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SERIES 261R molded wide arch expansion joints The PROCO Series 261R Wide Arch Expansion Joint expansion joint is specifi-Flange Drilling/Retaining Rings. All PROCO Series 261R Wide Arch Expansion cally designed for use with Plastic or FRP Piping Systems. A replacement forJoints are drilled in accordance with ANSI 125/150# Standards. They must be standard spool-type expansion joints, the PROCO 261R has the lowest springinstalled against a Full-Face Flange with the unique Backing/Retaining Rings that rate offered in the world today. With its low forces to compress, extend or later-are supplied with the joint. Rings are fabricated from plate steel; plated to prevent ally offset, the PROCO Series 261R can be used on plastic or FRP pipes, pumps,corrosion. Rings from materials such as 304 or 316 Stainless Steel are available valves or tanks without fear of the expansion joint being stronger than the pipe,upon request. Gaskets or packing are not required with the PROCO Series 261R. pump, valve or tank flanges. In addition the PROCO Series 261R is designed forVisit our Web site for specific mating flange guidelines. tough demanding corrosive chemical applications, as found in: Chemical & Pet- High Pressure with Full Safety Factors. The PROCO Series 261R pressure ratings rochemical Process Facilities and Highly Corrosive Industrial Piping & Pollu- meet or exceed the requirements of the Fluid Sealing Association, Non-Metallic tion Control Systems. The PROCO Series 261R may be used where metallic Expansion Joint Division for Series A or C. Sizes 1.5" through 12" include a three- hoses/expansion joints or old design rubber expansion joints may have been to-one safety factor; sizes 14" through 20" include a four-to-one safety factor. specified previously. Used on Pumps, Chillers, Cooling Towers, Compressors, Blowers, Fans, Absorption Machines, etc. to: (1) Absorb Pipe Movements/Stress,Absorbs Pipe-Wall and Fluid-Borne Noise. The noise transmission problems of (2)Reduce System Noise, (3) Isolate Mechanical Vibrations, (4) Compensatemetallic expansion joints are eliminated with the Series 261R Expansion Joints. Alignment/Offset, (5) Eliminate Electrolytic Action and Electrolysis, (6) ProtectPipe-Wall sound loses energy and is absorbed as the noise carried by the piping Against Start-Up/Surge Forces. Our history in the manufacture of expansion jointsboth enters and leaves the rubber section. Fluid-Borne noise is absorbed by the dates back to 1930. When you need an engineered rubber expansion joint solu-volumetric expansion (breathing) of the expansion joint. This action cushions wa- tion to a piping problem, call PROCO. ter hammer and smooths pumping impulses. PROCO Series 261R Wide Arch Rubber Expansion Joints offer some of the fol-Isolates Vibration and Motion. Vibration originating from mechanical equipment lowing advantages: is absorbed by the PROCO Series 261R. To isolate the equipment, rubber connec- tors should be installed just before and after the equipment generating the vibra- � Low Spring Rates: The Series 261R has the lowest spring rates and forces tion. As most machinery vibrates in a radial direction from the main shaft, for to deflect of any expansion joint made today. optimum performance the PROCO connector should be installed horizontally and � Greater Movements: The Series 261R has a wider arch than the conven-parallel to the shaft. Vertical and perpendicular installation of the Series 261R Wide tional narrow arch of the spool-type expansion joint. This arch is twice theArch Expansion Joint is permissible as it will accept axial, lateral and rotational standard width of the spool-type arch, thus, eliminating the need for doublemovements simultaneously. Installation of the Series 261R in a system allows and triple arch expansion joints. isolated equipment to move freely on its vibration mountings. Note: For maximum vibration transmission reduction, the piping section beyond the rubber connec- � Less Weight: The steel flanges of spherical design (Series 240/242) can be tor must be anchored or rigid. very heavy, especially for plastic or fiberglass piping applications. The Series 261R Expansion Joint, including retaining rings, is considerably lighter than theLarge Inventories Mean Same-Day Shipment. We maintain the largest inventory spherical expansion joint design, which lowers shipping and installation costs.of expansion joints in the world. Rubber, PTFE Lined, Plastic or Metal Hose -- PROCO can ship the products you need when you need them! In fact, when it � Easier Sealing: The Series 261R design utilizes the full-faced rubber and comes to expansion joints, if PROCO doesn't have them in stock ... nobody does! fabric flange of the spool-type design making sealing quick and sure when compared with the spherical design. Information � Ordering � Pricing � Delivery. Day or night, weekends and holi- days ... the PROCO phones are monitored 24 hours around the clock. When you � Self-Cleaning Wide Arch: The Arch of the Series 261R is wide enough to have a question, you can call us. allow the normal flow of the media to keep the arch clean of particulates. The accumulation of particles in the arch associated with the narrow arch spool- type design is not a consideration with the Wide Arch configuration. � Looks Familiar: It looks like the familiar design of the spool-type expansion joint. This long proven design adds to the comfort of the Series 261R. Table 1: Available Styles � Materials � Temperatures For Specific Elastomer TM "Chemical To Elastomer Guide" Recommendations, See: PROCO PROCO Style Maximum Branding F.S.A. Numbers Cover1,2 Tube Operating Label Material Elastomer Elastomer Single Arch Temp. �F (�C)Color Class Protecting Piping And 261R/BB Chlorobutyl Chlorobutyl 250� (121�) Black STD. III 261R/EE3 EPDM EPDM 250� (121�) Red STD. III Equipment Systems 261R/NH Neoprene Hypalon� 212� (100�) Green STD. II 261R/NN Neoprene Neoprene 225� (107�) Blue STD. II From Stress/Motion 261R/NP3 Neoprene Nitrile 225� (107�)Yellow STD. II 261R/NR Neoprene Natural 180� (68�) White STD. I � PROCO PRODUCTS, INC. Rev. 00 8/04 Notes: Hypalon�isa registered trademark of DuPont Dow Elastomers. All products are reinforced with tire cord and metal materials. 1. Expansion joint "cover" can be coated with Hypalon� on special order. 2. Styles with Neoprene coversmeetall requirements of U.S.C.G. 3. EPDM and Nitrile materials are available from Stock. All other elastomers are availableupon request.
Goodyear Rubber Products