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molded wide arch expansion joints Figure 1: Detail Of Style 261R Neutral Length EquallySpaced A RetainingRings EquallySpaced Control Retaining Bolt Bolt Holes Bolt Holes Rings Rubber Hole A Rod Plate Washer D ia. s Steel Washer Bo lt A A Ci rc le Standard AxialCompression Split Pipe Inch/(mm) Flange Optional AxialExtension Section AA Compression Sleeve (mm)/Inch Table 2: Sizes � Movements � Spring Rates � Pressures � Weights � Drilling O.D.RingRet.&Flange DeflectionLateralNominalPipeSize1 Operating4 5 7 261R Movement Capability:Inch/(mm)I.D.JointFrom Neutral PositionSpring RatesWeights in lbs / (kgs)Flange Dimensions and Drilling Conditions DeflectionAngular Degrees EXPANSION NEUTRAL JOINT SIZE LENGTH 2TorsionalRotation Degrees Nom. I.D. x Inch / (mm) Inch / (mm) 3 ThrustFactor In2/(cm2) 0.625 0.750 11.04 126 182 149 225 24 1.3 2.5 2.3 5.00 3.88 0.625 1.5 (40) 28� 5� 4 (16) (19) (71) ForcePoundsfor1"(22)(32)(26)(15.5)(610)(0.59)(1.1)(1.0)(127.0) (98.55) (15.88) CompressionAxial 0.625 0.750 14.18 132/lb/in(N/mm)158130 225 24 1.7 4.0 2.8 6.00 4.75 0.750 2 (50) 25� 5� B o 4 (16) (19) (92) (23) ltC (28) (23) (15.5) (610) (0.77) (1.8) (1.3) (152.4) (120.65) (19.05) i ForcePoundsfor1"Rrecl t.e RAxialExtension 0.625 0.750 17.71 128 141ing 111 225 24 2.1 4.5 2.8 7.00 5.50 0.750 2.5 (65) 20� 5� I 4 (16) (19) (114) (22) (25)/(N/mm)lb/in.D . (19) (15.5) (610) (0.95) (2.0) (1.3) (177.8) (139.70) (19.05) ForcePoundsfor1" 0.625 0.750 21.64 139 208 133 225 24 2.4 5.5 2.8 7.50 6.00 0.750 3 (80) 18� 5� DeflectionLateral 4 (16) (19) (140) (24) (36) (23) (15.5) (610) (1.0) (2.5) (1.3) (190.5) (152.40) (19.05) 6 (150) 1.5 lb/in/(N/mm) (38) 0.625 0.750 30.66 110 180 105 225 24 3.2 6.0 2.8 9.00 7.50 0.750 4 (100) 14� 4� 8 (16) (19) (198) (19) (32) (18) (15.5) (610) (1.4) (2.7) (1.3) (228.6) (190.50) (19.05) (Bar)/PSIGPositive 0.625 0.750 41.26 143 190 136 225 24 3.6 8.5 4.0 10.00 8.50 0.875 5 (125) 13� 4� 8 (16) (19) (266) (25) (33) (24) (15.5) (610)Vacuum(1.6)(3.9)(1.8)(254.0) (215.90) (22.23) Hg)of(mm/HgofInches 0.625 0.750 53.43 136 166 147 225 24 4.9 9.5 4.0 11.00 9.50 0.875 6 (150) 12� 4� 8 (16) (19) (345) (24) (29) (26) (15.5) (610) (2.2) (4.3) (1.8) (279.4) (241.30) (22.23) JointExpansion 0.625 0.750 82.47 226 230 210 210 24 7.7CircleBoltRodControl 11.750.875 8 (200) 12� 4� 8 (16) (19) (532) (40) (40) (37) (14.8) (610) (3.5) O.D.RingFlange/Retaining (6.6)(3.6)(342.9) (298.45)(22.23) CircleBolt RetainingRingSet 0.750 1.0 135.13 248 381 281 210 24 13.9 17.0 10.0 16.00 14.25 1.000 10 (250) 12� 4� 12 (19) (25) (872) (43) (67) (49) (14.8) (610) (6.3) (7.7) (4.5) (406.4) (361.95) (25.40) 6 ControlUnit 0.750 1.0 179.46 378 493 409 210 24 19.5 24.5 10.0 Assembly19.00 17.00 1.000 12 (300) 11� 4� 12 (19) (25) (1158) (66) (86) (72) (14.8) (610) (8.8) (11.0) (4.5) (482.6) (431.80) (25.40) ExpansionofO.D. 0.750 1.0 230.08 423 592 497 150 24 22.7 27.0 12.0 21.00 18.75 1.125 14 (350) 11� 3� JointRing/ 12 (19) (25) (1484) (74) (104) (87) (10.3) (610) (10.3)(12.3) (5.4) (533.4)Inch/(mm) (476.25)(28.58) 2.25 8 (200) (57) 0.750 1.0 286.98 432 606 509 150 24 26.8 33.5 15.0 23.50 21.25 1.125 16 (400) 10� 3� CircleBolt16 (19) (25) (1852) (76) (106) (89) (10.3) (610) (12.2)(15.3) (6.8) (596.9) (539.75) (28.58) (mm)/InchNominal PipeSize 0.750 1.0 350.15 543 761 690 150 24 29.5 34.0 16.0 25.00 22.75 1.250 18 (450) 8� 3� JointI.D. 16 (19) (25) (2259) (95) (133) (121) (10.3) (610) (13.4)(15.5) (7.2) (635.0) (577.85)ofNumberHoles(31.75) 0.750 1.0 419.61 628 829 776 150 24 31.8 38.0 16.0 27.50 25.00 1.250 20 (500) 8� 3� 20 (19) (25) (2707) (110) (145) (136) (10.3) (610) (17.3)(17.3) (7.2)(698.50) (635.00) (31.75)SizeofHoles Inch/(mm) Notes: DISTRIBUTED BY: TM Series 261R Products Are 1. Movements shown are non-concurrent. PROCO 2. Torsional movement is expressedwhen the expansion joint isat neutral length. Designed To Absorb Different 3. To determine "end thrust,"multiplythrustfactor by operating pressure of system. 4. Pressure rating is based on194�F operating temperature.At higher temperatureMovements Concurrently. the pressurerating is slightly reduced.Vacuumrating is expressed when expansion joint is at neutral length. 5. Weightsare approximate. 6. Controlunitweight consists of one rod, four washers, three nuts and twocontrol rod plates. Multiply number of control units needed for application (as specified in theFluidSealing AssociationTechnical Handbook) to determinecorrectweights. Axial Compression Axial Elongation 7. Dimensions shown are in accordancewith 125/150#standards of ANSI B-16.1, B-16.24, B-16.5; AWWA C-207 Table 1 and 2 ClassD. Warning: Expansion joints may operate in pipelines or equipment carrying 2431 North Wigwam Dr. (95205) fluids and/or gasesatelevatedtemperaturesandpressures.Normal precau- Angular Movement Torsional Movement P.O. Box 590 � Stockton, CA tions should be taken to make sure these parts are installed correctly and BendingOfThe CenterlineRotation AboutThe Centerline (Twist)inspected regularly. Precautions shouldbe taken to protect personnel in the 95201-0590 � USA PROCO PRODUCTS, INC. event of leakage or splash. Note: Piping must be properly aligned and an- chored to prevent damagetoan expansionjoint.Movementmustnotexceed specifiedratings and controlunitsarealwaysrecommendedtopreventdam- TOLL-FREE PHONE: (800) 344-3246 NATIONWIDE AND CANADA age in the eventother anchoring in the systemfails. Propertiesapplications FACSIMILE: (209) 943-0242 shown throughoutthisdatasheetaretypical.Thisinformation doesnotcon- (209) 943-6088 INTERNATIONAL stitute awarrantyor representation and weassumeno legal responsibility or email: Lateral Movement Absorbing Vibration obligation with respect thereto and the use to which such information may website: Shear OrPerpendicular ToCenterline be put. Your specific application should not be undertakenwithout indepen- dent studyand evaluation for suitability.
Goodyear Rubber Products