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28-1 Series Performance Data FORCE-POUNDS Force to Connect Pressure Loss vs. Flow 2" PRESSURE-BAR FLOW RATE (LPM) 1-1 /2 .69 1.38 " 2.07 2.76 3.45 4.14 4.83 5.52 6.21 6.90 7.58 8.27 8.96 170 77.11 100 6.90 160 72.58 90 6.21 80 5.52 1 150 -1/4 68.04 70 4.83 " " 60 4.14 140 3/4 /8" 63.50 5 50 3.45 130 58.97 40 2.76 120 1" 54.43 30 2.07 110 49.90 20 1.38 100 1/2" 45.36 90 40.82 80 3/8" 36.29 109 .62.69 8 .55 70 31.75 7 .48 60 1/4" 27.22 6 .41 5 .34 50 22.68 4 .27 40 18.14 3 .21 30 13.61 2 .14 20 9.07 10 4.54 0 1 .07 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 PRESSURE-PSIG FLOW RATE (GPM) WATER1 1Pressure loss vs. flow is in water with specific gravity of 1.0. For fluids with sg of .85, multiply by 1.58; for fluids with sg of . 83, multiply by 1.60. Temperature 100�F (55�C). Note: Gallons shown are in U.S. gallons. FORCE-KILOGRAMS Pressure RatingsPRESSURELOSS(PSI) Aluminum 3.791 Stainless Steel Coupling Working Pressure Working Pressure 27.57 Size psig (bar) psig (bar) 11.363 1 1/4 1000 (69) /415.144"1000(69) 18.935 3/8 1000 (69) 100022.716 (69) 326.507/8 "30.288 934.07 1/2 1000 (69) 1000 37.8510(69) 1/2 " 5/8 1000 (69) 1000 5/8(69) "75.7020 3/4 1000 (69) 1000 (69) 3/4113.6030 " 1 1000 (69) 1000 (69) 151.4040 189.30501 " 1-1/4 600 (41) 600 (41) 227.1060 265.0070302.80 801 -1340.7090 1-1/2 600 (41) 600 (41) /4"378.50100 2 600 (41) 600 (41) 1-1 /2"200 757.00 Pressure ratings were established under static pressure conditions. Therefore, pressure ratings for any given flow, pressure surge and/or2" 1135.50300 vibration may vary these ratings. Proof pressure = 1.5 x working pressureBurst pressure = 2.5 x working pressure PRESSURELOSS(BAR) Air Inclusion on Connect, Spillage on Disconnect Coupling Air Inclusion* Spillage Size in3 (cc) in3 (cc) 1/4 .003 (.05) .001 (.01) 3/8 .011 (.18) .002 (.03) 1/2 .017 (.28) .002 (.04) 5/8 .019 (.31) .008 (.13) 3/4 .029 (.48) .009 (.15) 1 .049 (.80) .018 (.30) 1-1/4 .096 (1.57) .024 (.40) 1-1/2 .122 (2.00) .043 (.70) 2 .183 (3.00) .061 (1.00) *NOTE: Air inclusion at 0 psig (0 bar) internal pressure; spillage at 15 psig (1 bar) internal pressure. � 3 �
Goodyear Rubber Products