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Frequently Asked Questions to help you understand the FAQs ProFlex Rubber Check Valves 1. Does the ProFlex Rubber Check Valve have to be installed in a certain position?13. What types of materials are available for the retaining rings and Yes. It should be installed in a vertical position with the bill being the vertical. However,banding clamps? in zero-clearance situations the valve can be rotated up to 30� to gain bottomProFlex Rubber Check Valves are supplied with 316 stainless steel retaining rings and clearance if required. 304 stainless steel clamps as standard. Other materials are available upon request. 2. Is there a preferable angle in which the ProFlex Rubber Check Valve has14. Can the ProFlex 710 be supplied with special flanges or drilling? to be installed? Yes, the standard drilling pattern is ANSI 125/150# drilling. Other drilling standards Because the valve is not reliant on any hinges, gates, or weights the ProFlex Rubbersuch as, ANSI 250/300#, BS-10, DIN NP-10 and DIN NP-16, JIS-5K and JIS-10K are Check Valve can be installed in any angle from vertical to horizontal.available upon special request. 3. What is "Back Pressure"? 15. Can I install a ProFlex Rubber Check Valve near a residential area? When the ProFlex Rubber Check Valve is submerged in a liquid it is subjected toYes, one of the unique features of the ProFlex Rubber Check Valve is the design of the external pressure. It is critical that the maximum depth that the valve will bebill section. While the bill will open and allow passage of fluid when inlet pressure is submerged is specified as this will be considered the maximum back pressure topresent, the bill will close and not allow children or animals to crawl inside when there which the valve will be subjected. is no inlet pressure. And since the ProFlex Rubber Check Valve is manufactured entirely of rubber compounds there is no chance of loud banging which is commonly 4. What is the required inlet pressure to allow the valve to open? heard from flap type valves. Typically 1" to 2" of water column over back pressure will normally drain a pipe. 16. Can I use a ProFlex Rubber Check Valve in winter conditions? 5. What back pressures can the ProFlex Rubber Check Valve withstand? Yes, as in any installation the ProFlex Rubber Check Valve will not be hindered by Back pressures are in direct relation to the size of the valve, on the smaller diameters it winter or sub-zero installations. If the valve is installed in a running water application is acceptable to specify up to 200 psi of back pressure and on larger diameters a back the valve will continue to operate satisfactorily, due to the elastomers' unique chemical pressure limitation would be approximately 12 psi. Each ProFlex Rubber Check Valve makeup. If unusual circumstances occur the ProFlex Rubber Check Valve will freeze is manufactured to the exact inlet pressure, back pressure and flow rates which we without any damage and will return to operation upon thaw. require from you for manufacture. 17. Will the ProFlex Rubber Check Valve operate if buried in sand or sediment? 6. What are the most common installations? In normal conditions the discharge flow will create a small flow pattern which will then The ProFlex 710 Flanged Rubber Check Valve is bolted directly to a head wall replacing be followed by the flow velocity of the media. This velocity will flush the rest of the an existing flap gate. The ProFlex 730 Sleeved Rubber Check Valve is clamped directly sediment away from the valve's opening. to a fabricated flanged nipple or clamped directly to an existing pipe. 18. What is the maximum temperature that the ProFlex Rubber Check Valve 7. Can I use the ProFlex Rubber Check Valve on potable water applications? can handle? Yes. One of the optional materials for the ProFlex Rubber Check Valves is the NSF61 Temperatures can range from �65� F (-54� C) to +250� F (+121� C) depending on the approved Nitrile elastomer. Due to the large demand for clean water and potable specified elastomer. applications, PROCO is the leading supplier of NSF61 approved material. This will eliminate the concerns commonly affiliated with contaminants or leaching of19. Is the ProFlex Rubber Check Valve suitable for direct sunlight and UV areas? elastomers in potable water systems. Yes, all ProFlex Rubber Check Valves are manufactured with a highly UV-resistant elastomer cover. In some applications the ProFlex Rubber Check Valve may be 8. Can the ProFlex Rubber Check Valve be installed on an "out-of-round" pipe? subjected to oil sludges which make Nitrile the perfect choice for protection. Yes, please have the approximate outside dimensions of the pipe from four (4) different angles to provide proper sizing. 9. Can river currents and ocean waves damage the valves? The specified Inlet In most cases river currents and ocean waves will not damage the ProFlex Rubber Pressure opens the Check Valves, but if currents or waves in question are of an abnormal nature, it is ProFlex Rubber suggested that side walls or rock pilings be utilized. Check Valve The specified Back 10. Can the ProFlex Rubber Check Valve be used as a back pressure valve? allowing flow. Pressure forces No, the ProFlex Rubber Check Valves have been designed to offer superior service as a the ProFlex back flow preventer and should not be considered for a back pressure valve. Rubber Check 11. Can PROCO make a special design to suit my requirements? Valve to close In most instances the ProFlex Rubber Check Valve can be fabricated to suit different preventing applications. Contact PROCO for your requirements. backflow. 12. What types of elastomers are available? The ProFlex Rubber Check Valve can be manufactured and supplied to withstand almost any type of media. Most commonly supplied are Nitrile (NSF61 approved), Neoprene, Natural Rubber, Hypalon�, Chlorobutyl, EPDM, and Viton�. REPRESENTED BY: PROCO PRODUCTS, INC.
Goodyear Rubber Products