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Super-Flow Specification Sheet � Nitrile Rubber Covered Hose Black LDH � 4", 6", and 8" H ose Construction Ozone Resistance Hose shall be made from 100 percent high tenacity synthetic Hose shall show no visible signs of cracking to the lin- yarn, circularly woven and completely protected and locked-in ing or cover when tested in accordance to ASTM D518 by tough highly resistant synthetic nitrile rubber, forming a sin- Procedure B, 100pphm/118�F/70 hours. gle homogeneous construction without the use of glues or adhesives of any type. C hemical Resistance Exposure to sea water and contamination by most chem- L ining Properties ical substances, hydrocarbons, oils, alkalis, acids and Ultimate Tensile Strength: greases must have no effect on the short or long term per- Tensile strength of the lining and cover shall not be less formance of the hose. A chemical resistance chart is avail- than 1750 PSI. able and Key Fire Hose will supply specific chemical resist- Ultimate Elongation: 500 percent minimum. ance data on request of purchaser for unique applications. Accelerated Aging Test: H eat Resistance The tensile strength and ultimate elongation of the vulcan- The hose, when subjected to a static pressure of 100 PSI, ized rubber compound which has been subjected to the action of oxygen at a pressure of 300 PSI (�10 PSI) and a shall be capable of withstanding a surface temperature of temperature of 158�(�18�F) for a period of 96 hours shall 300�F for a minimum of two minutes without rupture or retain 60 percent of its originally stated properties. damage to the synthetic reinforcement. H ydrostatic Pressure Tests H ose Weight and Coil Diameters Part Service Test Acceptance Burst The hose shall conform to the following average weights Diameter Number Pressure Test Pressure Pressure and diameters. RC40-500 4" 250psi 500psi 750psi RC60-300 6" 150psi 300psi 500psi Weight Coil Size Part Diameter per foot Uncoupled Number RC80-300 8" 150psi 300psi 450psi uncoupled 100' Lengths RC40-500 4" .75 lbs 24" A brasion Resistance RC60-300 6" 1.20 lbs 34" Hose shall withstand 30,000 cycles on the Taber Abrasion RC80-300 8" 1.70 lbs 38" Machine (H-22 Wheel: 1 kg). Key Fire Hose Corporation on request will supply written warranties that SUPER-FLOW C olor hose meets a minimum 30,000 cycles. Other abrasion test results (UL, DIN, etc.) can be supplied on request of purchaser. The color shall be black. Other colors available upon request. C old Resistance C ouplings Hose shall have a capability of use down to -5�F. Hose shall have no apparent damage to cover, reinforcement or lining Hose is designed for Bower Couplings. when subjected to the following cold bending test: a 50 ft. Key reserves the right to modify any specification with- length of dry hose is to be firmly coiled and placed in a cold box out prior notice to meet or exceed changing standards. at -5�F for a duration of 24 hours. Immediately after removal of Customers are advised that special diameters or con- the hose from the box, hose should be uncoiled and laid out by struction characteristics can be produced on special one operator. Following this procedure, the hose shall not leak nor show any damage to the reinforcement when subjected to request and you are requested to contact Key Fire Hose the hydrostatic acceptance test stated above. Corp. Miami, Florida. KF-075 04/07
Goodyear Rubber Products