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control units Table 4: Control Units/Unanchored TableTable4:5:ControlControlUnitsUnits Table 6: Special Construction Pressures Control Units must be installed when pressures Series 240 & 242 Maximum Surge or Test Pipe Size (test � design � surge � operating) exceed rating below: 3 Heavyweight P.S.I.G. Pressure of System/PSIG Series 240 Series 242 Pipe Size 1" thru 8" 300 P.S.I.G. P.S.I.G. Number of Rods Required: 1" thru 4" 180 135 10" thru 12" 275 2 3 4 5" thru 10" 135 135 14" 200 12" thru 14" 90 90 8.375 0.375 0.625 1 949 -- -- 16" thru 20" 175 16" thru 24" 45 45 8.750 0.375 0.625 1.25 830 -- -- 22" thru 30" 160 26" thru 30" 35 35 9.125 0.375 0.625 1.5 510 -- -- 10.125 0.375 0.625 2 661 -- -- 11.125 0.375 1.000 2.5 529 -- -- 11.625 0.375 1.000 3 441 -- -- 12.625 0.375 1.000 3.5 365 547 729 Length Length 13.125 0.375 1.000 4 311 467 622 14.125 0.500 1.000 5 235 353 470 15.125 0.500 1.000 6 186 278 371 19.125 0.500 1.000 8 163 244 326 21.625 0.750 1.000 10 163 244 325 24.625 0.750 1.000 12 160 240 320 ControlRod 26.6251PlateO.D.(in)0.7501.00014112167 223 30.125 0.750 1.250 16 113 170 227 31.625 0.750 1.250 18 94 141 187 ControlRodPlate 34.125 0.750(in)Thickness1.2502079118 158 Metal 36.125 1.000 1.250 22 85 128 171 Metal Floating 38.625 1.000 1.250 24 74 110 147 Floating Flanges Rod Flanges Stabilizing Ring 40.825 1.000 1.2502 26 62 93 124 Diameter(in) 44.125 1.250 1.500 28 65 98 130 Figure 1. 46.375 1.250 1.500 Nominal3070 105 141 Figure 2. PipeSize(in) Style 240 NOTES: 1. Control Rod Plate O.D. installed dimension is based on aStyle 242 maximum O.D. PROCO would supply. (See Figures 3 & 4) Single Sphere Connector Twin Sphere Connector 2. Control Rod diameter is based on a maximum diameter PROCO would use to design a Control Rod. 3. Rod pressure ratings are based on metal conforming to F.S.A. standards and dimensions. Style 240 Single Sphere Connector Figure 3. Style 242 Twin Sphere Connector Figure 4. Control Rod/Unit Applications. Control unit assemblies are designed to absorb3. Spring-Mounted Equipment: Control unit assemblies are always rec- static pressure thrust developed at the expansion joint. When used in this man-ommended for spring-mounted equipment. Additionally, control unit ner, control unit assemblies are an additional safety factor, minimizing possibleassemblies must be used when maximum pressure exceeds the limits failure of the expansion joint or damage to equipment. (See Tables 4 & 5). shown in Tables 4 & 5, or the movement exceeds the rated movements as shown in Tables 2 & 3. 1. Anchored Systems: Control unit assemblies are not required in pip- ing systems that are anchored on both sides of the expansion joint, provided piping movements are within the rated movements as shownSpecial Applications. Certain Style 240 (Single Sphere) and 242 (Twin Sphere) in Tables 2 & 3. expansion joints are available in High-Pressure Designs. For specific pressures, 2. Unanchored Systems: Control unit assemblies are always required insee Table 6. Style designations are listed as 240-HW (sizes stocked in Table 2) unanchored systems. Additionally, control unit assemblies must be usedand 242-HA, 242-HB & 242-HC (sizes stocked in Table 3.) The High-Pressure when maximum pressure exceeds the limits shown in Table 4 & 5, orDesign is recommended when the connector is to be installed into ANSI 250/ the movement exceeds the rated movements as shown in Tables 2 & 3.300# piping systems.
Goodyear Rubber Products