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TM RC-221 RCFA- 221 SERIES concentric reducer expansion joints a replacement for "sound transmitting" metallic reducers. Pipe-Wall sound loses energy The PROCO Series RC-221 Rubber ConcentricReducer Expansion Joint, often called a and is absorbed as the noise carried by the piping enters and exits the rubber section. "Taper", serves as a reducing element to transition from one pipe size toanother. Con- Fluid-borne noise is absorbed by the volumetric expansion (breathing) of the connector. centric in design, each flange-end shares the same common center-line. The PROCO This action cushions water hammer, and smooths out pumping impulses. Rubber Reducer is engineered to replace metallicor rubber-lined reducersused to pro- vide unequal diameter connections of:piping and/or operating equipment applicationsIsolates Vibrations And Motion. Vibration originating from mechanical equipment is ab- such as:Pumps, Chillers,Cooling Towers,Compressors, Blowers, Fans, Absorption Ma-sorbed by the PROCO Series RC-221. Rubber connectors should be installed right after chines, etc. Installed nextto mechanicalequipmentor between the anchor points of aand ahead of the equipment generating the vibration, thus isolating the equipment. Most piping system, specify thePROCO Series RC-221 to: (1) AbsorbPipeMovement/Stress,machinery vibrates ina radial direction from the main shaft. For optimum performance the (2) ReduceSystem Noise, (3) Isolate MechanicalVibration, (4)Compensate Alignment/PROCO connector should be installed horizontally and parallel to this shaft. Vertical and Offset, (5) EliminateElectrolysis,(6) Protect Against Start-up/Surge Forces. ThePROCOperpendicular installations are also acceptable as the PROCO Reducer will accept both Series RC-221 is engineered for tough,demanding, industrial andcommercial applica-axial and lateral movements and vibration. Installations of the Series RC-221 in a system tions, as found in: Air Conditioning-Heatingand Ventilating Systems, Chemical-Petro-enables isolated equipment tomovefreely on its vibration mountings. Note: Formaximum chemicaland IndustrialProcessPiping Systems, Power Generating Plants,SteelMills,vibration transmissionreduction,thepiping sectionbeyondthe rubberconnector mustbe MarineServices,Pulp/Paper Systems, Water-Wastewater-Sewage and Pollution Controlanchored or sufficiently rigid. Systems, where metallic reducers used in conjunction with metal hose or expansion Chemical Or Abrasive Service Capability At Minimal Cost. Expensive, exotic metal or joints mayhave beenpreviously usedor specified. Our historyin manufacture of expan- rubber lined reducers for chemical service can be replaced with the PROCO Rubber sion joint products dates back to 1930. PROCO Products is a member of the Rubber Reducer. Fabricated with low-cost chemical resistant elastomers such as: Chlorobutyl, Expansion Joint Division, Fluid Sealing Association. When a rubber expansion joint is EPDM, Hypalon, Neoprene and Nitrile; insures a rubber connectorcompatible withthefluid needed to solve a piping systemproblem, call PROCO. being pumped or piped. (See Table 1) Our Neoprene, Natural/Gum and filled arch products Traditionaldesign when using a metallic reducer incorporates theuse of a flexible elementshould be specified when handling abrasive slurries. Use the PROCO "Chemical to Elas- such as an expansion joint or metal hose to absorb the vibrations and movements of thetomer Guide" to specify an elastomer for your requirement. system. The PROCO Series RC-221 Reducer combines the basic shape and dimensions Reduces System Stress And Strain/Compensate For Misalignment. Rigidattachment of of the metal reducer and the movement-soundreduction-vibration-absorbing features of a piping to critical or mechanical equipment can produce excessive loading. Thermal or flexible element into one unit. Here are some of the many advantages: mechanically created strain-stress-shock are cushioned and absorbed with the installa- � Less System Installation Space: tion of