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PTFE lined rubber expansion joints EXPANSION SIZEJOINT Nom.I.D.x 1 Inch(mm)/ NEUTRAL LENGTH (mm)/Inch Axial Compression Inch/(mm) Axial Extension Inch/(mm) Table 2: Sizes � Movements � Pressures � Weights � Drilling Lateral 5 6 8 231/BT MovementDeflectionCapability: From Neutral PositionOperating ConditionsWeights in lbs / (kgs)Flange Dimensions and Drilling Inch/(mm) 2 Angular Deflection Degrees 3 Torsional (40) 0.625 0.625 Rotation1.8 225 30 1.5 2.5 2.3 5.0 3.88 0.625 1.5 28.0� 1� (16) (16) Degrees(11) (15.5) (762) (0.7) (1.1) (1.0) (127.0) (98.6) 4 (15.88) 2 (50) 0.625 0.625 25.0� 1� 3.1 225 30 2.0 4.0 2.8 6.0 4.75 0.750 (16) (16) (20) (15.5) (762) (0.9) (1.8) (1.3) (152.4) (120.65) 4 (19.05) 4 FactorThrust 2.5 (65) 0.625 0.625 20.2� 1� 4.9(cm2)/In2225 30 2.5 4.5 2.8 7.0 5.50 0.750 (16) (16) (32) (15.5) (762) (1.2) (2.0) (1.3) (177.8) (139.7) 4 (19.05) 3 (80) 0.625 0.625 18.0� 1� 7.1 225 30 3.0 5.5 2.8 7.5 6.00 0.750 (16) (16) (46) (15.5) (762) (1.4) (2.5) (1.3) (190.5) (152.4) 4 (19.05) 6 (150) 1.25 Positive (32) 4 (100) 0.625 0.625 14.2� 1� 12.6 225PSIG/(Bar)30 4.0 8.0 2.8 9.0 7.50 0.750 (16) (16) (81) (15.5) (762) (1.8) (3.6) (1.3) (228.6) (190.5) 8 (19.05) 4.0 10.0 8.50 0.875 5 (125) 0.625 0.625 13.0� 1� 19.6 225 Vacuum 30 5.0 8.5 (16) (16) (127) (15.5) (762) (2.3) (3.9) (1.8) (254.0) (215.9) 8 (22.23) InchesofHg/ Hg)of(mm7.0 9.5 4.0 11.0 9.50 0.875 6 (150) 0.625 0.625 12.2� 1� 28.3 225 30 (16) (16) (182) (15.5) (762) (3.2) (4.3) (1.8) (279.4) (241.3) 8 (22.23) Joint 14.5 8.0 13.5 11.75 0.875 8 (200) 0.625 0.625 12.0� 1� 50.3 210 30 11.0 (16) (16) (324) (14.5) (762) (5.0)Assembly(6.6)(3.6)(342.9)(298.4)8 (22.23) 10.0 16.0 14.25 1.000 10 (250) 1.0 1.0 11.9� 1� 78.5 210 30 19.0 17.0 (25) (25) (507) (14.5) (762) (8.6) Retaining(7.7)(4.5)(406.4)(362.0)12(25.40) RingSet 10.0 19.0 17.00 1.000 12 (300) 1.0 1.0 11.3� 1� 113.1 210 30 29.0 24.5 (25) (25) (730) (14.5) (762) (13.2) (11.0) (4.5) (482.6) (431.8) 12 (25.40) 7 ControlUnit 12.0 21.0 18.75 1.125 14 (350) 1.0 1.0 11.5� 1� 153.9 150 30 38.0 27.0 Assembly (25) (25) (993) (10.0) (762) (17.2) (12.3) (5.4) (533.4) (476.3) 12 (28.58) 2.0 8 (200) (50) 1.0 1.0 201.1 150 30 44.0 33.5 15.0 23.5 21.25 1.125 16 (400) 10.1� 1� O.D.ofExp. (25) (25) (1297) (10.0) (762) (20.0) (15.2) (6.8) (596.9) (539.8) 16 (28.58) /JointRing Inch/(mm) (450) 1.0 1.0 254.5 150 30 49.0 34.0 16.5 25.0 22.75 1.250 18 8.9� 1� (25) (25) (1642) (10.0) (762) (22.2) (15.5) (7.2) (635.0) (577.9) 16 (31.75) 1.0 1.0 314.2 150 30 54.0 38.0 16.5 27.5 25.00 1.250 20 (500) 8.1� 1� BoltCircle (25) (25) (2027) (10.0) (762) (24.5) (17.3) (7.2) (698.5) (635.0) 20 (31.75) Inch/(mm) 1.5 1.5 452.4 110 28 60.0 48.0 20.0 32.0 29.50 1.375 24 (600) 9.0� 1� (38) (38) (2919) (7.5) (711) (27.2) (21.8) (9.0) (812.8) (749.3) 20 (34.93) ofNumber 30 (750) 10 (250) 3.0 1.5 1.5 7.5� 1� 706.9 100 28 88.0 63.0 29.5 38.8 36.00 Holes1.375 (75) (38) (38) (4560) (7.0) (711) (44.0) (28.6) (13.3)(984.3) (914.4) 28 (34.93) 36 (900) 1.5 1.5 6.7� 1� 1017.9 100 28 112.0 76.0 43.0 46.0 42.75 1.625SizeofHoles (38) (38) (6567) (7.0) (711) (50.8) (34.5) (19.5)(1168.4)(1085.9)32 (41.28) Inch/(mm) Notes: 1. Teflon liner extends to bottom of bolt holes. DISTRIBUTED BY: 2. The degreeofangular movement is based on themaximum rated extension. 3. Torsional movementis expressed whentheexpansion joint is aneutral length. 4. To determine"end thrust", multiply thrust factor by operatingpressure of system. 5. Pressure ratingis based on 194�F operating temperature. At higher temperature the pressure rating isslightly reduced. 6. Weights are approximate. 7. Control unit weight consists of onerod,four washers, three nuts andtwo control rod plates. Multiply number of control units needed for application (as specified in the Fluid Sealing Association Technical Handbook) to determine correct weights. 8. Dimensionsshown are in accordance with 125/150#standards of ANSI B-16.1, B-16.24,B-16.5; AWWA C-207 Table 1 and2 Class D. Warning: Expansion joints may operate in pipelines or equipment carrying fluidsand/or gases at elevated temperatures andpressures. Normal precau- tions should be taken to make sure these parts are installed correctly and inspectedregularly. Precautions should be taken to protect personnel in the PROCO PRODUCTS, INC. event of leakage or splash. Note: Piping must be properly aligned and an- choredtopreventdamage to anexpansionjoint. Movement mustnot exceed specifiedratingsandcontrolunits arealways recommended to prevent dam- age in the event other anchoring in the system fails. Properties applications shown throughoutthisdata sheet aretypical.This information does not con- stituteawarranty orrepresentationandwe assume no legalresponsibility or obligation with respect thereto and the use to which such information may be put.Your specificapplicationshould not beundertakenwithout indepen- dentstudy andevaluation for suitability.
Goodyear Rubber Products