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TM SERIES 4400 convoluted heavy-duty molded PTFE bellows The PROCO Series 4400 PTFE Molded Bellows Expansion Joints are used for Tested Force Pound And Spring Rate Tables. At PROCO we have machine tested corrosive applications found in: Chemical-Petrochemical, Industrial Process Pip-several sizes of the Series 4400 expansion joints for Axial Spring Rates and can ing Systems, Power Generating Plants, Pulp/Paper Plants, Water/Wastewaterprovide Thrust/Force factors so designers can properly design system restraints. Sewage and Pollution Control Systems where metallic joints/lap joints of PTFEIt should be noted that the Series 4400 Molded PTFE Expansion Joints are in & FEP-lined rubber expansion joints may have been previously used or speci-accordance with the performance characteristics of the Fluid Sealing fied. Specify PROCO Series 4400 Expansion Joints for installation between an-Association's Rubber Expansion Joint Division, Technical Handbook Section on chor points or next to mechanical equipment such as: Absorption Machines,Convoluted PTFE Bellows. Blowers, Chillers, Compressors, Fans, Graphite Heat Exchangers, Glass Lined Flange And Limit Rods. All PROCO Series 4400 expansion joint flange configu- Vessels, Pumps, and Exotic Alloy/Glass Lined Piping Systems. The Series 4400 rations are made of ductile iron, coated with a rust inhibitive primer to prevent Expansion Joints are designed to: (1) Absorb Pipe Movements/Stress, (2) Re- corrosion and are dimensionally tapped to ANSI 125/150# Standards. Hole drill- duce System Noise, (3) Reduce Mechanical Vibration, (4) Compensate Align- ing on centerline, other drilling standards, or other flange materials, (such as ment/Offset, (5) Eliminate Electrolysis, (6) Protect Against Start-up/Surge Forces. epoxy coated flanges), are available on special order. In addition, all PTFE expan- Our history in the manufacture of expansion joint products dates back to 1930. sion joints are supplied with factory set limit rods to prevent over-extension dur- When an engineered solution is needed to solve a piping problem, call PROCO. ing operation. Engineered For Your Application. The PROCO Series 4400 PTFE Expansion Joints are hot formed from a PTFE tube made with a tape wrapping process. The tube isChemical Service Capability at Minimal Cost. Expensive, exotic metal or PTFE or processed so that the PTFE has a low level of crystallinity, which translates into anFEP lined rubber expansion joints for severe chemical service can be replaced with improved service life. The seamless PTFE tube is also engineered to have a con-the PROCO Series 4400 PTFE Expansion Joints. The PTFE bellows are vanstoned trolled wall thickness and production methods ensure optimum hoop strength,there-to ductile iron flanges, which allows all wetted surfaces to come in contact with the fore providing an excellent pressure/vacuum to temperature ratio in the finishedPTFE material. Specify the Series 4400 expansion joints where high temperatures product. In most cases this can match that of PTFE lined steel pipe and fittings.coupled with lower pressures or lower temperatures coupled with higher pres- sures are proposed. Molded from PTFE materials, the Series 4400 offers a low- The PROCO Series 4400 is available in 2 convolute through 10 convolute configura- cost expansion joint that is impervious to chemical attack. Use the PROCO "Chemi- tions. Each convolution profile offers different overall lengths (face-to-face dimen- cal to Elastomer Guide" for reference on chemical compatibility. sions) and movements to fit the required specification. Services And Locations. PROCO Series 4400 PTFE Expansion Joints have been Absorbs Pipe-Wall And Fluid-Borne Noise. The PROCO quiet-operating Series supplied to, and successfully used by a range of customers worldwide in the 4400 expansion joints are a replacement for "sound transmitting" metallic/lap process industries for use in both organic and inorganic chemical processing joints. Pipe-Wall sound loses energy and is absorbed as the noise carried by the and production, including such demanding applications as agrochemical and phar- piping enters and exits the PTFE section. Fluid-Borne noise is absorbed by the maceutical chemical production, acid processing and food manufacture. volumetric expansion (breathing of the connector). This action cushions water hammer and smoothes out pumping impulses. Information � Ordering � Pricing � Delivery. Day or night, weekends and holi- Isolates Vibration And Motion. PROCO Series 4400 PTFE Expansion Joints shoulddays ... the PROCO phones are monitored 24 hours around the clock. When you be installed right after and ahead of equipment generating vibration in order tohave a question, you can call us. isolate the rotating/vibrating equipment from the rest of the piping system. This layout will improve the overall operating performance of the piping system. For optimum performance, the Series 4400 expansion joints should be installed hori- zontally to the shaft. Vertical and perpendicular installations are also acceptable, as these expansion joints will accept axial, lateral and angular movements as well as vibration. Note: For maximum vibration transmission reduction, the pipe section beyond the PTFE expansion joints must be anchored or sufficiently rigid. Reduces System Stress and Strain. Rigid attachment of piping to critical or mechanical equipment can produce excessive loading. Thermal or mechanically created strain/stress/shock are cushioned and absorbed with the installation of a flexible PROCO Series 4400 PTFE Expansion Joint. The Series 4400 expansion joint adds a flexible component to the system that automatically self-corrects for misalignment created by structural movements caused by settling, pipe expan- sion or ground shifts. � PROCO PRODUCTS, INC. Rev. 1 3/02 Protecting Piping And The Expansion Joint People Equipment Systems From Stress/Motion INDEPENDENT SEALING DISTRIBUTORS FLUID SEALING ASSOCIATION NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OFHOSE ANDACCESSORIES DISTRIBUTORS
Goodyear Rubber Products