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Gasketing Terms AmericanBureauofShipping Compression Garlock styles on the American Bureau of Shipping The amount of compression expected on a particular Type Approval program: gasket type depends on its compressibility data and the load applied. Sealing problems are often a result of lack of � ST-706 � compression. Graphs of compression vs. Ioad on popular � BLUE-GARD 3000, 3200 � gasketing styles are available upon request. Close toler- � GRAPH-LOCK 3125SS, 3125TC � ance sheet should be considered for applications requiring � GYLON 3500, 3504, 3510 � tight internal clearances such as split case pumps (see � IFG 5500* � 8459** Modulus of Elasticity). � 9200 � G-9900* CompressiveStress Undercompression: Underloaded gaskets will have � 2400 higher leak rates and lower blowout resistance than prop- erly loaded gaskets. This has a profound effect on perfor- Anti-Stick mance and is the most frequent cause of joint problems. While we prefer that gaskets be installed with only the factory-applied anti-stick, experience shows that additional Overcompression: Overcompression can lead to anti-stick is helpful in some situations, such as areas where crushing, which accelerates the degradation of the gasket flanges cannot be separated easily. Coatings should be as and can even cause immediate failure. light as possible. Dry powders are strongly recommended UnevenCompression: Gaskets resist blowout based over pastes and grease-type compounds, which can drasti- on the friction of the gasket against the flange. The higher cally reduce the crush strength and blowout resistance of the compressive load, both initially and during service, the the gasket. Additionally, grease or paste type materials higher the blowout resistance. When areas of high and may deteriorate or dissolve in service, leaving a possible low compression exist in a flange joint, the areas of low leak path across the gasket. compression are prime candidates for blowout. AviationGasoline CrushStrength Gasoline with a high octane number is used for prop Garlock recommends a maximum compressive stress driven airplane engines, as opposed to jet fuel for jet � of 15,000 psi on compressed fiber and GYLON gasket- engines. Aviation gasoline contains a high percentage of � � ing, and 10,000 psi on GRAPH-LOCK gasketing. The aromatics. GYLON is preferred; compressed sheet styles actual crush strength of these materials is typically higher with nitrile binders can be successful in some applications than that of homogeneous rubber. (see Jet Fuel). Consult Engineering if you are unsure. BubbleTests CryogenicService Some end users perform bubble tests of their sys- � We recommend our GYLON styles down to tem to check gasket tightness. This information is helpful -450�F (-268�C), and our compressed sheet gasketing is before specifying a gasket. Bubble tests are an extremely typically recommended to -100�F (-75�C). tough test for a gasketed joint, and may not be an ap- propriate means to verify correct installation. Lightweight DielectricBreakdownVoltage flanges with low available compressive load may never Many applications require a gasket which is not achieve "bubble tight" results. a good conductor of electricity. Garlock has dielectric breakdown voltage test data available on our most popular ChlorineService gasketing styles. Generally speaking, � � We recommend our GYLON styles for chlorine. The GYLON styles and compressed sheet that does not use style selection is made based on flange information. Style carbon or graphite fibers have high dielectric breakdown 3510 is listed in the Chlorine Institutes Pamphlet 95. values. Under humid or wet conditions, Styles 3504 and Garlock Metallic Gasket Division products are also listed, 3565 are particularly resistant to dielectric breakdown. � including the GRAPHONIC gasket. * Accepted for use where "fire safe" requirements are specified by ABS rules, and US Coast Guard regulations. ** Non-stocked item. C-49
Goodyear Rubber Products