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Catalog Number 5162A TECHNICAL INFORMATION-WARRANTY lubricating fluids and hydraulic fluids require a special Hose with aor cause failure. Mechanical loads which must be considered include conductive inner tube. This Hose for in flight applications is availableexcessiveflexing,twist, kinking, tensileor side loads,bend radius,and only from Parker's Stratoflex Products Division. Do not use any othervibration. Use of swivel type Fittings or adapters may be required to Parker Hose for in flight applications, even if electrically no twist is put into the Hose. Unusual applications may require Use of other Hoses for in flight applications or failure to properly con-special testing prior to Hose selection. nect or ground this Hose can cause a fire or an explosion resulting in2.11 Physical Damage: Care must be taken to protect Hose from wear, death, personal injury ,and property damage. These Hose assembliessnagging, kinking, bending smaller that minimum bend radius, and for in flight applications must meet all applicable aerospace industry,cutting, any of which can cause prematureHose failure. Any Hose that aircraft engine, and aircraft requirements. has been kinked or bent to a radius smaller than the minimum bend 2.2 Pressure:Hoseselectionmustbemadesothatthepublishedmaximum radius, and any Hose that has been cut or is cracked or is otherwise recommended workingpressureof the Hose isequal toor greaterthan damaged, should be removed and discarded. the maximum system pressure. Surge pressures or peak transient2.12 Proper End Fitting: See instructions 3.2 through 3.5. These recom- pressuresin the systemmustbe belowthepublished maximum work- mendations may be substantiated by testing to industry standards ing pressure for the Hose. Surge pressures and peak pressures cansuch as SAE J517 for hydraulic applications, or MIL-A-5070, AS1339, usuallyonly be determined bysensitive electricalinstrumentationthator AS3517 for Hoses from Parker's Stratoflex Products Division for measures andindicatespressuresatmillisecondintervals.Mechanical aerospace applications. pressure gauges indicate only average pressures and cannot be used2.13 Length: When establishing a proper Hose length, motion absorption, to determine surge pressures or peak transient pressures. PublishedHose length changes due to pressure, and Hose and machine toler- burst pressure ratings for Hose is for manufacturing test purposesances and movement must be considered. only and is no indication that the Product can be used in applications2.14 Specifications and Standards: When selecting Hose and Fittings, at the burst pressure or otherwise above the published maximum government,industry, andParkerspecificationsandrecommendations recommended working pressure. must be reviewed and followed as applicable. 2.3 Suction:Hosesusedforsuctionapplicationsmustbe selectedtoinsure2.15 Hose Cleanliness: Hose components may vary in cleanliness levels. that the Hose will withstand the vacuum and pressure of the system.Care must be taken to insure that the Hose Assembly selected has an Improperly selected Hose may collapse in suction application. adequate level of cleanliness for the application. 2.4 Temperature: Be certain that fluid and ambient temperatures, both2.16 Fire ResistantFluids:Some fireresistantfluidsthat are tobe conveyed steady and transient, do not exceed the limitations of the Hose require use of the same type of Hose as used with petroleum Temperatures below and above the recommended limit can degrade base fluids. Some suchfluidsrequirea specialHose, while afew fluids Hose to a point where a failure may occur and release fluid. Properlywill not work with any Hose at all. See instructions 2.5 and 1.5. The insulate andprotect the Hose Assemblywhen routingnearhot objectswrong Hose may fail after a very short service. In addition, all liquids (e.g.manifolds).DonotuseanyHoseinanyapplicationwherefailurebut pure water may burn fiercely under certain conditions, and even oftheHosecouldresultintheconveyedfluids(orvaporsormistfrompure water leakage may be hazardous. theconveyedfluids)contactinganyopenflame,moltenmetal,orother 2.17 Radiant Heat: Hose can be heated to destruction without contact by potential fire ignition source that could cause burning or explosion ofsuch nearby items as hot manifolds or molten metal. The same heat the conveyed fluids or vapors. source may then initiate a fire. This can occur despite the presence of 2.5 Fluid Compatibility: Hose Assembly selection must assure compat-cool air around the Hose. ibility of the Hose tube,cover, reinforcement,andFittings with the fluid2.18 WeldingorBrazing:Whenusing a torchorarc-welderincloseproximity media used. See the fluidcompatibility chart inthe Parkerpublicationto hydraulic lines, the hydraulic lines should be removed or shielded for the product being considered or used. This information is offeredwith appropriate fire resistant materials. Flame or weld spatter could only as a guide. Actual service life can only be determined by the endburn through the Hose and possibly ignite escaping fluid resulting in user by testing under all extreme conditions and other analysis.a catastrophic failure. Heating of plated parts, including Hose Fittings Hose that is chemically compatible with a particular fluid must beandadapters,above450�F(232�C)suchasduringwelding,brazing,or assembled using Fittings and adapters containing likewise compat-soldering may emit deadly gases. ible seals. 