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Chemical Resistance Guide for Silicone Hose MATERIAL HANDLED COMPATIBILITY MATERIAL HANDLED COMPATIBILITY MATERIAL HANDLED COMPATIBILITY MATERIAL HANDLED COMPATIBILITY Acetic acid, dilute, 10% B Carbon tetrachloride X Hydraulic fluids: Water glycolA Potassium hydroxide C Acetic acid glacial C Castor oil A Hydrobromic acid X Potassium sulfate A Acetic acid anhydride I Cellosolve acetate X Hydrochloric acid X Propane X Acetone X CFC-12 I Hydrocyanic acid B Sewage B Acetylene C China wood oil, tung oil X Hydrofluoric acid X Soap solution A Air 68�F (20�C) A Chlorine, dry/wet X Hydrofluosilicic acid I Soda ash, sodium carbonate A Air 150�F (65�C) A Chlorinated solvents X Hydrogen gas 140�F (60�C) C Sodium bicarbonate, baking sodaA Aluminum chloride 150�F (65�C)A Chloroacetic acid I Hydrogen peroxide A Sodium bisulfate A Aluminum fluoride 150�F (65�C)B Chlorosulfonic acid X Hydrogen sulfide, dry X Sodium chloride A Aluminum sulfate 150�F (65�C) A Chromic acid C Hydrogen sulfide, wet X Sodium cyanide A Alums 150�F (65�C) A Citric acid A Isobutyl alcohol A Sodium hydroxide to 50% at 140�FA Ammonia gas, anhydrous I Coke oven gas B Isopropyl alcohol A Sodium hypochlorite B Ammonia 10%water solution A Copper chloride 150�F (65�C) A Isooctane X Sodium metaphosphate A Ammonia 30%water solution C Copper sulfate 150�F (65�C) A Kerosene X Sodium nitrate X Ammonium chloride C Corn oil A Lacquers X Sodium perborate B Ammonium hydroxide C Cottonseed oil A Lacquers solvents X Sodium peroxide C Ammonium nitrate A Creosote, coal tar C Lactic acid A Sodium phosphate, monobasic X Ammonium phosphate monobasic A Creosote, coal tar wood X Linseed oil A Sodium phosphate, dibasic X Ammonium phosphate dibasic A CreosoIs, cresylic acid I Lubricating oil, crude C Sodium phosphate, tribasic X Ammonium phosphate tribasic A Dichlorobenzene X Lubricating oil, refined C Sodium silicate A Ammonium sulfate A Dichloroethylene X Magnesium chloride 150�F (65�C)A Sodium sulfate A Amyl acetate X Diesel fuel X Magnesium hydroxide 150�F (65�C)BSodium sulfide A Amyl alcohol X Diethanolamine 20% X Magnesium sulfate 150�F (65�C)A Sodium thiosulfate, hypo I Aniline, Aniline oil X Diethylamine B Mercuric chloride A Soybean oil A Aniline, dyes X Diisopropylamine I Mercury A Stannic chloride B Asphalt I Dioctylphthalate X Methyl alcohol, methanol A Steam 450�F (230�C) I Barium chloride 150�F (65�C) A Ethers X Methyl chloride X Stearic acid A Barium hydroxide 150�F (65�C) A Ethyl acetate B Methyl ethyl ketone X Sulfur B Barium sulfide 150�F (65�C) A Ethyl alcohol A Methyl isopropyl ketone C Sulfur chloride C Beer A Ethyl cellulose C Milk A Sulfur dioxide, dry B Beet sugar liquors A Ethyl chloride C MTBE I Sulfur trioxide, dry B Benzene, Benzol X Ethyl glycol A Mineral oils A Sulfuric acid, 10% X Benzine, petroleum ether X Ferric chloride 150�F (65�C) A Natural gas C Sulfuric acid, 11% - 75% X Benzine, petroleum naphtha X Ferric sulfate 150�F (65�C) B Nickel chloride 150�F (65�C) A Sulfuric acid, 76% - 95% X Black sulfate liquor A Formaldehyde B Nickel sulfate 150�F (65�C) A Sulfuric acid, fuming X Blast furnace gas A Formic acid C Nitric acid, crude X Sulfurous acid X Borax B Fuel oil X Nitric acid, diluted 10% C Tannic acid B Boric acid A Furfural X Nitric acid, concentrated 70%X Tar B Bromine X Gasoline, unleaded X Nitrobenzene C Tartaric acid A Butane X Gasoline + MTBE X Oleic acid X Toluene, Toluol X Butyl acetate X Gasoline Hi Test + MTBE X Oleum I Trichloroethylene X Butyl alcohol, Butanol C Gelatin A Oxalic acid B Turpentine X Calcium bisulfate C Glucose A Oxygen X Urea, water solution A Calcium chloride A Glue A Palmitic acid X Vinegar A Calcium hydroxide A Glycerine, glycerol A Perchlorethylene C Vinyl acetate X Calcium hypochlorite C Green sulfate liquor A Petroleum oils and crude 200�F (95�C) XWater, acid mine A Caliche liquors B HFC-134 I Phosphoric acid, crude C Water, fresh A Cane sugar liquors A Hydraulic fluids: Petroleum C Phosphoric acid, pure 45% C Water, distilled A Carbolic acid, phenol X Hydraulic fluids: Phosphate ester alkyl XPicric acid, molten X Whiskey and wines A Carbon dioxide, dry-wet A Hydraulic fluids: Phosphate ester aryl XPicric acid, water solutionIXylene, xylol X Carbon disulfide X Hydraulic fluids: Phosphate ester blends XPotassium chlorite A Zinc chloride A Carbon monoxide 140�F (60�C) A Hydraulic fluids: Silicate esterX Potassium cyanide A Zinc sulfate A KEY: A = Good Resistance B = Fair Resistance C = Poor Resistance X = Not Recommended I = Insufficient Information This tabulation is based on tests and on generally available sources, and believed to be reliable. This must be used only as a guide since it does not take into consideration all variables that may be encountered in actual use, such as but not limited to temperature, concentration pressure, duration of exposure, stability of the fluid and possible contamination. In all cases, the compound should always be tested with the chemical it is going to handle. All data is based on usage at 70�F (21�C) unless noted. Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Hose Division 27 T Strongsville, OH Industrial Hose
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