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Emissions � and GYLON gaskets. Elastomer (rubber) gaskets may be There is certainly a great deal of interest in limiting crushed in these flanges. emissions of the numerous chemicals and other sub- Flatfacednon-metallicflanges seal best with elas- stances regulated under the Clean Air Act. Garlock has tomeric (rubber) gaskets, such as the various STRESS � � performed testing in this area and our report, available on SAVER gasket styles. GYLON Style 3545 may also request, covers the effects of gasket type, compressive be suitable for some applications. Compressed fiber and � load, internal pressure and flange finish on relative emis- standard GYLON are frequently used in flat-faced carbon sions levels. The use of heavier flanges where possible steel flanges, but the compressive stress available in and the selection of premium gasket materials with good these flanges is well below our minimums. The result is sealability numbers are the easiest ways to reduce emis- that the gaskets are compressed very little; if there is a sions. significant flange irregularity present, the gasket may not seal. Since leakage rates of gaskets depend on the avail- FDA able compressive stress, the joint may not be as tight as Style3500 (Fawn) and Style3510 (Off-White) comply the customer would like. with FDA regulation 21CFR177.1550. They meet ingredi- Glass-linedflanges are found in many chemical ent and extract requirements. The fillers are also accept- applications. Due to the inherent "waviness" created able under 21CFR177.2600 and coloring agents (where when these flanges are fired to apply the glass, the softer used) under 21CFR178.3297. The branding ink complies � GYLON styles such as Styles 3545, 3565, and 3504 are with 21CFR175.300. Style 3500 (Fawn) has USDA ap- preferred. The gap between the flanges, when placed proval for direct contact in meat and poultry applications. together empty, must be measured before the gasket is Style3504 � (Blue), Style3565 (ENVELON ), Style ordered. Gasket thickness should be four to five times the 3591 (Gold), and Style3594 (Green) comply with FDA maximum gap observed. regulation 21CFR177.1550. They meet the ingredient Stainlesssteel(SS)flanges are common in many and extract requirements. The filler is listed in the Food plants for chemical service, and often utilize low strength Chemicals Codex (FCC 3rd Edition) and is considered SS bolts. Due to the chemicals present and the low com- GRAS (generally recognized as safe � 21CFR170.30). pressive stress generated by the bolts, Styles 3545, 3565, The branding ink complies with 21CFR175.300. and 3504 are often recommended. We do prefer, however, Style3522 (Clear) complies with FDA regulation the use of high strength, strain-hardened stainless steel 21CFR177.1550. bolts. The ingredients for Style3540 (Microcellular) and Style3545 (Microcellular with Rigid Core) comply FlangeFinish with FDA regulations 21CFR177.1550, 21CFR182.1, We recommend the flange finish conform, whenever 21CFR182.1217, and 21CFR175.300. The branding ink possible, to 30-55 serrations per inch, in a concentric or complies with 21CFR175.300. spiral pattern, cut with a 1/16" radius, round-nosed tool. This finish is usually difficult or impossible to create in The PTFE resins used in Style3535 PTFE joint non-circular flanges. We recommend that machined sur- sealant comply with FDA regulation 21CFR177.1550. The faces which can not be serrated have a surface finish with PSA tape used to hold the joint sealant material in place a multi-directional lay and roughness of 125-250 micro- meets 21CFR175.105. inch RMS. FireTests FuelAdditives Garlock has developed a Fire Test Standard modeled The chemical MTBE (methyl t-butyl ether) has be- after industry fire tests API 589 and 607. Styles G-9900, � � come a very common fuel additive and gasketing com- 9800, 9850, ST-706, IFG 5500 and GRAPH-LOCK patibility inquiries on this material are frequent. Garlock styles have all passed this fire test. Test procedures and � in-house testing has shown GYLON gasketing to be results are available upon request. unaffected by MTBE. We have also found compressed sheet Styles 9850 and 3000 to be suitable for MTBE ser- Flanges vice. These materials are recommended for MTBE alone Flanges come in all shapes and sizes, and the type of flange used in a service has a large impact on the type of or mixed with gasoline. gasketing material recommended. Standard ANSI raised face flanges are best suited for use with compressed fiber C-50
Goodyear Rubber Products