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concentric reducer expansion joints /BB Butyl /NN Neoprene Axial Compression Axial Extension Lateral� Deflection Table 2: Sizes � Movements � Pressures �Weights �Angular Stock RC-221 Open Arch Capacity: FromDeflection1 Neutral PositionWeight/PoundsStockRCFA-221 Filled Arch Capability: From Neutral PositionWeight/PoundsPressure EXPANSIONConcentricJOINTS Torsional JointSize Movement2 Expansion Expansion Joint Joint ThrustOpen Filled I.D. x I.D. xLength Inches Inches Inches Degree DegreeFactor3Arch Inches Inches Inches Degree DegreeArch PSIG In. Hg 2 x 1 x 6 *S X .5 .25 .5 18.4� 3� 12.69 3 3 6 X X .25 .125 .3 9.5� 1.8� 3.14 3 3 6 200 26 2 x 1.5 x 6 *S X .5 .25 .5 15.9� 3� 14.32 3 3 6 X S .25 .125 .3 8.1� 1.8� 3.14 3 3 6 200 26 2.5 x 1.5 x 6 *S X .5 .25 .5 14.1� 3� 16.04 4 3 7 X X .25 .125 .3 7.2� 1.8� 4.97 4 3 7 200 26 2.5 x 2 x 6 *S X .5 .25 .5 12.5� 3� 17.87 3 4 7 S X .25 .125 .3 6.4� 1.8� 4.97 3 4 7 200 26 3 x 1 x 6 *X X .5 .25 .5 14.0� 3� 16.04 4 Retaining47 X X .25 .125 .3 6.4� 1.8� 7.06 4 4 7 200 26 3 x 1.5 x 6 *S X .5 .25 .5 12.5� 3� 17.87 4 4RingSet7 S X .25 .125 .3 6.4� 1.8� 7.06 4 4 7 200 26 3 x 2 x 6 *S S .5 .25 .5 11.3� 3� 19.79 4 4 7 S S .25 .125 .3 5.7� 1.8� 7.06 4 4 7 200 26 3 x 2.5 x 6 *S X .5 .25 .5 10.3� 3� 21.81 5 5 7 X X .25 .125 .3 5.2� 1.8� 7.06 5 5 7 200 26 Control 4 x 2 x 6 *S S .5 .25 .5 9.5� 3� 23.93 5 5 SetRod7S S .25 .125 .3 4.8� 1.8� 12.57 5 5 7 200 26 4 x 2 x 7 *S S .5 .25 .5 9.5� 3� 23.93 5 5 7 X S .25 .125 .3 4.8� 1.8� 12.57 5 5 7 200 26 4 x 2.5 x 6 *S S .5 .25 .5 8.7� 3� 26.14 5 6 8 X S .25 .125 .3 4.4� 1.8� 12.57 5 6 8 200 26 /BB 4 x 2.5 x 7 *S X .5 .25 .5 8.7� 3� 26.14 6 6 8 X X .25 .125 .3 4.4� 1.8� 12.57 6 6 8 200 26 Butyl 4 x 3 x 6 *S X .5 .25 .5 8.1� 3� 28.46 6 6 8 S S .25 .125 .3 4.1� 1.8� 12.57 6 6 8 200 26 4 x 3 x 7 *S X .5 .25 .5 8.1� 3� 28.46 6 6 8 X S .25 .125 .3 4.1� 1.8� 12.57 6 6 8 200 26 5 x 3 x 6 *S X .5 .25 .5 7.1� 3� 33.38 6 6 10 X /NNX .25 .125 .3 3.6� 1.8� 19.63 6 6 10 190 26 5 x 4 x 6 *S X .5 .25 .5 6.3� 3� 38.70 8 7 10 X SNeoprene .25.125.3 3.2�1.8� 19.63 8 7 10 190 26 5 x 4 x 8 *S X .5 .25 .5 6.3� 3� 38.70 8 7 10 X X .25 .125 .3 3.2� 1.8� 19.63 9 7 10 190 26 Axial 6 x 2 x 8 *S X .5 .25 .5 7.1� 3� 33.38 8 6 12 X S .25 .125 .3 3.6� 1.8� 28.27 9 6 12 190 26 6 x 2.5 x 6 *S X .5 .25 .5 6.7� 3� 35.99 6 7 12 X X .25Compression.125.33.4�1.8�28.276 7 12 190 26 6 x 3 x 6 *S S .5 .25 .5 6.3� 3� 38.70 7 7 12 S S .25 .125 .3 3.2� 1.8� 28.27 7 7 12 190 26 6 x 3 x 8 *X X .5 .25 .5 6.3� 3� 38.70 9 7 13 X X .25 Axial.125.3 3.2�1.8� 28.27 10 7 13 190 26 6 x 3 x 9 *S S .5 .25 .5 6.3� 3� 38.70 9 7 13 X S .25 .125Extension.33.2�1.8�28.2710 7 13 190 26 6 x 4 x 6 *S S .5 .25 .5 5.7� 3� 44.41 8 7 11 S S .25 .125 .3 2.9� 1.8� 28.27 8 7 11 190 26 6 x 4 x 8 *S X .5 .25 .5 5.7� 3� 44.41 9 7 11 X S .25 .125 �Lateral.32.9�1.8�28.279 7 11 190 26 6 x 4 x 9 *S S .5 .25 .5 5.7� 3� 44.41 11 7 11 X X .25 .125 .3Deflection2.9�1.8�28.27127 11 190 26 6 x 5 x 6 *S S .5 .25 .5 5.2� 3� 50.51 9 8 11 S S .25 .125 .3 2.6� 1.8� 28.27 9 8 11 190 26 6 x 5 x 9 *S S .5 .25 .5 5.2� 3� 50.51 12 8 12 X X .25 .125 .3 2.6� 1.8� 28.27 13 8 12 190 26 �Angular 8 x 3 x 6 *S X .75 .375 .5 7.8� 3� 56.64 9 9 19 X S .375 .188 .3 3.9� 1.8� 50.27 10 9 19 190 26 Deflection1 8 x 4 x 6 *S S .75 .375 .5 7.1� 3� 63.51 10 9 19 S S .375 .188 .3 3.6� 1.8� 50.27 10 9 19 190 26 8 x 4 x 8 *S X .75 .375 .5 7.1� 3� 63.51 11 9 20 S X .375 .188 .3 3.6� 1.8� 50.27 12 9 20 190 26 8 x 4 x 10* X X .75 .375 .5 7.1� 3� 63.51 15 9 21 X X .375 .188 .3 3.6� Torsional1.8�50.27179 21 190 26 8 x 4 x 11* S S .75 .375 .5 7.1� 3� 63.51 15 9 21 X X .375 .188 .3 3.6� 1.8Movement2�50.27179 21 190 26 8 x 5 x 6 *S X .75 .375 .5 6.6� 3� 70.77 10 10 18 X X .375 .188 .3 3.3� 1.8� 50.27 11 10 18 190 26 8 x 5 x 11* S S .75 .375 .5 6.6� 3� 70.77 15 10 21 X X .375 .188 .3 3.3� 1.8� 50.27 16 10 21 190 26 8 x 6 x 6 *S S .75 .375 .5 6.1� 3� 78.42 12 10 18 S S .375 .188 .3 3.1� 1.8� 50.27Thrust1210 18 190 26 3 8 x 6 x 8 *S S .75 .375 .5 6.1� 3� 78.42 14 10 18 S S .375 .188 .3 3.1� 1.8� 50.27Factor1410 18 190 26 8 x 6 x 11 *S S .75 .375 .5 6.1� 3� 78.42 18 10 20 X S .375 .188 .3 3.1� 1.8� 50.27 18 10 20 190 26 10 x 5 x 8 *S X .75 .375 .5 5.7� 3� 86.46 19 11 27 X X .375 .188 .3 2.9� 1.8� 78.54 21 11 27 190 26 10 x 6 x 8 *S X .75 .375 .5 5.4� 3� 94.90 15 11 26 S S .375 .188 .3 2.8� 1.8� 78.54 15 11 26 190 26 10 x 6 x 12* S S .75 .375 .5 5.4� 3� 94.90 21 11 28 X S .375 .188 .3 2.8� 1.8� 78.54 22 11 28 190 26 10 x 8 x 6 *S X .75 .375 .5 4.8� 3� 112.95 14 13 25 S X .375 .188 .3 2.4� 1.8� 78.54 14 Retaining132519026 10 x 8 x 8 *S S .75 .375 .5 4.8� 3� 112.95 18 13 25 X S .375 .188 .3 2.4� 1.8� 78.54 20 13 25 190 26 SetRing 10 x 8 x 12* S X .75 .375 .5 4.8� 3� 112.95 20 13 28 X X .375 .188 .3 2.4� 1.8� 78.54 23 13 28 190 26 12 x 6 x 8 *S S .75 .375 .5 4.8� 3� 112.95 19 15 29 S S .375 .188 .3 2.4� 1.8� 113.10 22 15 29 190 26 Control 12 x 6 x 14* S X .75 .375 .5 4.8� 3� 112.95 30 15 31 X X .375 .188 .3 2.4� 1.8� 113.10 35 15 31 190 26 RodSet 12 x 8 x 6 *S S .75 .375 .5 4.3� 3� 132.57 19 17 28 S S .375 .188 .3 2.2� 1.8� 113.10 19 17 28 190 26 12 x 8 x 8 *S S .75 .375 .5 4.3� 3� 132.57 24 17 29 S S .375 .188 .3 2.2� 1.8� 113.10 24 17 29 190 26 12 x 8 x 14 *S X .75 .375 .5 4.3� 3� 132.57 30 17 30 X X .375 .188 .3 2.2� 1.8� 113.10 35 17 30 Positive19026 12 x 10 x 8 *S S .75 .375 .5 3.9� 3� 153.77 23 18 24 S S .375 .188 .3 1.9� 1.8� 113.10 24 18 24 190Pressure26 12 x 10 x 14*S X .75 .375 .5 3.9� 3� 153.77 35 18 26 X X .375 .188 .3 1.9� 1.8� 113.10 38 18 26 190 26 14 x 8 x 8 *S X .75 .375 .5 3.9� 2� 177.09 22 18 29 X X .375 .188 .3 1.9� 1.2� 153.94 22 18 29 130 Vacuum26 14 x 10 x 8 *S S .75 .375 .5 3.6� 2� 201.46 30 19 29 S S .375 .188 .3 1.8� 1.2� 153.94 32 19 29 130 26 14 x 10 x 10*X