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PTFE SHEET ';, 0",,,\.�" ~ 00,,\,0 OUALO,. \ ~ Up ,\.0"- " \ VAL... UP 0\)'" 0"" 0\)'I'\.01l. OU1\\.Olo \ OUIILr \ <:, ';, e , , I I I DURLON 8600 ' I I I Premium Durlon� Solutions Durlon" 9000 (blue) and 9000N (neutral) isdesigned foruse inprocess Durlon" 9200W isabarium sulfate filled Durlon" 8600 (white), isan outstanding piping and equipment inchemical, pulp and paper, pharmaceutical, oxygen PTFE designed foruse inpiping and gasket material containing our unique and industrial gases, food and beverage and other general industrial equipment inchemical, pulp & paper and blend ofhigh strength aramid and applications where physical properties such as non-contamination and associated industries where resistance to inorganic fibers providing excellent resistance tohighly aggressive chemicals are required. aggressive chemicals and excellent sealability isrequired. Due toour unique sealability insteam, condensate and dilute acids and where a"white" gasket Durlon" 9000 has been tested, approved and used forchlorine and caustics and innovative manufacturing process, Durlon" 9200W has outperformed all material oran SBR binder isrequired. services. Unlike generic skived PTFE, the various shapes offillers inDurlon" 9000 are homogeneously blended with pure PTFE resins and do notwick or layered filled PTFE materials proving to BENEFITS cause corrosion on flange faces. Additionally, independent testing has be more resistant tothe "popcorning" effects ofaggressive monomers such as Thermal Strength shown the fillers inDurlon" 9000 tobe more evenly dispersed than filled styrene, methyl methacrylate and butyl � Our unique fiber matrix provides PTFE with layered construction. Therefore, Durlon" 9000 has more acetate. superior sealing incyclical consistent physical and mechanical properties and does nothave voids, applications. separation and chemical compatibility problems found inlayered PTFE. BENEFITS Versatile and Reliable Seal e BENEFITS DURLON 8700 � Low initial seating stress required for Versatile and Reliable Seal effective seal. � Recommended forawider range ofsevere chemical services than Premium Durlon"Solutions � Superior sealing inthermo cyclical competitive filled PTFE blends. Durlon" 8700 (blue), isour premium services than conventional PTFE. � Maintains atighter seal than conventional PTFE gasketing. neoprene (CR) gasket sheet combined � Conforms toflange imperfections. � Has ahigher bolt torque retention than other filled PTFE and with our unique blend othigh strength � Exceptional bolt torque retention. conventional PTFE gasketing materials. aramid and inorganic fibers providing � Conforms toFDA standards. � Listed inPamphlet 95ofthe Chlorine Institute as an acceptable gasket excellent sealability inservices such as � Superior containment ofgases. material forchlorine services. ammonia containing refrigerant systems. � Extremely durable allowing for � Certified forOxygen Service byFederal Institute ofMaterials Testing & extended service life Research: Berlin, Germany. BENEFITS � Conforms toFDA standards � Our top performer forold style HVAC SHEET SIZE � Exceptional performance inemissions control OEM applications � Durlon" 9200W isavailable inthe � Proven toprovide atight seal in largest sheet sizes ofany conventional SHEET SIZE refrigerants, oils and fuels orfilled PTFE blend gasketing inthe � Durlon" 9000 isavailable inthe largest sheet sizes ofany conventional or industry. filled PTFE blend gasketing inthe industry. � Allows improved yield with less waste ~ � Allows improved yield with less waste ~ � 60")( 60' 60"x 120" 60" x180" I:: ~ ~ ,i; ~ � 60'x 60" 60"x 120' 60" x 180" i .li s i 0 0 ... m ~ l 0 0 ~ ~ COST SAVING TECHNOLOGY ~ 0 0 .!I! '" '0 e-, ~ ~ il E E 0 COST SAVING TECHNOLOGY :c Large Diameter Machined Gaskets U; !j :; .Ii! .Ii! :.l! :!j J u � Can readily provide large diameter gaskets atextremely competitive � Elimination ofwaste 3 3 2 2 3 3 1 3 3 prices. � Readily available 3 3 1 1 3 3 1 3 3 � Eliminates waste and readily available � Extremely competitive prices 3 3 1 1 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 1 1 2 3 1 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PLEASE REFER TO WWW.GASKETRESOURCES 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 pecifiC information.
Goodyear Rubber Products