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NFPA Pressure Rating Definitions ServiceTestPressure: Annual hydrostatic test to be conducted by purchaser on all in-service (used) hose to determine suitability for continued use. The service test pressure is to be 10% greater than the "normal highest operating pressure" at which the hose is expected to be used. Unlessotherwiseinstructed,thispressureisstenciledonallhosepriortoshipment. Proof/AcceptanceTestPressure: The "one-time" test pressure, performed by the factory, on every new hose prior to shipment. The proof test pressure shall not be less than 2 times the specified service test pressure. BurstPressure: The minimum burst test pressure shall not be less than 3 times the specified service test pressure. Operating/WorkingPressure: Maximum advised operating/working pressure that should not exceed 90% of the service test pressure (which is stenciled on the hose) or the maximum operating pressure of the attached coupling. LIMITEDWARRANTY Snap-tite warrants that it will replace defective products sold provided: A. Customer notifies Snap-tite of any claims of defects in materials or workmanship within one year after receipt of shipment. B. Return of goods is authorized by Snap-tite and then returned to the factory within 15 days after said authorization, transportation charges pre-paid; and C. Products or parts are found to be defective in materials and workmanship upon examination by Snap-tite. Products shall not be considered as defective or nonconforming if they substantially fulfill performance requirements and are manufactured in accordance with Snap-tite's specifications. This warranty will not extend to goods which have been subject to misuse, neglect, accident or improper installation, misapplication under conditions not expressly made specifically known to nor approved by Snap-tite in advance of shipment or which have been repaired or altered outside our factory. Snap-tite's liability shall be limited to replacement or repair of Snap-tite's products. !WARNING! FAILURE ORIMPROPER SELECTION ORIMPROPER USE OF THE PRODUCTS AND/OR SYSTEMS DESCRIBED HEREIN OR RELATEDITEMS CAN CAUSE DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY AND/OR PROPERTY DAMAGE. This document and other information from Snap-tite, Inc., its subsidiaries and authorized distributors, provides product and/or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise. It is important that you analyze all aspects of your application and review the information concerning the product or system in the current product catalog. Due to the variety of operation conditions and applications for these products or systems, the user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the products and systems and assuring that all performance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met. The products described herein, including without limitation, product features, specifications, designs, availability and pricing, are subject to change by Snap-tite, Inc. and its subsidiaries at any time without notice. 03-1153BE-1206 I-14
Goodyear Rubber Products