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Other coupling designs and accessories are available from Snap-tite. These include mono-coupling (manual operation), diver mateable coupling equipped with handles, complete panel assemblies, protec- tive covers and keyed (polarized) mono coupling to prevent cross media connections. These couplings are protected by several patents, United States and worldwide. Fast operation - diver mateable for sub- Reduced separation force sea application Poppet style valves Working pressure to 10000 psig Keyed (polarized) to prevent cross (690 bar) media connection Fabricated from corrosion resistant Working pressure to 10000 psig materials for sub-sea application (690 bar) Connect and disconnect at full operating Fabricated from corrosion resistant pressure materials for sub-sea application Thread-to-Connect Coupling Mono Coupler Available with elastomer or PEEK seals Push-to-Connect modified for 3 panel Working pressure to 10000 psig operation (690 bar) Dry break design Connect and disconnect at full operating Working pressures to 10000 psig pressure (690 bar) Fabricated from corrosion resistant Flush valves minimize fluid loss and air materials for sub-sea applications inclusion Locking and panel mounting options Superior flow characteristics materials available for sub-sea application Poppet Coupling Dry Break Coupling Fabricated from corrosion resistant materials for sub-sea application Available with elastomer PEEK seals Designed and engineered to specific Working pressures to 10000 psig customer requirements (690 bar) Stainless steel panels Connect and disconnect at full operating Locking mechanism: Two plate system pressure with single stainless steel cam lock with Minimum spillage and water ingress lock and unlock pin to prevent Fabricated from corrosion resistant accidental disconnection materials for sub-sea application Fabricated from corrosion resistant Locking and panel mounting options materials for sub-sea application Balanced Coupling Design available Multi-Coupling Panel System Soft seat, zero leakage Working pressure to 6000 psig ! WARNING ! (414 bar) FAILURE OR IMPROPER SELECTION OR IMPROPER USE OF THE PRODUCTS AND/OR SYSTEMS DESCRIBED HEREIN OR RELATED Variety of end fittings ITEMS CAN CAUSE DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY AND/OR PROP- Various crack pressures ERTY DAMAGE. Flow rates to 175 US gpm (622 l/min) This document and other information from Snap-tite, Inc., its subsidiar- Fabricated from corrosion resistant ies and authorized distributors, provides product and/or system options materials for sub-sea application for further investigation by users having technical expertise. It is important that you analyze all aspects of your application and review the information Inline Check Valves concerning the product or system in the current product catalog.Due to the variety of operation conditions and applications for these products or systems, the user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely respon- sible for making the final selection of the products and systems and as- suring that all performance, safety and warning requirements of the appli- cation are met. The products described herein, including without limitation, product features, specifications, designs, availability and pricing, are subject to change by Snap-tite, Inc.and its subsidiaries at any time without notice. 01-0004BE-1203 ISO-9001 Certified � 6 �
Goodyear Rubber Products