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Quick Reference Selection Guide To be considered acceptable for a specific applica- tion, a product must meet the criteria in all four of the categories shown below. Acceptable values are marked with a " ". Also refer to chemical compatibility charts to verify chemical compatibility or call Garlock Engi- neering for assistance. This chart does not take special operation condi- tions into consideration. i.e., pressure surges, tempera- ture cycling and flange design. 1. Flange Metallic Materials Non-Metallic * 2. Continuous Ambient to 200�F Operating (20�C to 95�C) � Temperature IFG5500 200�F to 300�F (COT) (95�C to 150�C) ServiceGeneral 300�F to 400�F StyleG-9900 (150�C to 205�C) TemperatureHigh 400�F to 500�F Style3125SS/TC (205�C to 260�C) HighTemperature 500�F to 650�F StyleST-706 (260�C to 345�C) SteamSuperheatedSaturated, 650�F to 750�F � (345�C to 400�C) Style3500GYLON ChemicalsAggressive 750�F to 1200��F (400�C to 650�C) * Style3510GYLON� 3. Application Vacuum to 250 psig ChemicalsAggressive Pressure (Vacuum to 17 bar) � Style3545GYLON Vacuum to 1000 psig ChemicalsAggressive (Vacuum to 69 bar) Vacuum to 1500 psig (Vacuum to 103 bar) Vacuum to 2000 psig (Vacuum to 138 bar) 4. PxT Values 0 to 50,000 psig x �F (0 to 1,500 bar x �C) 0 to 350,000 psig x �F 1 2 (0 to 12,000 bar x �C) * 0 to 700,000 psig x �F 3 3 (0 to 25,000 bar x �C) * Consult Garlock Applications Engineering at 1-800-448-6688 WARNING: Properties/applicationsshown throughout this brochure are typical. Your specific applicationshould P x T max. = psig x �F (bar x �C) not be undertaken without independent study and evaluation for suitability. For specific application 1 � 1/8" thick IFG is rated at 250,000 P x T recommendations consult Garlock. Failure to select the proper sealing products could result in 2 1/8" thick ST-706 is rated at 500,000 P x T property damage and/or serious personal injury. 3 Performance data published in this brochure has been developedfrom field testing, customer field 1/8" thick G-9900 and 3125SS/TC are rated at 350,000 P x T reports and/or in-house testing. While the utmost care has been used in compiling this brochure, we assume no responsibility for errors. Specifications subject to change without notice. This edition cancels all previous issues. Subject to change without notice. GARLOCK is a registered trademark for packings, seals, gaskets, and other products of Gar- lock. C-3
Goodyear Rubber Products