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Catalog 3501E Fluid Compatibility Guide Fluid Compatibility Guide Fluid Compatibility Guide The following pages list general recommendations for the selection of valve materials. For specific cases, and for those not included in the Fluid Compatibility Chart, it is advisable to check with your Parker representative. There are many specific environmental factors which might affect corrosion rate such as temperature, solution, concentration and presence of impurities.Therefore, we suggest that the information be used as a rough guide to material selection. If any questions exist regarding the expected performance of a material in a given application, actual tests should be performed to determine the suitability of the materials in question. CARBON 316 BUNA N FLUID BRASS STEEL S.S. (NILTRILE) NEOPRENE EPR VITON PTFE ACETAL NYLON ACETALDEHYDE P G E P G G P E U ACETAMINE G G G E G E ACETATE SOLVENTS E E E P U E U ACETIC ACID VAPORS U U U E ACETIC ACID (10%) P P E U P G U E U U ACETIC ACID (80%) P P E U U P U E U U ACETIC ACID (AERATED) P P E G G P E U ACETIC ACID (AIR FREE) P P E G G U E U ACETIC ACID (CRUDE) P P E U U U E U ACETIC ACID (GLACIAL) U U P G P E U ACETIC ACID (PURE) P U E U U U E U ACETIC ANHYDRIDE U U G U P P U E U U ACETONE E E E U U E U E E E ACETOPHENONE G G G U U E U ACETYL CHLORIDE E G P U U U U E ACETYLENE G E E G P E E E E ACID FUMES U U G P G E ACRYLONITE E E E U U U P E AIR E E E E E E E E E ALCOHOL, AMYL G G E P P E G E E ALCOHOL, BUTYL G G E G G P E E E ALCOHOL, DIACETONE E E E U P G U E ALCOHOL, ETHYL G G G E G E E E E ALCOHOL, ISOPROPYL G G G P G E E E E ALCOHOL, METHYL E G E G E E P E E ALCOHOL, PROPYL E G E G G E E E ALCOHOLS, FATTY G G E G G E ALUM U G G G G E ALUMINA U E E E E E ALUMINUM ACETATE G E U U E U E ALUMINUM BROMIDE E E E E ALUMINUM CHLORIDE DRY U P P G G E E E E ALUMINUM CHLORIDE SOLUTION U G G E E U ALUMINUM FLUORIDE U U P E E E E E U ALUMINUM HYDROXIDE E U E E E E E E ALUMINUM NITRATE U U P G G G U E ALUMINUM OXALATE U E ALUMINUM SALTS E E E E ALUMINUM SULFATE P U G E E E E E E P AMINES G G E U U P U E E AMLY CHLORIDE G E U P U U E AMMOMIUM BICARBONATE G P G G E E E E E AMMONIA, ALUM E G G E AMMONIA, ANHYDROUS LIQUID U E E G P G U E AMMONIA, AQUEOUS U E E G G E E AMMONIA, GAS, HOT U G E P E E U E AMMONIA LIQUOR E E AMMONIA SOLUTIONS U G E G G G U E AMMONIUM ACETATE U G G G E U E AMMONIUM BROMIDE 5% G E E-EXCELLENT G-GOOD P-POOR U-UNSATISFACTORY M18 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parker Brass Products Division Otsego, Michigan Fluid Compatibility Guide
Goodyear Rubber Products