aflexible low "force-to-deflect" PROCO Rubber Reducer. The PROCO StyleRC-221 The PROCO RC-221 replaces a metal reducer and a flexible element. Thuslessspace isadds aflexible component that isautomatically self-correcting for misalignment created by required and valves of other equipment can be more conveniently located.structural movements caused by settling, expansion or ground shifts. � Less InstallationCost: Flange And Retaining Ring Drilling. All PROCO rings are coated to prevent corrosionand The PROCO RC-221 costs less then the metal reducer and flexible element that aredimensionally drilled to ANSI 125/150# standards. In accordance withANSI, all bolthole replaced. Additionally, standard joints (as listed in Table 1 and the "stock" section inpairs "straddle" the center line. Hole drilling on center line, other drilling standards or Table 2) can be shipped same day as order placement. materials such as: 304 or 316 Stainless and Bronze are available on special order. Engineered For YourApplication: ThePROCO RubberReducermaterials consistof rubberLessTurbulence Or Material Entrapment. The molded integral flange of the PROCO Rub- and fabric which are formed and cured in a heated compression mold using an exclusiveberReducer joins the body at a true 90 degree angle. Our product will install snug against high-pressure press. The thick outer-cover and interior-tube are of an elastomer espe-the mating pipe flange without voids. Because this flange-body angle is difficult to form, cially compounded to satisfy the Chemical-Temperature requirement of your application.many competitors severely radius this edge angle. The resulting void can create flow Available styles include: turbulence, allow for material entrapment and/or bacteria growth. Avoid these problems by specifying PROCO. � Style RC-221: Featuresone Open Arch for maximum movement, and good noise-vibrationcontrol. OurExclusive Sealing Bead Means A Quick Seal. We have builtan "O-Ring" on each flange- most popular style. (See Figure 1) face ofthe SeriesRC-221. Available only from PROCO, our productseals faster with less torque at installation and less long-term maintenance. For exclusive design features, � Style-RCFA-221: specify PROCO. Features one Filled Arch, is generally specified for slurry or abrasive services. Provides HighPressureWith FullSafetyFactors. We haveassigned conservative pressure ratings noise and vibration control but less movement than Style RC-221. (See Figure 2) to the Series RC-221. However, the ratings meet or exceed the requirements of the Rubber Absorbs Pipe-Wall And Fluid-BorneNoise. The PROCOquiet-operating Series RC-221 is Expansion Joint Division, Fluid Sealing Association, for Series A, B, and C. More impor- tantly, our conservative ratingsare fully tested andbased on a minimumfour-to-one safety factor. With competitive products the safety factor is often calculated or unknown. For Table 1: Available Styles � Materials � Temperatures � Stock pressure protection,specify PROCO. For Specific Elastomer TM PROCO "Chemical to Elastomer Guide" Recommendations, See: Visit Our Website: Style Numbers Type of Elastomer PROCOTM PROCOTM Maximum4 Branding F.S.A. email: Material Cover/ Tube/ Operating Label Material Code Outside Inside Temp. �F Color Class S S /BB Butyl Butyl 250� Black Special II X X /EE EPDM EPDM 250� Red Special II X X /NH Neoprene Hypalon1 230� Green Standard II X7 X7 /NN3 Neoprene Neoprene 230� Blue Standard II X X /NP Neoprene Nitrile 230� Yellow Standard II X X /NR Neoprene Natural2 180� White Standard I NOTES: 1.Hypalon is a trademark of E.I. duPont Nemours & Co. 2.Filled Arch is Tan-Gum, Open Arch is Black-Natural. 3.Material NN meets all requirements of U.S.C.G. 4.In applications where pressure is less than 15 PSIG, temperature may be increased. 5.All products are reinforced with synthetic fabric plies. 6.MaterialAvailability: X=Special Order,S=Standard Stock. 7.Certain sizes instock, call for availability. 8.To Order, provide: 1. Size (I.D. x Length), 2. Style Number, 3. Material Code.
Goodyear Rubber Products