2.19 Atomic Radiation: Atomic radiation affects all materials used in Hose 2.6 Permeation:Permeation(thatis,seepagethroughtheHose)willoccurassemblies.Sincethelong-termeffectsmaybeunknown,donotexpose frominsidetheHosetooutsidewhenHose isusedwithgases,liquidand Hose assemblies to atomic radiation. gasfuels,andrefrigerants(includingbutnotlimitedtosuchmaterials 2.20 Aerospace Applications: The only Hose and Fittings that may be used ashelium,dieselfuel,gasoline,naturalgas,orLPG).Thispermeationfor in flight aerospace applications are Hose available from Parker's may result inhigh concentrations ofvapors which arepotentiallyflam-Stratoflex Products Division. Do not use any other Hose or Fittings for mable, explosive, or toxic, and in loss of fluid. Dangerous explosions,in flight applications. Do not use any Hose or Fittings from Parker's fires,andotherhazards canresultwhenusingthewrong Hoseforsuch Stratoflex Products Division with any other Hose or Fittings, unless applications. The system designer musttake into accountthe fact thatexpressly approved in writing by the engineering manager or chief thispermeationwilltakeplaceandmustnotuseHoseifthispermeation engineer of Stratoflex Products Division and verified by the user's own could be hazardous. The system designer must take into account alltesting and inspection to aerospace industry standards. legal, government, insurance, or any other special regulations which2.21 Unlocking Couplings: Ball locking couplings or other couplings with govern the useof fuels and refrigerants.Never usea Hoseeventhoughdisconnect sleeves can unintentionally disconnect if they are dragged the fluid compatibility is acceptable without considering the potentialover obstructions or if the sleeve is bumped ormoved enough tocause hazardous effects that can result from permeation through the Hosedisconnect. Threaded couplings should be considered where there is Assembly. a potential for accidental uncoupling. Permeation of moisture from outside the Hose to inside the Hose will also occur in Hose assemblies, regardless of internal pressure. If this3.0HOSE AND FITTING ASSEMBLY AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSSpecialtySmoothboreTechnicalSiliconeFlareSealConvoluted Fittings-SwageAccessoriesWarranty moisturepermeationwouldhavedetrimentaleffects(particularly,but 3.1ComponentInspection:Priorto assembly,a carefulexaminationofthe PTFEHosesHoseHelpHoseHosePTFEHose notlimitedtorefrigerationandairconditioningsystems),incorporationHoseandFittingsmustbe performed. Allcomponents mustbechecked of sufficient dryingcapacity in the system or other appropriate systemfor correct style, size, catalog number, and length. The Hose must be safeguards should be selected and used. examinedforcleanliness,obstructions,blisters,coverlooseness,kinks, 2.7 Size: Transmission of powerby means of pressurized fluid varies withcracks, cutsor any other visible defects.InspecttheFitting and sealing pressureandrateofflow.The sizeofthecomponentsmustbeadequate surfaces for burrs, nicks, corrosion or other imperfections. Do NOT to keep pressure losses to a minimum and avoid damage due to heatuse any component that displays any signs of nonconformance. generation or excessive fluid velocity. 3.2 Hose and Fitting Assembly: Do not assemble a Parker Fitting on a 2.8 Routing: Attention must be given to optimum routing to minimize Parker Hose that is not specifically listed by Parker for that Fitting, inherentproblems(kinkingorflowrestrictionduetoHosecollapse,unless authorized in writing by the engineering manager or chief en- twistingoftheHose,proximitytohotobjectsorheatsources).gineer of the appropriate Parker division. Do not assemble a Parker 2.9 Environment: Caremust be taken to insure that the Hoseand FittingsFitting on another manufacturers Hose or a Parker Hose on another areeithercompatiblewithorprotectedfromtheenvironment(thatmanufacturersFittingunless(i)theengineeringmanagerorchief is,surroundingconditions)towhichtheyareexposed.Environmentalengineer of the appropriate Parker division approves the Assembly in conditions including but not limited to ultraviolet radiation, sunlight,writing or that combination is expressly approved in the appropriate heat, ozone, moisture, water, salt water, chemicals, and air pollutantsParkerliteratureforthespecificParkerproduct,and(ii)theuserveri- can cause degradation and premature failure. fies the Assemblyandthe application throughanalysis and testing. For 2.10 Mechanical Loads: External forces can significantly reduce Hose lifeParker Hose that does not specify a Parker Fitting, the user is solely Parker Hannifin, Parflex Division PARKER/PAGE International 80 Fort Worth, Texas
Goodyear Rubber Products