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series 242 twin sphere expansion joints Table 3: Sizes � Movements � Pressures � Flange Standards � Weights 2 4 8 242 Movement Capability: From Neutral PositionPressure Standard Flange Bolting Dimensions Weight in lbs NOMINAL PROCO PIPE Size Neutral Style 1 I.D. Length Number 1 10.00 242-C 2.000 1.188 1.750 45 4.43 225 26 4.25 3.13 4 0.625 -- 5.2 3.6 7.0 242-A 225 0.625 1/2-13 UNC 5.3 3.5 1.25 7.0 242-HA 2.000 1.188 1.750 45 6.34 300 26 4.63 3.5 4 0.625 -- 6.5 3.5 10.00 242-C 225 0.625 -- 6.2 3.6 6.00 242-B 225 0.625 -- 6.1 4.6 6.00 242-HB 300 0.625 -- 7.6 4.6 1.5 7.00 242-A 2.000 1.188 1.750 45 6.49 225 26 5.0 3.88 4 0.625 1/2-11 UNC 6.8 4.8 7.00 242-HA Axial 300 0.625 -- 8.3 4.8 10.00 242-C Compression 225 0.625 -- 7.7 5.1 Inches 6.00 242-B 225 0.750 -- 9.0 6.6 6.00 242-HB 300 0.750 -- 10.5 6.6 2 7.00 242-A 2.000 1.188 1.750 45 7.07 225 26 6.0 4.75 4 0.750 5/8-11 UNC 9.0 7.0 7.00 242-HA Axial 300 0.750 -- 10.5 7.0 10.00 242-C Extension 235 0.750 -- 10.2 7.3 6.00 242-B Inches 225 0.750 -- 12.9 7.6 6.00 242-HB 300 0.750 -- 15.3 7.6 2.5 7.00 242-A 2.000 1.188 1.750 43 11.05 225 26 7.0 5.5 4 0.750 5/8-11 UNC 13.3 8.0 7.00 242-HA 300 0.750 -- 15.8 8.0 Lateral 10.00 242-C 225 0.750 -- 14.5 8.4 Deflection 7.00 242-A Inches 225 0.750 5/8-11 UNC 14.3 8.6 7.00 242-HA 300 0.750 -- 18.2 8.6 3 9.00 242-B 2.000 1.188 1.750 38 13.36 225 26 7.5 6.0 4 0.750 -- 15.2 9.0 10.00 242-C 225 0.750 -- 15.8 9.1 12.00 242-C Angular 300 0.750 -- 16.0 9.9 Deflection 3.5 10.00 242-C 2.000 1.188 1.750 34 18.67 225 26 8.5 7.0 8 0.750 -- 20.6 8.1 Degrees 9.00 242-A 225 0.750 5/8-11 UNC 20.3 8.0 9.00 242-HA 2.000 1.375 1.562 34 22.69 300 26 9.0 7.5 8 0.750 -- 26.4 8.0 4 10.00 242-C 225 0.750 -- 21.3 8.2 12.00 242-C 3Thrust 225 0.750 3/4-10 UNC 22.0 8.2 9.00 242-A Factor 225 0.875 -- 24.5 8.3 9.00 242-HA 2.000 1.375 1.562 29 30.02 300 26 10.0 8.5 8 0.875 -- 31.4 8.3 5 10.00 242-C 225 0.875 -- 25.5 9.1 12.00 242-C 225 0.875 -- 26.0 9.1 5 Positive 9.00 242-A 225 0.875 3/4-10 UNC 29.5 11.7 9.00 242-HA 300PSIG 0.875 -- 38.6 11.7 6 10.00 242-C 2.000 1.375 1.562 25 41.28 225 26 11.0 9.5 8 0.875 -- 30.5 11.9 12.00 242-C 225 0.875 -- 31.0 12.0 14.00 242-C 225 6 0.875 -- 32.0 12.0 Vacuum 9.00 242-B 225 InchesofHg 0.875 -- 42.3 14.5 9.00 242-HB 300 0.875 -- 55.4 14.5 10.00 242-C 225 0.875 -- 43.4 15.0 8 12.00 242-C 2.375 1.375 1.375 19 63.62 225 26 13.5 11.75 8 0.875 -- 44.0 15.2 13.00 242-A 225 0.875 3/4-10 UNC 43.8 15.4 FlangeO.D. 13.00 242-HA 300 0.875 -- 57.5 15.4 14.00 242-C 225 Inches 0.875 -- 46.0 16.0 12.00 242-B 225 1.000 -- 64.1 23.5 12.00 242-HB 275 1.000 -- 86.5 23.5 10 13.00 242-A 2.375 1.375 1.375 15 103.87 225 26 16.0 14.25BoltCircle121.0007/8-9 UNC 65.5 24.5 13.00 242-HA 275 Inches 1.000 -- 88.4 24.5 14.00 242-C 225 1.000 -- 66.7 24.5 12.00 242-B 225 1.000 -- 94.0 30.0 12.00 242-HB 275 Numberof1.000 -- 110.0 30.0 12 13.00 242-A 2.375 1.375 1.375 13 137.89 225 26 19.0 