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Oxidizers trate on R-134a, R-123 and R-141b. Information provided Certain chemicals are known as strong oxidizers and, by refrigerant manufacturers indicates Style 3300 will be as such, will readily combine with organic compounds. We preferred for R-134a and R-123. Styles 5500, 3000 and � 3300 are recommended for R-141b. Refer to the Chemical recommend our GYLON material for use in oxidizers. Resistance chart for a complete listing of refrigerants. The compatibility of the lubricants used with these refrigerants OxygenService � should be considered. We recommend GYLON Styles 3502, 3505, 3503 and metal-inserted Styles 3562 and 3563. These gaskets ReuseofGaskets are specially manufactured and packaged to eliminate We are frequently asked about reusing a gasket. We contamination by organic material. do not recommend this practice. A gaskets function is to conform to flange high and low spots when compressed, pH and its ability to reseal decreases after it is compressed. The pH scale is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity Gaskets which contain rubber and which have experienced of a solution. A pH of 7 is a neutral reading; it is neither elevated temperatures will be even less likely to reseal. acidic or alkaline. Readings of 1-2 are strongly acidic, while 13-14 indicates a strong alkaline or caustic media. ShelfLife Note: A pH reading alone without the names of the Garlock has spec sheets detailing proper storage con- chemicals involved is not enough to select a gasket. Also, ditions and expected shelf life for our products. Available since the pH scale is quite limited in range, a reading of upon request. "1" or "14" does not fully describe the concentration. We need the concentration expressed as a percentage. For SpacersinFlanges example, sodium hydroxide at a con-centration of around Some installations require a very thick gasket to fill a 4% will "peg" the pH scale at 14, the same reading pro- large gap between flanges. We do not recommend stack- duced by a 40% concentration. ing numerous gaskets in the same flange. In-house tests have shown that a better way to fill a 1/2" gap, for example, PressureSpikes is to install a 1/16" gasket on each side of a 3/8" thick Very high pressure spikes can occur in any line pump- incompressible spacer ring. Ideally, the spacer ring will be ing a liquid if a valve is closed rapidly, leaving the fluid flow consistent with piping metallurgy, serrated, and cut to the nowhere to go. The inertia of the fluid may create extreme same dimensions as the gasket. We recommend higher pressure spikes. These spikes occur too rapidly to be minimum torques when using this arrangement. detected by a pressure gage but can cause a gasket to blow out. Steam Steam can be found in plants in two forms: saturated RadiationResistance and superheated. Saturated steam is standard boiler We have conducted gamma radiation tests on our steam and has a definite temperature for each pressure. compressed sheet Styles 3000, 3200, 3400, 3700, 5500, Superheated steam is steam at a higher temperature than 5507, 9800, 9850, 9920 and ST-706. These tests indicate is found on the saturated steam curve for that particular our compressed non-asbestos styles will handle a total � pressure. We recommend ST-706 and our GRAPH-LOCK 7 exposure of approximately 5 x 10 rads of gamma radia- styles for superheated steam. Please be aware of the pres- � tion. GYLON Styles 3510 and 3545 have been tested. sure and P x T limits for each style when making a selec- Test results are available. tion, and consult with Garlock Engineering when approach- ing these limits. Also see notes on steam service found on Refrigerants fiber gasket specification pages. A number of new refrigerants have been introduced in an effort to protect the environment. CFC-type refriger- ThermalConductivity ants, believed to be responsible for depleting the ozone See F104 Line Callouts. layer, are being phased out and replaced by HCFCs and HFCs. Our most frequent compatibility inquiries concen- C-52
Goodyear Rubber Products