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PLASTIC FITTINGS PLASTIC PUSH-IN 2-WAY2-WAYDIVIDERDIVIDER Polypropylene push-in shut off valves for potable water Technical Specifications � Working Pressure: 0 to 150 psi ( 0 to 10 bar) � Working Temp. ( water ): 330 F to 1500 F ( +10C to 650C) Part # Tube List Price OD Materials 20-776P 5/16 7.21 � Body � O-Ring 20-777P 3/8 7.67 � Collet � EPDM TUBETUBETOTOHOSEHOSESTEMSTEM � Food grade Polypropylene � Food grade Polypropylene with stainless steel teeth Tube Tolerances � Shut-off Valves are intended for use with potable water. Part # Stem Hose List � The Valves are not for use with compressed air, explosive gases, OD OD Price petroleum spirits and other fuels or for heating systems. 20-853P 1/4 3/16 3.50 20-854P 1/4 1/4 3.50 20-855P 5/16 5/16 3.18 PL X PL CHECK VALVE PL X PL CHECK VALVE 20-856P 1/4 5/16 2.55 20-857P 5/16 3/16 2.83 20-858P 5/16 1/4 3.18 20-859P 5/16 3/8 4.03 20-860P 3/8 1/4 4.36 20-861P 3/8 5/16 4.03 Part # Tube OD List Price Part # Tube OD List Price 20-862P 3/8 3/8 4.38 20-900P 1/4 9.89 20-779P 1/8 28.27 20-863P 3/8 1/2 7.86 20-901P 3/8 10.44 20-864P 1/2 3/8 5.92 20-865P 1/2 1/2 5.87 PLUGPLUG PLPLXXMALEMALE NPTFNPTF Twenty years from now you Part # Stem List Price OD will be more disappointed 20-876P 5/32 0.99 by the things you didn't 20-877P 3/16 0.99 20-878P 1/4 1.39 do than by the ones you 20-879P 5/16 1.56 Part # Tube Thread List 20-880P 3/8 2.29 OD NPTF Price did do. So throw off the 20-881P 1/2 3.79 20-904P 1/4 1/4 13.31 bowlines. Sail away from PLASTIC 20-905P 3/8 3/8 13.26 FITTINGS TUBETUBESUPPORTSUPPORT the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. Part # Tube Tube List OD ID Price 20-836P 5/16 1/4 0.53 - Mark Twain 20-837P 3/8 5/16 0.70 20-838P 1/2 3/8 0.59 IDLAND ETAL FG. CO. 147
Goodyear Rubber Products