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Garlock Gasketing Products The demands of modern applications make the choice Garlock gasketing products are manufactured in of the right sealing product an important consideration, completely modernized facilities. Tight quality controls are both in the design of new equipment and in choosing the used to assure product conformance to specifications and new products which will replace those no longer suitable. uniformity that results in unvarying performance on the job. Garlock is certified to ISO 9001:2000 standards and is This catalog provides some typical examples of appro- audited annually by the Nuclear Procurement and Issues priate applications, but is not intended to be a warranty of Committee (NUPIC). performance. All specific uses of sealing products require independent study and specific evaluation for suitability. Todays environmental concerns demand positive seals. Garlock gaskets provide that assurance, and Garlock will provide the technical assistance of its perform with proven reliability. Whether your industry is applications engineers, who will give you specific recom- chemical processing, hydrocarbon processing, power gen- mendations. Please consult us. We are ready to help you eration, pulp and paper, microelectronics or transportation, make the right choice. Choosing the wrong sealing prod- Garlock gasketing products are the logical choice. uct can result in property damage and/or serious personal injury. Do not rely on the general criteria, which may not Garlock also manufactures a wide range of elasto- suit your application as well as one that Garlock Engineer- meric and metallic gaskets. For products not listed in this ing can help you choose. Reliability and service to our catalog, contact Garlock customers is what the Garlock name means. . Let us help you choose the right product for your ap- plication. 1 1 P x T Graph for 1/32" and 1/16" Compressed Gasketing P x T Graph for 1/8" Compressed Gasketing 800 800 (427) (427) BLUE-GARD� 3000 BLUE-GARD� 3000 BLUE-GARD� 3200, BLUE-GARD� 3200, 700 700 3300, 3400, 3700 3300, 3400, 3700 (371) � (371) � IFG 5500, 5507 IFG 5500, 5507 G-9900, 9800, 9850 G-9900, 9800, 9850 ST-706 ST-706 600 600 (315) (315) 500 500 (260) (260) 400 400 (201) (201) 300 300 (150) (150) 200 200 (95) (95) 100 100 (38) (38) 0 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 (34.5) (69) (103.5) (138) (172.5) (34.5) (69) (103.5) (138) (172.5) Note: Style ST-706 is the only asbestos-free compressed sheet material recommended for superheated steam. Notes: 1. Based on ANSI RF flanges at our preferred torque. When approach- 2. Style ST-706 is the only asbestos-free compressed sheet material ing maximum pressure or continuous operating temperature, or 50% recommended for superheated steam. of maximum PxT, consult Garlock Applications Engineering. C-2
Goodyear Rubber Products