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eccentric reducer expansion joints /BB Butyl /NN Neoprene Axial Compression Axial Extension �Lateral Deflection Table 2: Sizes � Movements � Pressures �Weights Angular� 1 Stock RE-221 OpenArch Capacity:FromDeflection NeutralPositionWeight/PoundsStockREFA-221 Filled ArchCapability:From NeutralPositionWeight/PoundsPressure Eccentric Torsional JointSize 2Movement Expansion Expansion Joint Joint ThrustOpen Filled I.D. x I.D.x Length Inches Inches Inches Degree Degree3FactorArch Inches Inches Inches Degree DegreeArch PSIG In.Hg 2 x 1 x 6* X X .5 .25 .5 18.4� 3� 12.69 3 3 6 X X .25 .125 .3 9.5� 1.8� 3.14 3 3 6 200 26 2 x 1.5 x 6* S X .5 .25 .5 15.9� 3� 14.32 3 3 6 X X .25 .125 .3 8.1� 1.8� 3.14 3 3 6 200 26 2.5 x 1.5 x 6* S X .5 .25 .5 14.0� 3� 16.04 3 3 7 X S .25 .125 .3 6.4� 1.8� 4.97 3 3 7 200 26 3 x 1.5 x 6 S X .5 .25 .5 12.5� 3� 17.87 4 Retaining47 X X .25 .125 .3 6.4� 1.8� 7.06 4 4 7 200 26 SetRing 3 x 2 x 6* S S .5 .25 .5 11.3� 3� 19.79 4 4 7 S S .25 .125 .3 5.7� 1.8� 7.06 4 4 7 200 26 3 x 2.5 x 6* S X .5 .25 .5 10.3� 3� 21.81 5 5 7 X X .25 .125 .3 5.2� 1.8� 7.06 5 5 7 200 26 Control 4 x 2 x 6* S S .5 .25 .5 9.5� 3� 23.93 5 5 7RodSetS X .25 .125 .3 4.8� 1.8� 12.57 5 5 7 200 26 4 x 2 x 8 S X .5 .25 .5 9.5� 3� 23.93 6 5 7 X X .25 .125 .3 4.8� 1.8� 12.57 6 5 7 200 26 /BB 4 x 2 x 9* X X .5 .25 .5 9.5� 3� 23.93 6 5 7 X X .25 .125 .3 4.8� 1.8� 12.57 6 5 7 200 26 Butyl 4 x 2.5 x 6* S X .5 .25 .5 8.7� 3� 26.14 6 6 8 X S .25 .125 .3 4.4� 1.8� 12.57 6 6 8 200 26 4 x 2.5 x 8* X X .5 .25 .5 8.7� 3� 26.14 6 6 8 X /NNX .25 .125 .3 4.4� 1.8� 12.57 6 6 8 200 26 4 x 3 x 6* S S .5 .25 .5 8.1� 3� 28.46 6 6 8 S SNeoprene .� 1.8� 12.576 6 8 200 26 4 x 3 x 7 S X .5 .25 .5 8.1� 3� 28.46 6 6 8 X X .25 .125 .3 4.1� 1.8� 12.57 6 6 8 200 26 Axial 5 x 4 x 6* S X .5 .25 .5 6.3� 3� 38.70 9 7 10 X X .25Compression .125.33.2� 1.8� 19.63 11710 190 26 6 x 3 x 6 S X .5 .25 .5 6.3� 3� 38.70 8 7 12 S S .25 .125 .3 3.2� 1.8� 28.27 9 7 12 190 26 Axial 6 x 3 x 8 X X .5 .25 .5 6.3� 3� 38.70 9 7 13 X X .25 .125 .3 3.2� 1.8� 28.27 11 7 13 190 26 Extension 6 x 3 x 12* S S .5 .25 .5 6.3� 3� 38.70 10 7 14 S S .25 .125 .3 3.2� 1.8� 28.27 13 7 14 190 26 6 x 4 x 6* S X .5 .25 .5 5.7� 3� 44.41 8 7 11 X X .25 .125 Lateral�.32.9� 1.8� 28.2787 11 190 26 6 x 4 x 7 S X .5 .25 .5 5.7� 3� 44.41 9 7 12 X X .25 .125 .3Deflection2.9� 1.8� 28.27 11712190 26 6 x 4 x 8 S X .5 .25 .5 5.7� 3� 44.41 9 7 11 X X .25 .125 .3 2.9� 1.8� 28.27 11 7 11 190 26 �Angular 6 x 4 x 9 S X .5 .25 .5 5.7� 3� 44.41 10 7 11 X X .25 .125 .3 2.91 � 1.8� 28.27 127 11 190 26 Deflection 6 x 5 x 6* S S .5 .25 .5 5.2� 3� 50.51 8 8 11 S S .25 .125 .3 2.6� 1.8� 28.27 9 8 11 190 26 8 x 4 x 6 S X .75 .375 .5 7.1� 3� 63.51 8 8 19 X X .375 .188 .3 3.6� 1.8Torsional � 50.279919 190 26 2Movement 8 x 4 x 15* X X .75 .375 .5 7.1� 3� 63.51 11 9 23 X X .375 .188 .3 3.6� 1.8� 50.27 11 9 23 190 26 8 x 6 x 6* S S .75 .375 .5 6.1� 3� 78.42 11 10 18 X S .375 .188 .3 3.1� 1.8� 50.27 11 10 18 190 26 Thrust 8 x 6 x 8 S X .75 .375 .5 6.1� 3� 78.42 14 10 18 X X .375 .188 .3 3.1� 1.8� 50.27315 10 18 190 26 Factor 8 x 6 x 11 S X .75 .375 .5 6.1� 3� 78.42 19 10 20 X X .375 .188 .3 3.1� 1.8� 50.27 22 10 20 190 26 10 x 6 x 12 S X .75 .375 .5 5.4� 3� 94.90 23 11 28 X X .375 .188 .3 2.8� 1.8� 78.54 26 11 28 190 26 10 x 6 x 15* X X .75 .375 .5 5.4� 3� 94.90 25 11 31 X X .375 .188 .3 2.8� 1.8� 78.54 29 11 31 190 26 10 x 8 x 8 S X .75 .375 .5 4.8� 3� 112.95 19 13 25 S X .375 .188 .3 2.4� 1.8� 78.54 22 13 25 190 26 Retaining 10 x 8 x 9* X X .75 .375 .5 4.8� 3� 112.95 19 13 25 X X .375 .188 .3 2.4� 1.8� 78.54 22 13SetRing25190 26 10 x 8 x 12 X X .75 .375 .5 4.8� 3� 112.95 20 13 25 X X .375 .188 .3 2.4� 1.8� 78.54 23 13 25 190 26 12 x 6 x 12* X X .75 .375 .5 4.8� 3� 112.95 27 15 31 X X .375 .188 .3 2.4� 1.8� 113.10 2915 Control3119026 RodSet 12 x 8 x 8 X S .75 .375 .5 3.9� 3� 153.77 24 18 24 X S .375 .188 .3 1.9� 1.8� 113.10 2518 24 190 26 12 x 8 x 12 S S .75 .375 .5 3.9� 3� 153.77 24 18 24 S S .375 .188 .3 1.9� 1.8� 113.10 2518 24 190 26 Positive 12 x 10 x 8* S X .75 .375 .5 3.9� 3� 153.77 24 18 24 S S .375 .188 .3 1.9� 1.8� 113.10 2518 24 190Pressure 26 12 x 10 x 9* X X .75 .375 .5 3.9� 3� 153.77 25 18 24 X X .375 .188 .3 1.9� 1.8� 113.10 2718 24 190 26 12 x 10 x 14 S X .75 .375 .5 3.9� 3� 153.77 30 18 26 X X .375 .188 .3 1.9� 1.8� 113.10 3418 26 190 26Vacuum 14 x 10 x 8 S X .75 .375 .5 3.6� 2� 201.46 36 19 29 X S .375 .188 .3 1.8� 1.2� 153.94 3819 29 130 26 14 x 10 x 15* X X .75 .375 .5 3.6� 2� 201.46 42 19 33 X X .375 .188 .3 1.8� 1.2� 153.94 4519 33 130 26 14 x 12 x 8* S X .75 .375 .5 3.3� 2� 227.40 40 23 27 X X .375 .188 .3 1.7� 1.2� 153.94 4023 27 130 26 14 x 12 x 9* X X .75 .375 .5 3.3� 2� 227.40 41 23 28 X X .375 .188 .3 1.7� 1.2� 153.94 4223 28 130 26 16 x 14 x 8* S X .75 .375 .5 2.9� 2� 284.00 38 26 37 S X .375 .188 .3 1.4� 1.2� 201.06 4026 37 110 26 16 x 14 x 9* X X .75 .375 .5 2.9� 2� 284.00 39 26 37 X X .375 .188 .3 1.4� 1.2� 201.06 4126 37 110 26 18 x 14 x 8 S X .75 .375 .5 2.5� 1� 346.88 43 29 34 S X .375 .188 .3 1.2� 0.6� 254.47 4329 34 110 26 18 x 16 x 10* X X .75 .375 .5 2.5� 1� 346.88 44 29 35 X X .375 .188 .3 1.2� 0.6� 254.47 4529 35 110 26 For Sizes Not Shown: I.D. x I.D. � U-Type, Double or Triple Arch � Contact Factory for Proco Series 100. NOTES: *This length meets length requiredby ANSIB-16, B-16.24 andDistributed by:Rev. 11/99 2431 Wigwam Dr. (95205) B-16.5.Lengths of all sizes meet F.S.A. specifications. P.O. Box 590 � Stockton, CA 1. The amountof Angular Movement is based on the maximum EXPANSION JOINTS 95201-0590 � USA allowableExtensionMovement fromNeutral. Angular Move- mentcanbe increased, if it is in conjunctionwith Compres- sionMovement. 2. TorsionalMovementis expressed when the expansion joint is TOLL FREE PHONE: (800) 344-3246 NATIONWIDE AND CANADA at Neutral. FACSIMILE: (209)943-0242 3. Todetermine End-Thrust: multiplyThrust Factorby operating (209) 943-6088 INTERNATIONAL pressuresof system. This total is End Thrust in P.S.I.G. email: 4. Pressureratingis basedon170�F OperatingTemperature. At website: higher temperatures, the pressure is slightly reduced. Mini- mum Burst Pressuresis4:1. WARNING:Expansionjoints mayoperatein pipelinesor equipment carrying fluids and orgases at elevatedtemperatures and pressures.Normalprecautionsshould be taken tomakesure theseparts areinstalled correctly andinspectedregularly. Precautionsshould betakento protect personnelin the eventof leakage or splash. Note: Piping must be properly aligned and anchoredto prevent damage to anexpansion joint. Movement mustnot exceed specified ratings and control units are always recommended to prevent damage in theevent otheranchoring in this system fails.Properties applications shownthroughoutthis data sheetaretypical.Thisinformation does notconstitutea warrantyor representationandwe assumenolegalresponsibilityorobligationwithrespecttheretoandtheuse towhich such information maybe put.Your specific application should notbeundertakenwithoutindependent studyandevaluation forsuitability.
Goodyear Rubber Products