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Compressed Inorganic Fiber Gasketing Typical Physical Properties* ST-706 IFG�55004 IFG�55074 Color White Gray Sage Binder Nitrile (NBR) Nitrile (NBR) EPDM Temperature1 Maximum +1,000�F (+540�C) +800�F (+425�C) +800�F (+425�C) Minimum -100�F (-75�C) -100�F (-75�C) -100�F (-75�C) Continuous max. +750�F (+400�C) +550�F (+290�C) +550�F (+290�C) Pressure,1 continuous max. psig 1,500 1,200 1,200 (bar) (105) (83) (83) PxT,max.1 (psig x �F) 1/32", 1/16" 700,000 400,000 400,000 (bar x �C) (0.8 mm, 1.6 mm) (25,000) (14,000) (14,000) 1/8" 500,000 275,000 275,000 (3.2 mm) (18,500) (9,600) (9,600) Sealability(ASTM 2 F37B) ASTMFuelA ml/hr 0.5 0.2 0.1 Nitrogen ml/hr 4.0 1.0 0.5 CreepRelaxation (ASTM F38) % 18 15 20 CompressibilityRange (ASTM F36) % 7-17 7-17 7-17 Recovery (ASTM F36) % >50 >50 > 50 FluidResistance (ASTM F146 @ 5 hours) ASTM#1Oil at +300�F (+150�C) Thickness increase % 0-10 0-10 25-40 Weight increase % < 15 < 15 -- ASTMIRM#903Oil at +300�F (+150�C) Thickness increase % 0-15 0-15 60-90 Tensile loss % < 55 < 40 -- ASTMFuelAat +70-85�F (+20-30�C) Thickness increase % 0-15 0-10 10-30 Weight increase % < 20 < 10 -- ASTMFuelB +70-85�F (+20-30�C) Thickness increase % 0-20 0-15 15-35 Weight increase % < 20 < 15 -- TensileStrengthacross grain psi 1,400 1,500 1,500 2 (ASTM F152) (N/mm ) (9) (10) (10) Density 3 lbs/ft 105 110 110 3 (g/cm ) (1.68) (1.76) (1.76) GasPermeability 3 (DIN 3535 Part 4) cc/min. -- 0.05 0.04 This is a general guide and should not be the sole means of selecting*Valuesdonotconstitutespecificationlimits or rejecting this material. ASTM test results in accordance with ASTM All styles are furnished with an anti-stick parting agent as standard. F-104; properties based on 1/32" (0.8mm) sheet thickness. Nitrogen: Notes: 2 Gasket load = 4,640 psi (32 N/mm ), Int. pressure = 580 psig (40 bar) 1 Based on ANSI RF flanges at our preferred torque. When approach- 4 Saturated steam service guidelines: ing maximum pressure, continuous operating temperature, minimum � For optimal performance, use thinner gaskets when possible. temperature or 50% of maximum PxT, consult Garlock Engineering. � Minimum recommended assembly stress = 4,800 psi. 2 ASTM F37B Sealability � Preferred assembly stress = 6,000 psi to 10,000 psi. ASTM Fuel A (isooctane): � Retorque the bolts/studs prior to pressurizing the assembly. 2 Gasket load = 500 psi (3.5 N/mm ), Int. pressure = 9.8 psig (0.7 bar)Never retorque a pressurized assembly. Nitrogen: � If the service is superheated steam, contact Applications Engineering. 2 Gasket load = 3,000 psi (20.7 N/mm ), Int. pressure = 30 psig (2 bar) 3 DIN 3535 Part 4 Gas Permeability, cc/min. (1/16" thick) C-4
Goodyear Rubber Products