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~ ';:. o\1'f'\.O~ .. '?, ,\.0" OU'f" \ ,, 0\1'1'\.0"" .. OS " Du~on� 9400 isamade from pure PTFE Durlon" 9600 isan expanded PTFE Durlon" CFG corregated 316 stainless steel metal core resins and carbon fillers designed foruse gasket material designed to seal atlow withflexible graphite sealing surface will maintain atight inpiping and equipment inchemical, loads and resist creep and cold flow seal inawide range of initial seating stresses making it pharmaceutical, food and other severe while being able towithstand high theuniversal replacement for spiral wound, double service industrial applications where flange load and high pressures. Durlon" jacketed and traditional flexible graphite gaskets. It is chemical resistance and sealability are 9600 willeasily conform toirregular suitable for virtually allapplications found inthe follow- paramount. Durlon" 9400 does not surfaces that may be warped, etched, ing industries: refining, chemical, petrochemical, pulp & exhibit cold flow problems associated with pitted, ortool marked. These character- paper, power generation and steel mill. conventional PTFE. It has been developed istics make Durlon" 9600 your best tobe used inhydrofluoric acid, anhydrous choice forabroad range ofaggressive CFG ADVANTAGES: hydrogen fluoride (AHF) inrailroad chemicals where plastic flanges and low oFIRE SAFE D oBlowout resistant tankcars and chemical plant applications bolt loads are arequirement. oSuperior emissions control oHigh spring back where barium sulfate PTFE may not prove oSeals imperfect flanges oNo inward buckling suitable. UNIQUE CHARACTERISTICS oSeats on avariety of oOne thickness for o Premium grade PTFE offers surface finishes allapplications UNIQUE CHARACTERISTICS compressibility up to60% oEasy & safe to handle o Handles higher temperatures than o Generates tight seals incast iron competitive filled PTFE. valves, filters, strainers o Excellent creep and cold flow o Handles higher temperatures than characteristics SIZES: filled PTFE. o High level ofbolt torque retention. o Standard ANSI Class 150 and 300 Ring and Full Face: o Excellent performance inhigh o Superior sealing through thermo- W-24' pressures. cycling. o Non-standard MSS SP-44 &API 605: 26'- 96" o High level ofbolt torque retention. o Exceptional recovery o Non-standard ovals: handhole and manway gaskets o Conforms toirregular flange surfaces. o Conforms to FDA standards. � Allheat exchanger styles o Conforms toFDA standards. o Superior containment ofgases. � Different metals available to match flange metallurgy, o Superior containment ofgases. o Non-aging providing long service life o Exceptional service life temperature, orchemical. SHEET SIZE Leak8fleVII.GMket..... SHEET SIZE .4OD~1I o nunon 9400� isavailable inthe largest ,. � 60�x60" sheet sizes ofany conventional or ,,,"" 1'-.... 1=J �., Filled PTFE blend gasketing inthe '-J. <, ",,"" industry. ~ FL�XllLE I +-.... .." """"""'... o Allows improved yield with less waste r-, t-- -.....::::-- t-- o 60'x 60' 60'x 120' 60" x 180" <, I----- I...."=OJ-- -.;; ~ COST SAVING TECHNOLOGY t-- Large DIameter Machined Gaskets , OURCON o Elimination ofwaste LE....,-J - o Readily available , - o Extremely competitive prices , - - --.. DURLON�Flexible Graphite is unaffected byheat over a wide range oftemperatures. It exhibits lowelectrical COM FOR AOOITIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION resistivity and high thermal conductivity and issuitable for cryogenic temperatures. This product can be used for applications intheautomotive, refining, and petrochemical plant process.
Goodyear Rubber Products