X .75 .375 .5 3.6� 2� 201.46 31 19 30 X X .375 .188 .3 1.8� 1.2� 153.94 25 19 33 130 26 14 x 12 x 8 *S S .75 .375 .5 3.3� 2� 227.40 32 23 27 S X .375 .188 .3 1.7� 1.2� 153.94 33 23 27 130 26 16 x 10 x 8 *S X .75 .375 .5 3.3� 2� 227.40 31 21 36 S X .375 .188 .3 1.7� 1.2� 201.06 31 21 36 110 26 16 x 10 x 10*X S .75 .375 .5 3.3� 2� 227.40 34 21 39 X X .375 .188 .3 1.7� 1.2� 201.06 35 21 39 110 26 16 x 12 x 8 *S X .75 .375 .5 3.1� 2� 254.92 36 25 36 S S .375 .188 .3 1.5� 1.2� 201.06 39 25 36 110 26 16 x 14 x 8 *S X .75 .375 .5 2.9� 2� 284.00 38 26 37 S S .375 .188 .3 1.4� 1.2� 201.06 42 26 37 110 26 18 x 12 x 8 *S X .75 .375 .5 2.9� 1� 284.00 37 26 37 S X .375 .188 .3 1.4� 0.6� 254.47 37 26 37 110 26 18 x 12 x 12*X X .75 .375 .5 2.9� 1� 284.00 41 27 42 X X .375 .188 .3 1.4� 0.6� 254.47 41 27 42 110 26 18 x 14 x 8 *S X .75 .375 .5 2.7� 1� 314.65 41 27 37 X S .375 .188 .3 1.3� 0.6� 254.47 41 27 37 110 26 18 x 16 x 8 *S X .75 .375 .5 2.5� 1� 346.88 40 29 34 X S .375 .188 .3 1.2� 0.6� 254.47 40 29 34 110 26 For Sizes Not Shown: I.D. x I.D. � U-Type, Double or Triple Arch � Contact Factory for Proco Series 100. NOTES: *This length meets length required by ANSIB-16, B-16.24 andDistributed by:Rev.11/99 2431 Wigwam Dr. (95205) B-16.5.Lengths ofallsizesmeetF.S.A.specifications. P.O. Box 590 � Stockton, CA 1. The amount of Angular Movement is based on the maximum EXPANSION JOINTS 95201-0590 � USA allowable Extension Movement from Neutral. Angular Move- mentcanbeincreased, if it is in conjunction withCompres- sionMovement. 2. TorsionalMovement is expressed when the expansion joint is TOLL FREE PHONE: (800) 344-3246 NATIONWIDE AND CANADAatNeutral. FACSIMILE: (209) 943-0242 3. Todetermine End-Thrust: multiplyThrust Factor by operating (209) 943-6088 INTERNATIONAL pressuresof system.ThistotalisEndThrustinP.S.I.G. email: 4. Pressure rating is basedon170�F Operating Temperature.At higher temperatures, the pressure is slightly reduced. Mini- website: mum BurstPressures is4:1. WARNING:Expansion joints mayoperate in pipelines orequipmentcarryingfluids andorgases at elevatedtemperatures and pressures. Normal precautionsshould be taken tomake surethesepartsare installed correctly andinspectedregularly.Precautions shouldbe takento protect personnelin the eventof leakageorsplash. Note: Piping must beproperlyalignedand anchoredto preventdamage toanexpansion joint.Movementmustnotexceedspecifiedratings andcontrol unitsarealwaysrecommended toprevent damageintheevent other anchoring in thissystem fails.Propertiesapplicationsshown throughoutthis data sheet are typical.Thisinformation doesnot constitute awarrantyor representation andweassumenolegalresponsibility orobligation with respect theretoand theusetowhich suchinformation maybe put. Yourspecificapplication shouldnot be undertaken withoutindependent study and evaluation for suitability.
Goodyear Rubber Products