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Test Equipment FourierTransformInfraredSpectrometer as well as for viewing fossils and insect specimens. The best models have a built-in light source and zoom capa- (FTIR) bilities. This instrument is equipped with a number of attachments that allow scanning of liquids and solids Programmable,Multi-FunctionalTestStand either by transmittance or reflectance. The spectrum of the scanned sample can be compared against standard (A.S.T.--AdvancedSealTester) spectra contained in internal libraries within the instrument. This highly sophisticated, PC-driven test stand The search program automatically finds the best match. evaluates properties of gasketing materials under varying The sample and library spectra can be displayed together conditions; it can be programmed to test leak rates from on the screen for comparison. high vacuum to 300 psig internal pressure, with different compressive loads or test temperatures. Any of the param- ImagingSystem eters listed below can be programmed to ramp up while the other conditions are held constant, to study the effects System consists of a Polarized Light Microscope these conditions have on the sealability of materials. A (PLM), Stereo Microscope, Marcro Stand, Digital Camera Helium Mass Rate Spectrometer can monitor leak rates; and Image Analysis Software. The System is useful in gasket thickness and leak rates are monitored to deter- many areas including investigating new materials, analysis mine percent compression vs. load, leak rate vs. compres- of competitive products and in failure analysis. sive stress, maximum crush resistance, and more. The state of polarization of a light beam is gener- ProgrammableParameters: ally modified when it is reflected or transmitted through a � Compressive load (stress) material. That phenomenon allows PLM to be useful in � Time material identfication and characterizztion, especially fi- � Temperature bers and fillers. Magination in execess of 400X is possible. � Internal pressure or vacuum The Stereo Microscope provides 3D images with a � Leak rate measurement maxium magnification of approximately 100X. Capabilities: The Digital Camera / Image Analysis Software per- � Compressive load: mits for acrchieving, manipution and measurement of the To 107,000 lbs force (475 KN) at room temperature images of interest. To 73,000 lbs force (325 KN) at 570�F (300�C) StereomicroscopeorDisectingmicroscope: Ste- � Temperature: to 840�F (450�C) reoscopic (3D) vision is possible by the combined action � Gasket thickness: 0-5/16" (0-8mm) of two eyes. This requires an independent optical system � Internal pressure: High vacuum (10-3 mbar) to for each eye (similar to how binoculars work). A stereo 300 psig He (20 bar) microscope features two tubes with independent optical � Helium leak rate measurement: 1 standard cc/ second systems with two eyepieces and two objectives. Which down to 1 x 10-11 standard cc/ second means that a stereo microscope is in fact, a combination of two compound monocular microscopes whose optical axes are at a right angle to each other and directed to the same specimen area. Stereo microscopes are used for viewing natural � specimens such as minerals, insects, plant parts; they are also used for technical applications such as illuminating GarlocGarlockk coins, textiles, and electronic components. Because of its GaGaskskeettss long working distance, dissection and precision assembly are possible under the stereo microscope. A stereo microscope uses two different paths of light. Questions?Call This allows you to see a specimen in 3-D. Stereo micro- scopes have high depth perception but low resolution and magnification. These microscopes are great for dissecting C-57
Goodyear Rubber Products