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Catalog Number 5162A SEAMLESS CONVOLUTED PTFE HOSE ASSEMBLIES Without Braid PTFE - Heavy Wall Open Pitch LOW PRESSURE VENT AND VACUUM TUBING PARKER/PAGE manufactureshighquality PTFEconvoluted tubing from thick walled PTFE that is open pitched and self draining. CWV/CBV tubing is manufactured with smooth, rounded, helical-shaped convolutions which help to promote easy cleaning and self draining for ultimate As Manufactured Specified Flare high purity, convoluted tubing. PARKER/PAGE Heavy Wall Open Pitch tubing is offered innatural(non-conductive)orblack(conductive-static Vacuum Wire on I.D. Standard Cuff dissipating).CWvandCBvtubecanbeprovidedwith standardsmooth cuffs, Flare Seal style, flangedor a variety of crimp style end fittings. For vacuum applications, at elevatedtemperaturesandfor2.5",3"and4"sizes,a vacuum wire is recommended. Vacuum Wire on O.D. Reduced Cuff PARKER/PAGE CWV and CBV is widely used in high temperature and chemical resistant applications for industries such as semiconductor, automotive, chemical, petrochemical and pharmaceutical industries. 90� Flanged End Expanded Cuff CWV (Natural) & CBV (Conductive) PTFE - Heavy Wall Convoluted Tubing Min./Max. Maximum Minimum Weight Minimum Page Order Inside Outside Working Burst Vacuum per Bend Number ID Diameter Diameter Pressure Pressure Rating foot Radius* Natural Inch Inch Inch Lbs. Inch psi @ 72�F ps@ 72�F In. Hg. @72�F (Conductive) (MM) (MM) (MM) (Bars@ 22�C) (Bars@ 22�C) (Kg/Sq.CM@22�C) KG/M(MM) 08-CWV .500 .454 .466 .700 50 100 29.9 0.087 1.50 (08-CBv) (12.7) (11.5) (11.8) (17.8) (3.4) (6.9) (1.0) (0.129) (38) 12-CWV .750 .683 .701 1.010 50 100 29.9 0.165 1.88 (12-CBv) (19.0) (17.4) (17.8) (25.7) (3.4) (6.9) (1.0) (0.246) (48) 16-CWV 1.000 .841 .859 1.510 50 100 29.9 0.184 2.50 (16-CBv) (25.4) (21.4) (21.8) (30.7) (3.4) (6.9) (1.0) (0.274) (64) 20-CWV 1.250 1.125 1.145 1.610 40 80 29.9 0.280 3.13 (20-CBv) (31.7) (28.6) (29.1) (40.9) (2.8) (5.5) (1.0) (0.417) (79) CWV - NATURAL 24-CWv 1.500 1.420 1.480 1.880 40 80 29.9 0.320 3.75 Smoothbore (24-CBv) (38.1) (36.1) (37.6) (47.8) (2.8) (5.5) (1.0) (0.476) (95) SpecialtySiliconeTechnicalFlareSealConvoluted WarrantyAccessoriesFittings 32-CWV 2.000 1.770 1.830 2.432 30 60 29.9 0.417 4.75 HosesHosePTFEHelpHoseHosePTFEHose (32-CBv) (50.8) (45) (46.5) (61.8) (2.0) (4.1) (1.0) (0.621) (120) 40-CWv 2.500 2.460 2.540 3.210 20 40 29.9 0.760 5.00 (40-CBv) (63.5) (62.5) (64.5) (81.5) (1.4) (2.8) (1.0) (1.131) (127) 48-CWv 3.000 2.940 3.060 3.750 15 30 29.9 0.910 7.00 (48-CBv) (76.2) (74.7) (77.7) (95.2) (1.0) (2.0) (1.0) (1.354) (178) CBV - CONDUCTIVE 64-CWv 4.000 3.940 4.060 4.750 10 20 29.9 1.050 9.00 (Static Dissipative) (64-CBv) (101.6) (100) (103) (121) (0.7) (1.3) (1.0) (1.563) (229) NOTE: Temperature Range: -100�F to +500�F (-73�C to +260�C) *Bend Radius based on 36" length piece All ratings based on 72�F(22�C)-Alldimensionsnominal-Workingpressuresandvacuumratingsmayvarydepending upon end connections and process and temperature parameters. Parker Hannifin, Parflex Division PARKER/PAGE International 14 Fort Worth, Texas
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