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TM Expansion Joint Accessories Spray Shields Anti-Squirm Flanges PROCO Spray Shields are used to help prevent injury to When under pressure, a longer bellows will react the same personnel or damage to equipment in the event of a leak or as a column when subjected to compression. At some point sprayout at expansion joint connections of acids, caustics, both will buckle or "squirm". PROCO can offer a solution to chlorine and other dangerous liquids. prevent this squirming effect during operation or testing. s Same quality design as other cloth shields Squirm can cause a catastrophic failure of the expansion joint, and serious thought must be given to this condition at s pH indicating patch to signal leaks time of system engineering. If desired, s Weep holes behind patch allow indicator PROCO can offer a design that will to change color eliminate the squirming effect . Once s Attached by Velcro fasteners and drawstrings manufactured, a hydrostatic test of the s Allows for full movement of the expansion joint joint provides assurance that it will hold its form under pressure. If a hydrostatic s Available for all PROCO style joints test is required, it should be specified STABLE SQUIRMED at the time of quotation. BELLOWS BELLOWS "When personnel safety and equipment performance are concerns ... contact PROCO." Demand the best -- insist on PROCOTM . s Same-day shipping s Emergency service for nights, weekends, and even holidays s Knowledgeable sales staff that has average of 12 years experience with expansion joints s Complete expansion joint s � product line Daily UPS pick-up s Largest inventory in s Preselected freight carriers to minimize North America "interline transfer" DISTRIBUTED BY: PROCO PRODUCTS, INC. Warning: Expansion joints may operate in pipelines or equipment carrying fluids and/or gases at elevated temperatures and pressures. Normal precautions should be taken to make sure these parts are installed correctly and inspected regularly. Precautionsshould betakento protect personnel in theevent of leakageor splash.Note: Piping mustbe properly aligned andanchored topreventdamage toan expansion joint. Movementmust not exceed specifiedratings andcontrolunitsare always recommended to prevent damage in the event other anchoring in the system fails. Properties applications shown throughout this data sheet are typical. This information does not constitute a warranty or representation and we assume no legal responsibility or obligationwithrespectthereto and the use towhichsuch information may be put. Your specific application should not be undertaken without independent study andevaluation for suitability.
Goodyear Rubber Products