17.00 12Holes1.000 7/8-9 UNC 95.0 31.0 13.00 242-HA 275 1.000 -- 110.0 31.0 14.00 242-C 225 1.000 -- 99.1 31.0 SizeofHoles 12.00 242-C 150 1.125 -- 110.0 30.5 14 13.75 242-A 1.750 1.118 1.118 9 182.65 150 26 19.0 18.75 12 1.125Inches-- 112.0 32.0 13.75 242-HA 200 1.125 -- 144.0 32.0 12.00 242-C 125 1.125 -- 124.0 28.8 12.00 242-HC 175 1.125 -- 160.0 28.8 16 13.75 242-A 1.750 1.118 1.118 8 240.53 125 26 23.5 21.25 16 1.125 7HoleBolt--132.0 30.8 13.75 242-HA 175 1.125 -- 170.2 30.8 Thread 12.00 242-C 125 1.250 -- 138.0 35.1 18 13.75 242-A 1.750 1.118 1.118 7 298.65 125 26 25.0 22.75 16 1.250 -- 146.0 36.1 13.75 242-HA 175 1.250 -- 181.2 36.1 12.00 242-C 125 1.250 -- &JointExp.172.035.0 20 13.75 242-A 1.750 1.118 1.118 7 363.05 125 26 27.5 25.0 20 1.250 -- 182.0Flanges35.5 13.75 242-HA 175 1.250 -- 182.0 35.5 22 12.00 242-C 1.750 1.118 1.118 6 433.74 115 26 29.5 27.25 20 1.375 -- 181.0 35.5 Control 12.00 242-C 110 1.375 -- 190.0 47.0UnitSet 24 13.75 242-A 1.750 1.118 1.118 5 510.70 110 26 32.5 29.5 20 -- -- 220.0 48.0(2Rod) 13.75 242-HA 160 1.375 -- 266.2 48.0 26 12.00 242-C 1.750 1.118 1.118 5 593.96 110 26 34.25 31.75 24 1.375 -- 243.0 52.0 30 12.00 242-C 1.750 1.118 1.118 4 779.31 110 26 38.75 36.0 28 1.375 -- 270.0 62.0 Standard PROCO Style 242-A Expansion Joints shown in Bold Type are considered Standards and inventoried in large quantities. Installation Note: Install at the neutral length dimension as shown in Tables 2 & 3. Make NOTES: 1. "HA", "HB", and "HC" denote Heavy Weight Construction. 2. Movements stated are non-concurrent. sure the mating flanges are FLAT-FACE TYPE. When attaching beaded 3. To determine End Thrust: Multiply Thrust Factor by Operating Pressure of System.end flanged expansion joints to raised face flanges, the use of ring This is End Thrust in pounds. gaskets are required to prevent metal flange faces from cutting rubber 4. Pressure rating is based on 170�F operating temperature. The pressure rating is bead during installation. Care must be taken when pushing the joint reduced slightly at higher temperatures. 5. Pressures shown are maximum "operating pressure." Test pressure is 1.5 into the breech between the mating flanges so as not to roll the times "operating pressure." Burst pressure is approximately 4 times "operating pressure."leading edge of the joint out of its flange groove. 6. Vacuum rating is based on neutral installed length, without external load. Products should not be installed "extended" on vacuum applications. Precompression Note: 7. Style 240-AV/NN (Neoprene elastomer only) expansion joints 1.25" I.D. � 12.0" I.D. come withJoint must be precompressed approximately 1/8" to 3/16" in order to tapped holes in lieu of drilled holes. obtain a correct installed face-to-face dimension. 8. All expansion joints are furnished complete with flanges. Control units are required on applications where movements could exceed rated capabilities.
Goodyear Rubber Products