon-metallicGasketMaterials temperatures, viscosity, creep, and stress relaxation. ASTMDesignation:F152 The Universal Tester is used to determine the tensile TorqueRetention strength of non-metallic gasketing products. The types of DIN52913 products covered are those containing various organic fibers, inorganic fibers, flexible graphite, or fluorocarbons This test is designed to determine the torque retention as described in F104. capabilities of gasketing products, when subjected to the compression load and operating temperature as defined F152 is not applicable to the testing of vulcanized rub- by the test procedure. ber, a method that is described in Test Method D142, nor for rubber O-rings, a method that is described in D1414. The test consists of applying a predetermined load on the test gasket via a tension screw, then heating the The measurement of tensile strength characterizes gasket/flange assembly to the desired temperature (there various classes and grades of products of a given type. It is no internal pressure). The standard test period is either also will aid the purchaser in determining whether the gas- sixteen (16) hours or one hundred (100) hours. At the end keting product approved for a given application is being of the required time period, the compression load which manufactured to acceptable quality. Various procedures is left acting on the test gasket is measured. This allows are given for different types of materials, and in order to one to calculate the torque retention capabilities of various compare results from one lab to another, it is imperative gasketing products. that the applicable procedure be used. C-56
Goodyear Rubber Products