title>Dixon Fittings Catalog Goodyear Rubber Products
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A Cam and Groove Dixon Type C Cam and Groove Couplers B Unplated Iron Stainless Steel Size Finger rings are not Part # Price/E Part # Price/E supplied on �" - 1" �" --- --- 50-C-SS $68.45 Dixon couplings. C �" --- --- 75-C-SS 67.10 1" --- --- 100-C-SS 77.00 �" Dixon has only 1�" --- --- 125-C-SS 114.65 one cam arm. 1�" 150-C-MI $36.50 150-C-SS 89.40 2" 200-C-MI 44.45 200-C-SS 105.45 Stainless steel crimp sleeves D 2�" --- --- 250-C-SS 239.95 for Dixon and Boss-Lock 3" 300-C-MI 68.45 300-C-SS 192.40 shanks are available on 4" 400-C-MI 114.25 400-C-SS 292.10 page 34. 5" --- --- 500-C-SS 461.90 E 6" --- --- 600-C-SS 449.20 8" 1 --- --- --- --- 1 Dixon and Boss-Lock cam and groove couplings do not interchange in the 8" size. The 8" Dixon design has 4 cam arms. F Boss-Lock Type C Cam and Groove Couplers G Plated Iron Stainless Steel All Boss-Lock couplers Size come with safety clips. Part # Price/E Part # Price/E �" x �" --- --- RC050BL $85.50 H Stainless steel crimp sleeves �" IC075 $53.85 RC075BL 85.60 for Dixon and Boss-Lock 1" IC100 44.10 RC100BL 94.40 shanks are available on 1�" --- --- RC125BL 111.80 page 34. 1�" IC150 47.10 RC150BL 106.10 2" IC200 63.30 RC200BLNO 102.15 I 2�" --- --- --- --- 3" IC300 86.10 RC300BL 203.30 4" IC400 128.80 RC400BLNO 278.90 6" IC600 330.25 --- --- J 8" 1 --- --- --- --- 1 Dixon and Boss-Lock cam and groove couplings do not interchange in the 8" size. The 8" "Boss-Lock" design has 2 cam arms. K EZ Boss-Lock Type C Cam and Groove Couplers L Stainless Steel Size Part # Price/E JointsFittingsFittingsFittingsValvesFittingsClampsFittingsFittingsFittingsRepairWelding&GrooveFittingsFittingsFittings FireSanitaryHoledallShankCam&SwivelBossAirHosePipe&MaintenanceBrassPlasticHydraulicTankTruck �" x �" RC050EZ $100.70 Under no circumstances M �" RC075EZ 98.95 should the EZ Boss-Lock 1" RC100EZ 110.80 cam arms be used on any 1�" RC125EZ 130.95 fitting not specifically 1�" RC150EZ 120.60 produced for their use. 2" RC200CEZ 137.90 See page 57 for further N 2�" --- --- specifications. 3" RC300EZ 220.75 4" RC400EZ 329.55 Stainless steel crimp sleeves 6" RC600EZ 515.35 for Dixon and Boss-Lock 8" 1 --- --- O shanks are available on page 34. 1 Dixon and Boss-Lock cam and groove couplings do not interchange in the 8" size. The 8" EZ Boss-Lock design has 2 cam arms. P DPL108 21 pages014-036.pmd 21 10/5/2007, 9:51 AM
Goodyear Rubber Products