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FullFaceGaskets JetFuels See Flanges. Jet fuels are typically refined petroleum products � similar to kerosene. We recommend our GYLON , nitrile � GasketConstants bound compressed sheet and GRAPH-LOCK products. The ASME and ASTM committees are working on a (See Aviation Gasoline) new system and new set of numbers to be used in the ASME code calculations for flange design. These new LeachableLevels(chemical) constants address leak rates at installation and during loss Some pipe specifications call out maximum levels of of compressive load and therefore are meant to help end "leachables" for gaskets. These limits are usually con- users design for a certain leak level. The use of a defined cerned with leachable chlorides, fluorides, halogens and leak rate will generally generate much higher bolt load sulfur. These ions, or charged particles, are of concern requirements for the flanges, which should improve perfor- due to their tendency to promote corrosion of piping mance of designed joints. Forgasketconstantvalues, systems. Garlock keeps test results for numerous gasket seepageC-40. Also see M & Y Values and Emissions. styles on file and we will test and certify leachable chlo- rides, etc., where required. There is a charge for these GasketGrooves tests. Due to the nature of this type of analysis, we publish Gaskets installed in grooves or tongue and groove "typical" leachables only on certain styles such as our flanges require one extra consideration: the compressed nuclear grade Style 9920. height of the gasket must fill the groove. This is typically important where a highly compressible gasket such as "M"and"Y"ValuesforFlangeDesign � GYLON Styles 3545 and 3540 or one of the GRAPH- See page C-40. � LOCK styles is used to replace a compressed sheet Note:Our testing shows an increase in "M" and "Y" gasket. The fully compressed thickness, not the original values as gasket thickness increases. This is the opposite thickness, must be greater than the groove depth or the of the trend found in the ASME Code. Fugitive emission space between the tongue and groove when flanges con- and gasket blowout studies have validated this trend. tact each other. Ideally, the tongue should be at least as tall as the groove depth. ModulusofElasticity Some flange programs ask for the modulus of elastic- Gasohol ity for the gasket material. This could be erroneous, since Gasohol is a blend of gasoline with an alcohol-- usu- only rubber gaskets are elastic. Other types of gasketing � ally 15% ethyl alcohol. GYLON styles are preferred; do not have a true modulus. Garlock Appli-cations Engi- nitrile-bound compressed sheet styles should be accept- neering does have compression vs. Ioad curves which can able; most rubber gaskets are not recommended. be inverted to calculate a rough esti-mate for use in these calculations (see Compression). Installation Garlock strongly recommends the use of calibrated Monomers torque wrenches to tighten bolts to the correct load. We Monomers are materials, such as styrene and vinyl have an installation procedure and discussion available chloride, which can combine with themselves and become upon request. A video covering the same material is also polymers, such as polystyrene and polyvinyl chloride. GY- available. � LON Styles 3510 and 3530 are recommended for mono- mers, since elastomer-bound gaskets are rarely compat- InsulationKits ible with monomers. Some monomers, under certain Customers will occasionally ask for a flange insulation conditions, will penetrate a gasket and polymerize inside or isolation kit or gasket to electrically insulate one flange the gasket, causing the gasket to swell and, occasionally, from the mating flange. Kits are available from a variety of rupture. This effect is known as "popcorning". This effect distributors and include an insulating gasket along with a can be reduced or eliminated with additional compressive sleeve for the bolts and insulating washer to be installed load which lowers the void space inherent in a gasket. under the steel washers and nuts. Garlock does not currently sell kits, but we do offer many gasket styles with good electrical insulating proper- ties (see Dielectric Breakdown Voltage). C-51
Goodyear Rubber Products