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NIPPLES& FITTINGS BLACK & GALVANIZED MERCHANT COUPLINGS STEEL COUPLINGS Product Specifications Welded steel couplings both galvanized and black in diameters from 1/8" up to 4" Technical Specifications Standards: Product complies with ASTM A-53, A-733 and ANSI B1.20.1 for threading, dimensions and pipe specifications. Pipe: Complies with ASTM A-53 milltested schedule 40 and 80. Meets ANSI B36.1. All pipe is hydrostatic tested. Galvanized: Zinc coating applied by hot dipping. Galvanized complying with ASTM-A-123. MERCHANT COUPLINGS HALF MERCHANT COUPLINGS Galvanized Black Galvanized Black Part # List Size Part # List Part # List Size Part # List Galv Price Black Price Galv Price Black Price 64-770 1.12 1/8 65-770 1.06 1/4 65-771H 0.74 64-771 1.37 1/4 65-771 0.94 3/8 65-772H 0.76 64-772 1.50 3/8 65-772 1.24 64-773H 1.31 1/2 65-773H 0.94 64-773 1.84 1/2 65-773 1.20 64-774H 1.85 3/4 65-774H 1.19 64-774 2.45 3/4 65-774 1.63 64-775H 2.93 1 65-775H 1.86 64-775 3.86 1 65-775 2.53 64-776H 3.41 1-1/4 65-776H 2.63 64-776 4.77 1-1/4 65-776 3.68 64-777H 4.24 1-1/2 65-777H 3.84 64-777 5.95 1-1/2 65-777 3.88 64-778H 6.01 2 65-778H 4.34 64-778 7.02 2 65-778 5.47 2-1/2 65-779H 11.58 64-779 24.20 2-1/2 65-779 18.96 3 65-780H 15.99 64-780 37.63 3 65-780 24.59 4 65-781H 22.06 64-781 60.58 4 65-781 33.93 MERCHANT COUPLINGS SPECIFICATIONS Outside Length Weight 100 pcs approx. Quantity Threads per Threads Size Diam. Inches Pounds per box Inch Type 1/8" .59" .78 3.5 1000 27 Straight 1/4" .73" 1.18 7.5 500 18 Straight 3/8" .86" 1.18" 9 600 18 Straight 1/2" 1.063" 1-9/16" 13.0 100 14 Straight 3/4" 1.313" 1-5/8" 28.3 50 14 Straight 1" 1.576" 2" 40.1 30 11-1/2 Straight 1-1/4" 1.900" 2-1/16" 49.5 25 11-1/2 Straight 1-1/2" 2.200" 2-1/16" 71.48 25 11-1/2 Straight 2" 2.750" 2-1/8" 112.0 20 11-1/2 Straight 2-1/2" 3.250" 3-1/8" 231.2 8 8 Taper Tapped 3" 4.000" 3-1/4" 353.8 5 8 Taper Tapped 4" 5.000" 3-1/2" 471.8 4 8 Taper Tapped IDLAND ETAL FG. CO. 222
Goodyear Rubber Products