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Catalog Number 5162A SmoothboreSpecialtyConvolutedTechnicalSiliconeFlareSeal Fittings-SwageAccessoriesWarranty HosesHosePTFEPTFEHoseHoseHelpHose TRUE BORE - INDUSTRIAL SMOOTHBORE PTFE HOSE With Stainless Steel Braid PARKER/PAGE International TRUE BORE Smoothbore PTFE hose is constructed with an extruded virgin Fluoropolymer(PTFE)innercorereinforcedwithatightlywovenstainlesssteelbraid.Thebraidservesa dualpurpose,by(a)providingaprotectivecoveringand(b)allowingthehosetocarrysubstantialoperational pressurewhilemaintaininga4:1safetyfactor. PARKER/PAGE Smoothbore inner core is also available with special outer reinforcement braids. Special metal braids such as Monel�, Hastelloy� and non-metallic braids of Nomex�, KEVLAR�, Kynar�, PEEKTM, polyester, and many others can be furnished on request. STW (Natural) & STB (Conductive) True Bore Smoothbore PTFE with Stainless Steel Braid Minimum Minimum Weight Part Hose Hose Working Burst Vacuum Bend per Number ID OD Pressure Pressure Rating Radius Foot Inch Inch psi @ 72�F psi @ 72�F In. Hg. @ 72�F Inch Lbs. Natural Conductive (MM) (MM) (Bars@22�C) (Bars@22�C) (kg/�C) (MM) (Kg/M) 0.125 0.250 3000 12000 29.9 1.5 .051 03-STW 03-STB (3.2) (6.3) (207.0) (828.0) (1.0) (38.1) (0.076) 0.250 0.370 3000 12000 29.9 3.0 .084 04-STW 04-STB (6.3) (9.4) (207.0) (828.0) (1.0) (76.2) (0.125) 0.375 0.510 2000 8000 29.9 5.00 .108 06-STW 06-STB (9.5) (13.0) (138.0) (552.0) (1.0) (127.0) (0.161) .500 .630 1750 7000 29.9 6.5 .159 08-STW 08-STB (12.7) (16.0) (120.7) (483.0) (1.0) (165.1) (0.237) .625 .760 1500 6000 29.9 7.5 .196 10-STW 10-STB (15.9) (19.3) (103.5) (414.0) (1.0) (190.5) (0.292) .750 .880 1000 4000 29.9 8.0 .202 12-STW 12-STB (19.0) (22.4) (69.0) (276.0) (1.0) (215.9) (0.301) 1.000 1.130 1000 4000 20.0 12.00 .327 16-STW 16-STB (25.4) (28.7) (69.0) (276.0) (0.8) (304.8) (.487) 1.000 1.220 1200 4800 20.0 12.00 .557 16Z-STW 16Z-STB (25.4) (31.0) (82.7) (331.0) (0.8) (304.8) (.829) 1.250 1.410 1000 4000 18.0 14.00 .682 20Z-STW 20Z-STB (31.7) (35.8) (69.0) (276.0) (0.6) (355.6) (1.015) 1.500 1.730 900 3600 15.0 18.00 .790 24Z-STW 24Z-STB (38.1) (43.9) (62.1) (248.4) (0.5) (381.0) (1.176) NOTE: Temperature Range: -100�F to +450�F (-73�C to +232�C) *Z indicates Double Braid PEEKTM is a registered trademark of Victrex. MonelTM is a registered trademark of Atofina. Kynar� is a registered trademark of Elf Atochem, North America. Hastelloy� is a registered trademark of Haynes International. Nomex� and Kevlar� are registered trademarks of Dupont. See page 8 for Part Numbering System. All ratings based on 72�F(22�C)-Alldimensionsnominal-Workingpressuresandvacuumratingsmayvarydepending upon end connections and process and temperature parameters. Parker Hannifin, Parflex Division PARKER/PAGE International 7 Fort Worth, Texas
Goodyear Rubber Products