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GasPermeability OtherASTMTests DIN*Designation:3535 Purchasers may want to consider the use of the fol- lowing ASTM test methods, depending on their gasketing This standard provides a means of measuring leakage needs: of a gas through a gasket. This test is designed to com- pare the leakage rates of different products. F147 Test Methods for Flexibility of Non-Metallic Gasket Materials The fluid used is nitrogen gas at an internal pressure of 580 psig (40 bar) and a gasket loading of 4,640 psi (32 F607 Test Method for Adhesion of Gasket Materials to 2 N/mm ). The apparatus is considerably more versatile Metal Surfaces than that used in ASTM F37. The sample gasket size can be varied; much higher internal pressures can be used. SealabilityofGasketMaterials Normally measurements are made at room temperature. However, we have the ability to test at elevated tempera- ASTMDesignation:F37 tures. Test methods A and B provide a means of evaluating The test measures the effects on leakage rates due fluid sealing properties at room temperature. Method A to changes in gasket products themselves, in gasket is restricted to liquid measurements and Method B (most thicknesses, in gasket flange widths, in varying internal common) can be used for both gas and liquid measure- pressures, in varying gasket loads, and at varying tem- ments. peratures. These test methods are suitable for evaluating the sealing characteristics of a gasket product under differing compression flange loads. Since this physical property is HeliumMassSpectrometerTest so important to the proper function of a gasket, it should The ability to control and detect leakage on an ever- be used as an acceptance test when test methods are decreasing scale is a requirement of industry today. Mass agreed upon between supplier and purchaser as follows: spectrometer technology is used where stringent leak fluid, internal pressure of fluid, and flange load on the detection is needed, such as in the manufacture of devices gasket specimen. used in body implants, nuclear vessels and cathode ray The most commonly used fluids are isooctane and tubes. nitrogen gas. Gasket load, fluid and internal pressures can The Helium Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector vary according to customer needs. However, our experi- (HeMSLD) develops a high vacuum, which enables it to ence indicates a strong preference for nitrogen gas, with a detect trace amounts of helium that are present. Helium gasket load of 3,000 psi (20.7 N/mm2) at an internal pres- gas is used as a test media in standard flange fixtures sure of 30 psig (2 bar). on the DIN 3535 gas permeability fixture. The HeMSLD These precise measurements of leakage rates are detects the helium leakage through the gasketed joint designed to compare gasketing products under controlled by way of a hand-held "sniffer" probe or by a hard-piped conditions. The leakage measured comes either through connection from the DIN 3535 fixture or equipment where the gasket, or between the gasket and the flange faces, other leak detection systems are used. Leakage as low as -9 or both. Our experience over many years with thousands 1 x 10 standard cc He/second can be detected. of test samples indicates that, in most cases, the leakage measured is a result of leakage through the gasket. It is not a question of whether or not any fibrous type gasketing product allows leakage through the gasket, but how much leakage, under any set of given conditions of time, temperature and pressure. Questions?Call * DIN: Deutsches Institut f�r Normung e.V. C-55
Goodyear Rubber Products