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SERIES 230/220 spool type wide arch rubber expansion joints PROCO Series230,Styles 231, 232, & 233 Non-Metallic Expansion Joints are designedExclusive Sealing Bead Means A Quick Seal. PROCO has built an "O-Ring" on each fortough,demandingindustrialapplications,asfoundin:Chemical/Petrochemical Plants,flange face of the Series 230. Available only from PROCO, the Series 230 seals faster Industrial Process Piping Systems, Marine Services, Power Generation Plants, Pulp/with less torque at installation. For these exclusive features, specify the PROCO Series Paper Plants, Steel Mills, Water/Wastewater and Pollution Control Systems. Installed230 rubber expansion joints. next to mechanical equipment or between the anchor points of a piping system, specifySpecifications Met. PROCO has assigned conservative pressure ratings to the Series the PROCO Series 230 to: (1) Absorb Pipe Movement/Stress, (2) Reduce System Noise,230 rubber expansion joints. The ratings, however, meet the requirements of the Fluid (3) Isolate Mechanical Vibration, (4) Compensate Alignment/Offset, (5) Eliminate Elec-Sealing Association's Rubber Expansion Joint Division Technical Handbook (Sixth Edi- trolysis, (6) Protect Against Start-Up Surge Forces. Our history in the manufacture oftion), Series C. The pressure ratings for the Series 230 rubber expansion joints have expansion joints dates back to l930. When you need an engineered rubber expansionbeen fully tested and are based on a minimum four-to-one safety factor. For pressure joint solution to a piping problem, call PROCO! protection with confidence, specify the PROCO Series 230. Series230 Replaces Series 220. The new and improved PROCO Series 230 replaces theTested Force Pound And Spring Rate Tables. The Series 230 rubber expansion joints PROCO Series 220 rubber expansion joints. (Series 220 products will be available only inare in accordance with and/or lower than the guidelines for spring rate data as listed in short neutral lengths.) This new hand-built product has been completely re-engineered tothe Fluid Sealing Association's Rubber Expansion Joint Division Technical Handbook provide improved strength, flexibility, movement and spring rate capabilities. Manufac-(Sixth Edition), Table V. Due to a lower, wider arch profile, the PROCO Series 230 will tured utilizing tire industry technology, the Series 230 combines woven nylon fabric andprovide more flexibility than conventional spool-type rubber expansion joints. In addition, nylon tire cord into a fabric matrix bonded with elastomer and reinforced with wire tothe lower/wider arch profile coupled with a modified radial tire cord construction will create aproductwith greater operatingperformance. Thenomenclature for the new PROCOresult in lower flange forces. Lower resultant forces mean reduced stress of related pip- Series 230 is as follows: ing system components. PROCO is currently testing each rubber expansion joint size Single Arch Series 230, Style 231 and will list actual test data as opposed to listing hypothetical data normally associated Double Arch Series 230, Style 232 with spring rate tables. Triple Arch Series 230, Style 233 Absorbs Vibration � Noise � Shock. The PROCO Series 230 quiet-operating rubber Greater Movements With A Lower/Wider Arch Profile. The movements for the PROCOexpansion joints are a replacement for "sound transmitting" metallic expansion joints. Series 230 exceed the specification of the Fluid Sealing Association's Rubber ExpansionSound loses energy traveling axially through an expansion joint. Water hammer, pump- Joint Division Technical Handbook (Sixth Edition), Table V. Due to a new and improveding impulses, water-borne noises and other forms of strain-stress-shock are cushioned lower, wider profile arch, more axial compression and axialextension coupled with lateraland absorbed by the molded elastomer expansion joint, not related to piping. Install the misalignment, angular and torsional movements can be obtained without increasing theSeries 230 in a system to reduce vibration transmission when the piping section face-to-face requirements.Installation ofthe Series 230 in a piping system will negate thebeyondthe expansion joint is anchored or sufficiently rigid. For quiet,stress-free systems, need for long and expensive multi-arch products. For greater movements based on re-specify the PROCO Series 230. engineering and new product construction, specify the PROCO Series 230. Wide Service Range With Low Cost. Engineered to operate up to 200 PSIG or up to Less Turbulence Or Material Entrapment. The PROCO 230 Series molded integral flange250�F, the PROCO Series 230 can be specified for a wide range of piping system re- joins the body at a true 90� angle. Our product will install snug against the mating pipequirements.Compared to competitive products, you will invest less money when specifying flange without voids. Theflange body of the rubber expansionjointis difficult toform andthe engineered design and industrial quality of the PROCO Series 230. many manufacturersradius the edge angles.The resulting void between the mating flange Large Inventory Means Same-Day Shipment. We maintain the largest inventory of and the edge angle can create flow turbulence and allow for material entrapment or elastomeric expansion joints in the world. Every size cataloged up to 72" is in stock in a bacterial growth. You can avoid these problems by specifying PROCO Series 230 rubber variety of elastomers. We can ship the products you need when you need them! In fact, expansion joints. when itcomestorubberexpansionjoints, if PROCO doesn'thave them in stock ... nobody Chemical Or Abrasive Service Capability. Expensive metallic designs for chemical ser-does! vice can be replaced with the more cost-effective PROCO Series 230. Built with low-cost Information � Ordering � Pricing � Delivery. Day or night, weekends and holidays ... chemical resistant elastomers, such as Chlorobutyl, DuPont Dow Elastomer Hypalon� the PROCO phones are monitored 24 hours around the clock. When you have a question, rubber, EPDM, Natural, Neoprene and Nitrile, assures an expansion joint compatible with you can call us. fluid being pumped or piped (See Table 1). When handling abrasive products such as any solids or slurries, Natural or Neoprene filled arch products should be specified. Please refertoPROCO"Chemical to Elastomer Guide"for recommendations on elastomerchemical compatibility for piping processes. Table 1: Available Styles � Materials � Temperatures For SpecificElastomer Recommendations, See: PROCOTM "Chemical To Elastomer Guide" PROCO Style Numbers Cover2 Tube Maximum Branding F.S.A. Filled ArchOpen Arch ElastomerElastomer Operating Label Material (Single)6 (Single)6 Temp. �F (�C) Color Class Protecting Piping And FA231/BB 231/BB Butyl4 Butyl4 250� (121�) Black STD. III FA231/EE 231/EE EPDM EPDM 250� (121�) Red STD. III Equipment Systems FA231/NH 231/NH Neoprene Hypalon1 212� (100�) Green STD. II FA231/NN5 231/NN 5 Neoprene Neoprene 225� (107�) Blue STD. II From Stress / Motion FA231/NP 231/NP Neoprene Nitrile 212� (100�) Yellow STD. II FA231/NR 231/NR Neoprene Natural 180� (68�) White STD. I Notes: 1. Hypalon is a registered trademark of DuPont Dow Elastomers. 2. Expansion joint "cover" can be coated with Hypalon�on special order. 3. All products are reinforced with steel and fabricmaterials. Series 230 4. The term "butyl" is synonymouswith chlorobutyl (CIIR). Page 2 of 16 5. Styles FA231, FA232, FA233 and styles 231, 232, 233 meet all requirements of U.S.C.G. 6. Style numbers above reflect one arch.Products are also available in Styles 232 and 233.
Goodyear Rubber Products