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Installation Instructions for Series 440 PTFE Expansion Joints TORQUE TABLE LISTING SIZE I.D. (IN) 1.0 1.25 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 TORQUE (FT/LBS) 10 16 25 52 47 82 54 80 100 135 125 155 TOLERANCE (+/-)(FT/LBS) 2 3 6 13 11 20 13 20 24 32 31 38 Notes: 1. Bolt Torque requirements may vary depending on mating flange material and installation. 2. "Over-Torque" may cause the PTFE material to creep. 1. Service Conditions: Make sure the expansion joint ratings for tempera-b. Check to make sure PTFE surfaces are clean and free of foreign sedi- ture, vacuum, spring rates and movements match the system requirements.ment. Remove nicks, burrs and deep scratches with a fine emery cloth. Contact PROCO if the system requirements exceed those of the expansionIf surface irregularities cannot be completely removed, install a PTFE joint selected. envelope-type gasket to obtain an adequate seal. 2. Alignment: PROCO Series 440 PTFE expansion joints are not designedc. Install the PROCO Series 440 PTFE expansion joints to the prescribed to make up for piping misalignment error. Pipe misalignment should be noneutral lengths. If expansion joints are used in high temperature pro- more than 1/8" in any direction. Misalignment of an expansion joint willcesses, it is recommended that units be installed at/near the extended reduce the rated movements and can cause stress of material properties,values. For cold process installations, expansion joints should be in- thus causing reduced service life. stalled in a nearly compressed length. These settings will enable the 3. Limit Bolt/Cable: Limit bolts and cables are factory set at the maximumexpansion joint to realize full travel capabilities. (See appropriate Tables allowable travel position to prevent over extension. Do not remove or alterfor Neutral Lengths.) nuts at any time. Damage or personal injury can result due to changes ind. Thread installation bolts from mating flange side to prevent possible limit bolt/cable settings. damage to PTFE elements. Extend bolts beyond the expansion joint flange 4. Anchoring: Solid anchoring is required whenever the pipeline changesby no more than 1-2 threads. Nuts are not necessary due to threaded direction. PROCO Series 440 PTFE expansion joints should be located asflange holes. close as possible to these anchor points. If an anchoring system is note. Tighten flange bolts with a torque wrench. Tighten in an alternate used, any associated pressure thrust can cause excessive movement, ulti-crossing pattern in 20% increments until 80% of final bolt torques have mately damaging the expansion joint. (It should be noted that the attachedbeen achieved. Tighten to final torque values (listed in Torque Table List- limit bolts/cables are designed to limit movement and are not designeding) in a clockwise fashion around the flange to ensure bolts carry equal to handle pressure thrust.) stress burdens. 5. Pipe Support: Piping must be supported by hangers or anchors sof. Re-tighten bolts after first cycle of operation. Re-tighten as necessary expansion joints do not carry any pipe weight. after every planned maintenance shutdown. All bolts should be re-torqued 6. Personnel Protection: It is strongly recommended that spray shieldsto the above listed values. be used for all hazardous service to protect against serious personal8. Operations: After expansion joints are installed, it may be necessary to injury in the event of expansion joint failure. (Contact PROCO for sprayair blast the exterior to remove foreign debris, such as metal chips, from shield information.) between the convolutions. The expansion joint should then be covered 7. Installation: with a shield to protect from damage and foreign debris during operation. a. Store expansion joints with wood covers in-place to protect PTFE flange(Note: Do not weld in immediate vicinity of expansion joint unless it is surfaces from damage until ready to install. properly protected.) TYPICAL PUMP AND PIPING LAYOUT USING EXPANSION JOINTS WHEN EQUIPMENT AND PIPING ARE PROPERLY ANCHORED. Anchor Expansion Joints Expansion Joint Pump Guide Foundation ENGINEERING DESIGN NOTES: Rx = Tp + (Fx � x) 1. It is essential that piping system thrusts be calculated to ensure cor- rect sizing of anchors and pipe supports,plus ensure that allowable thrust Rx is the pipe support reaction force (lb ), Tp is the pressure thrust (lb ), forces on adjacent mechanical and rotating equipment are not exceeded. f f Fx is the axial spring force of the unit and x is the expected or designed Please use the following formulas: axial movement of the unit (See Tables 1-6). Tp = P � Tf Tp is the pressure thrust (lbf), P is the system operating pressure (Psig)2. It should be noted that axial spring rate values found in Tables 1 and T1 is the thrust factor (or bellows effective area [in2]). The pressurethrough 6 are based on an ambient temperature (70�F) and will decrease thrust, Tp, will act in the axial direction and must be added to the axialas the system temperature rises. In addition, spring rates decrease over spring force (Fx�x) to give the total axial reaction force, Rx. time due to thermoplastic creep if units are operated under pressure.
Goodyear Rubber Products