title>Dixon Fittings Catalog Goodyear Rubber Products
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A TruckTankMaintenance&PipeHoseFireSanitaryHoledallHydraulicCam&PlasticSwivelBrassShankBossAir Cam and Groove ValvesClampsFittingsFittingsWelding&RepairFittingsFittingsFittingsFittingsFittingsGrooveFittingsFittingsFittingsJoints Dixon Type D Cam and Groove Couplers B Aluminum 356T6 Aluminum Brass Size Hard Coat Part # Price/E Part # Price/E Part # Price/E C �" 50-D-AL $21.00 --- --- 50-D-BR $36.50 �" 75-D-AL 21.35 --- --- 75-D-BR 40.85 1" 100-D-AL 21.60 --- --- 100-D-BR 45.50 1�" 2 125-D-AL 3 38.90 --- --- 125-D-BR 3 73.20 1�" 150-D-AL 27.95 150-D-ALH $41.85 150-D-BR 61.70 D 2" 200-D-AL 30.20 200-D-ALH 46.85 200-D-BR 76.70 2�" 2 250-D-AL 3 50.75 --- --- 250-D-BR 3 120.50 3" 300-D-AL 49.05 300-D-ALH 72.25 300-D-BR 144.00 4" 400-D-AL 69.60 400-D-ALH 105.90 400-D-BR 214.00 E 5" 500-D-AL 123.90 --- --- 500-D-BR 438.00 6" 600-D-AL 163.20 600-D-ALH 236.00 600-D-BR 549.20 8" 1 800-D-AL 722.45 --- --- --- --- Female Coupler x 1 Dixon and Boss-Lock cam and groove couplings do not interchange in the 8" size. F Female NPT The 8" Dixon design has 4 cam arms. 2 See Boss-Lock for 1�" and 2�" couplers. 3 Parts are manufactured in Canada. Boss-Lock Type D Cam and Groove Couplers G 356T6 Aluminum Brass Size Part # Price/E Part # Price/E �" x �" AD050 $39.30 BD050 $56.00 H �" AD075 32.45 BD075 56.60 1" AD100 34.50 BD100 60.30 1�" AD125 36.75 BD125 71.50 1�" AD150 35.95 BD150 72.60 I 2" AD200 37.85 BD200 87.30 2�" AD250 49.05 BD250 142.10 3" AD300 54.85 BD300 161.25 4" AD400 78.55 BD400 213.70 5" AD500 131.50 --- --- J 6" AD600 191.35 BD600 585.00 8" 1 AD800 506.45 --- --- Female Coupler x 1 Dixon and Boss-Lock cam and groove couplings do not interchange in the 8" size. K Female NPT The 8" Boss-Lock design has 2 cam arms. EZ Boss-Lock Type D Cam and Groove Couplers L 356T6 Aluminum Brass Size Part # Price/E Part # Price/E �" x �" --- --- --- --- M �" AD075EZ $65.10 BD075EZ $105.00 1" AD100EZ 67.50 BD100EZ 106.40 1�" --- --- BD125EZ 132.10 1�" AD150EZ 71.10 BD150EZ 121.05 2" AD200EZ 72.00 BD200EZ 133.00 N 2�" AD250EZ 84.70 BD250EZ 148.80 3" AD300EZ 114.95 BD300EZ 232.65 4" AD400EZ 132.25 BD400EZ 292.10 5" AD500EZ 186.50 --- --- O 6" AD600EZ 287.00 --- --- 8" 1 AD800EZ 516.00 --- --- Female Coupler x 1 Dixon and Boss-Lock cam and groove couplings do not interchange in the 8" size. Female NPT The 8" EZ Boss-Lock design has 2 cam arms. P 22 DPL108 pages014-036.pmd 22 10/5/2007, 9:51 AM
Goodyear Rubber Products