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TM Style 501 flat belt type Style 502 SERIES flat belt arch-type 5 0 0 Style 19 0 - K non-metallic flexible fan/duct connectors navy fan connector Style 501: Known as a "Flat Belt Type", this non-metallic connector is primarily used for low pressure vibration applications and can be attached to existing metal frames or duct work. TheStyle 501 PROCO Series 500, Style 501 duct connector can be manufactured in round or rectangular shapes and can be attached to metal surfaces using clamps (round applications), or backing bars (rectangular applications). The Style 501 can be manufactured in a variety of elastomers and can be sent to the field spliced endless and/or prepared for cold field splice. See Table 1 for material considerations. Style 502: Known as a "Flat Belt Arch-Type", this non-metallic connector is used for low pres- sure applications where movements are required and can be attached to existing metal frames or duct work. The PROCO Series 500, Style 502 duct connector can be manufactured in round or rectangular shapes and can be attached to metal surfaces using clamps (round applications), retaining rings (round applications), or backing bars (rectangular applications). The Style 502 Flat Belt Arch-Type can be manufactured in a variety of elastomers and can be sent to the field in an endless connection only. See Table 1 for material considerations. Style 190-K: Known as a "Navy Fan Connector", the Style 190K is manufactured of 3/16" thick polyester fabric reinforced neoprene MIL-R-6855, Class 2, Durometer 40. The Style 190-K Navy Fan Connector can be manufactured in U-Type or Arch-Type forms depending upon application requirements. U-Type connectors can be manufactured with a minimum 3" face-to-face overall Style 502 length. Arch-Type connectors can be manufactured with aminimum6" face-to-face overall length. PROCO can manufacture the Series 500, Style 190-K in both round and rectangular shapes. If flangedrilling is required for the Style 190-K Navy Fan Connectors, PROCO candrill per customer's specifications. Retaining rings and/or backing bars can be furnished (drilled or undrilled) upon request. See Table 1 for material considerations. Table 1: Available Styles /Materials For Specific Elastomer Recommendations, See: PROCOTM "Chemical To Elastomer Guide" PROCO Nominal No. of Maximum Styles Material Elastomer Body Reinforcement Pressure Code Thickness Plies Rating (PSI) BB Chlorobutyl EE EPDM 3/16" 1 �1 HH Hypalon� 501 NH Neoprene/Hypalon� 1/4" 2 �2 NN Neoprene Style 190-K NP Neoprene/Buna-N 3/8" 2 �2 VV Viton� BB Chlorobutyl EE EPDM 3/16" 1 �1 HH Hypalon� 502 NH Neoprene/Hypalon� 1/4" 2 �2 NN Neoprene NP Neoprene/Buna-N 3/8" 2 �2 VV Viton� NN Neoprene 190-K 3/16" 1 �2 VV Viton� NOTES: 1. Hypalon and Viton are registered trademarks of DuDont Dow Elastomers 2. Expansion Joint "Cover" (outside) can be Hypalon painted on special order. 3. Standard fabric reinforcement is polyester. Other high temperature materials are available uponrequest. 4. For vacuum applications, all fabric elements should retain sufficient setback from the duct to ensure that belting does not protrude into the flow stream.
Goodyear Rubber Products