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wide-arch expansion joints Figure 1: Detail Of Style 251 EXPANSION SIZEJOINTx NeutralLength Nom.I.D. A Equally SpacedRetainingRings EquallySpaced Control Retaining Bo BoltHoles Rubber (mm)Inch/ H lt Bolt Holes Rod Rings ole A Plate Washer D ia. s Steel Washer Bo NEUTRALlt Ci rLENGTHc le A A Inch/(mm) Standard Split Pipe Flange Axial Compression Optional (mm)/Inch Compression Sleeve Section AA FlangeO.D.Ring&Ret. AxialNominalPipeSize Table 2: Sizes � Movements � PressuresExtension� Weights � Drilling I.D.Joint Inch/(mm) 4 5 7 251 Movement Capability: From Neutral PositionOperating ConditionsWeights in lbs / (kgs)Flange Dimensions and Drilling Lateral Deflection Inch/(mm) 1 Angular Deflection Degrees 1 (25) 2 1.25 (32) U S E TorsionalS E R I E S 2 3 1 P R O D U C T A T T H I S T I M E Deflection 1.5 (40) Degrees .47 .59 3.1 200 26 2.9 4.0 2.8 6.0 4.75 0.750 2 (50) (12) (15) 25.2� 3� 3(20) (14.0) (660) (1.3) (1.8) (1.3) (152.4) (120.65) 4 (19.05) FactorThrustB ol /(cm2)In2 t C (65) .47 .59 4.9 ir 200 26 3.5 4.5 2.8 7.0 5.50 0.750 2.5 Rc (12) (15) 20.6� 3� (32) etl.e (14.0)(660) (1.6) (2.0) (1.3) (177.8) (139.70) 4 (19.05) Ri ng I.D 3 (80) (150) 1.06 .47 .59 7.1 Positive20026 4.3 5.5 2.8 7.5 6.00 0.750 6 (12) (15) 17.4� 3� (46) (14.0). (660) (2.0) (2.5) (1.3) (190.5) (152.40) 4 (19.05) (27) /PSIG(Bar) 4 (100) .47 .59 12.6 200 26 5.7 8.0 2.8 9.0 7.50 0.750 (12) (15) 13.2� 3� (81) (14.0) (660) (2.6) (3.6) (1.3) (228.6) (190.50) 8 (19.05) Vacuum 5 (125) .53 .66 19.6 200 26InchesofHg/7.08.5 4.0 10.0 8.50 0.875 (14) (17) 12.0� 3� (127) (14.0) (660)(mmHg)of(3.2)(3.9)(1.8) (254.0) (215.90) 8 (22.23) 6 (150) .59 .74 28.3 200 26 8.2 9.5 4.0 11.0 9.50 0.875 (15) (19) 11.1� 3� (182) (14.0) (660) (3.7) (4.3) (1.8) (279.4) (241.30) 8 (22.23) Joint Assembly 8 (200) .59 .74 50.3 180 26 11.7 14.5 8.0 13.5 11.75 0.875 (15) (19) 8.4� 3� (324) (13.0) (660) (5.3) (6.6) (3.6) (342.9) (298.45) 8 (22.23) .71 .89 78.5 150 26 20.1 17.0 10.0 16.0 14.25 1.000 10 (250) Retaining (18) (23) 8.1� 3� (507) (10.0) (660) (9.1) (7.7) (4.5) (406.4) (361.95)12 (25.40) RingSet CircleBoltRodControl 12 (300) .77 .96 113.1 150 26 27.8 24.5 O.D.RingFlange/Retaining (19) (24) 7.3� 3� (730) (10.0) (660) (12.6) (11.0) (4.5) (482.6) (431.80)12 (25.40) CircleBolt6 ControlUnit 14 (350) .75 .96 153.9 130 26 40.0 27.0 12.0Assembly21.018.75 1.125 (19) (24) 6.3� 2� (993) (9.0) (660) (18.1) (12.3) (5.4) (533.4) (476.25)12 (28.58) 8 (200) 1.65 16 (400) (42) .75 .96 201.1 110 26 47.0 33.5 15.0 23.5 21.25 1.125 (19) (24) 5.9� 2� (1297) (8.0) (660) (21.3) (15.2) (6.8) ofExp.O.D.(596.9)(539.75)16(28.58) Ring/Joint 18 (450) .75 1.0 254.5 110 26 56.0 34.0 16.5 25.0(mm)/Inch22.75 1.250 (19) (25) 5.3� 1� (1642) (8.0) (660) (25.4) (15.5) (7.2) (635.0) (577.85)16 (31.75) 20 (500) .75 1.0 314.2 110 26 67.0 38.0 16.5 27.5 25.00 1.250 (19) (25) 4.8� 1� (2027) (8.0) (660) (30.4) (17.3) (7.2) (698.5) (635.00)CircleBolt20(31.75) Inch/(mm) 24 (600) .83 1.0 452.4 100 26 79.0 48.0 19.0 32.0 29.50 1.375 (21) (25) 3.9� 1� (2919) (7.0) (660) (35.9) (21.8) (8.6) (812.8) (749.30)20 (34.93) Nominal 10 (250) 1.75 ofNumber SizePipe 30 (750) (42) 1.0 1.0 706.9 90 26 117.0 63.0 29.5 38.8 36.00 I.D.JointHoles1.375 (25) (25) 3.8� 1� (4560) (6.0) (660) (53.1) (28.6) (13.3) (984.3) (914.40)28 (34.93) Notes: HolesofSize PROCOTM Series 251 Products Are 1. The degree of angular movement is based on the maximum rated extension. DISTRIBUTED BY: (mm)/Inch 2. Torsional movement is expressed when the expansion joint is a neutral length.Designed To Absorb Different 3. To determine "end thrust", multiply thrust factor by operating pressure of system. Movements Concurrently. 4. Pressure rating is based on 170�F operating temperature. At higher temperature the pressure rating is slightly reduced. 5. Weights are approximate. 6. Control unit weight consists of one rod, four washers, three nuts and two control rod plates. Multiply number of control units needed for application (as specified in the Fluid Sealing Association Technical Handbook) to determine correct weights. 7. Dimensions shown are in accordance with 125/150# standards of ANSI B-16.1,Axial CompressionAxial Elongation B-16.24, B-16.5; AWWA C-207 Table 1 and 2 Class D. Torsional Movement Angular Movement Rotation AboutThe Centerline (Twist)BendingOf TheCenterline EXPANSION JOINTS NATIONWIDE AND CANADA INTERNATIONAL Lateral Movement Absorbing Vibration Shear Or Perpendicular To Centerline Warning: Expansion joints may operate in pipelines or equipment carrying fluids and/or gases at elevated temperatures and pressures. Normal precautions should be taken to make sure these parts are installed correctly and inspected regularly. Precautions shouldbe taken to protect personnel in the event ofleakage or splash. Note: Piping mustbe properly alignedand anchored to prevent damage to an expansion joint. Movement must not exceedspecified ratings and control units are always recommended to prevent damage in the event other anchoring in the system fails. Properties applications shown throughout this data sheet are typical. This information does not constitute a warranty or representation and we assume no legal responsibility orobligation with respect thereto andthe use to which suchinformation may beput. Your specificapplication should not be undertaken withoutindependent studyand evaluation for suitability.
Goodyear Rubber Products