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BRASS FITTINGS NEEDLE VALVES SCREW STEM SHUT-OFF VALVES NEEDLE VALVES NEEDLE VALVES are constructed to meter fluids and gases. They are O-RING SEALED to eliminate valve maintenance. The O-ring is postitioned between the actuating threads and the seat, and seals the closely fitted MIP X FIP ANGLE cylinder to give the lowest possible internal volume and protect threads from contamination. Part # Pipe Thread Style Maximum List Inlet Outlet Orifice Price 46-786 1/8 Male x 1/8 Female Regular 0.188 49.88 NEEDLE VALVES have a medium tipped stem (370) to 46-787 1/8 Male x 1/8 Female Panel Mntg. 0.188 59.21 offer RAPID SHUT OFF, FULL FLOW and a SEMI- 46-788 1/4 Male x 1/4 Female Regular 0.281 51.13 METERING FUNCTION. 46-789 1/4 Male x 1/4 Female Panel Mntg. 0.281 60.37 The standard construction is a forged brass body, brass stem, thrust washer, cap and a BUNA "N" `O' - RING MIP X MIP ANGLE seal. This valve is rated for 1,000 p.s.i.g. service from -400 to 2500 F. Part # Pipe Thread Style Maximum List Inlet Outlet Orifice Price FACTORY MUST BE CONSULTED WHEN VALVES 46-792 1/8 Male x 1/8 Male Regular 0.188 41.57 ARE TO BE USED WITH FLAMMABLE FLUIDS IN 46-793 1/8 Male x 1/8 Male Panel 0.188 54.00 ORDER TO DETERMINE WORKING PRESSURE 46-794 1/4 Male x 1/4 Male Regular 0.281 44.60 AND O-RING COMPATIBILITY. 46-795 1/4 Male x 1/4 Male Panel 0.281 57.03 COMPRESSION AND FLARE ENDS CAN BE SUBSTITUTED FOR PIPE ENDS IN MOST CASES FIP X FIP ANGLE ( Price on application ) Part # Pipe Thread Style Maximum List Inlet Outlet Orifice Price 46-798 1/8 Female x 1/8 Female Regular 0.188 49.88 46-799 1/8 Female x 1/8 Female Panel 0.188 59.21 46-800 1/4 Female x 1/8 Female Regular 0.281 51.13 46-801 1/4 Female x 1/4 Female Panel 0.281 60.37 MIP X FIP STRAIGHT SPECIAL VERSIONS Many special versions of these valves have been Part # Pipe Thread Style Maximum List Inlet Outlet Orifice Price produced for other services. If your application is not 46-768 1/8 Male x 1/8 Female Regular 0.141 51.59 described here or covered by our recommendations, 46-769 1/8 Male x 1/8 Female Panel Mntg. 0.141 62.86 please contact us. It is quite possible that one of these 46-770 1/4 Male x 1/4 Female Regular 0.188 49.88 valve types can be economically adapted to your 46-771 1/4 Male x 1/4 Female Panel Mntg. 0.188 62.08 requirements. MIP X MIP STRAIGHT REASON THREE NOT TO MESS WITH A CHILD. Part # Pipe Thread Style Maximum List Inlet Outlet Orifice Price The children had all been photographed, and the 46-774 1/8 Male x 1/8 Male Regular 0.141 43.05 teacher was trying to persuade them each to buy a 46-775 1/8 Male x 1/8 Male Panel 0.141 57.58 copy of the group picture. 46-776 1/4 Male x 1/4 Male Regular 0.188 43.37 BRASS 46-777 1/4 Male x 1/4 Male Panel 0.188 58.74 "Just think how nice it will be to look at it when you FIP X FIP STRAIGHT are all grown up and say,Theres Jennifer, shes a Part # Pipe Thread Style Maximum List Inlet Outlet Orifice Price lawyer, or `Thats Michael, Hes a doctor. 46-780 1/8 Female x 1/8 Female Regular 0.172 51.59 46-781 1/8 Female x 1/8 Female Panel 0.172 60.84 A small voice at the back of the room rang out, "And 46-782 1/4 Female x 1/4 Female Regular 0.188 52.91 46-783 1/4 Female x 1/4 Female Panel 0.188 62.08 theres the teacher, Shes dead. " IDLAND ETAL FG. CO. 161
Goodyear Rubber Products