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Heavy-DutyHeavy-Duty ConstantConstant TensionTension FLEX-GEAR� CLAMPS To eliminate "cold flow" leakage, you have to shut off the leak paths. Flex-Gear� heavy-duty constant tension clamps provide the self-adjusting band you need for a dependable seal, even in the coldest conditions. Key features: Flex-GearFlex-Gear � Larger, heavier-gauge, precision-formed spring washers provide higher rates of band tension and adjustment for a more dependable seal � Inner liner protects against shearing of hose surfaces � Provides a uniform 360� seal � Reusable Non-compensating clamp cannot adjustFlex-Gear adjusts with the hose and fittingFlex-GearFlex-Gear HDHD during extreme temperature changes,to maintain constant tension on the allowing leaks to occur connection, eliminating leak paths Ideal Flex-Gear HD� 41 Series (Tridon N/A) Ideal Flex-Gear � 43 Series (Tridon N/A) Screw: 3/8" hex-head. Carbon plated steel. Screw: 5/16" hex-head. Carbon plated steel. Band, liner and housing: 5/8" design. 300 grade stainless steel. Band, liner and housing: 9/16" design. 300 grade stainless steel. Washers: 300 grade stainless steel. Washers: 300 grade stainless steel. Ideal Flex-Gear HD� 45 Series (Tridon N/A) Ideal Flex-Gear� 47 Series (Tridon N/A) Screw: 3/8" hex-head. 410 stainless steel. Screw: 5/16" hex-head. 410 stainless steel. Band, liner and housing: 5/8" design. 300 grade stainless steel. Band, liner and housing: 9/16" design. 300 grade stainless steel. Washers: 300 grade stainless steel. Washers: 300 grade stainless steel. 41 & 45 43 & 47 Series Series Measurements in illustrations are in inches [millimeters] FLEX-GEAR HD CLAMPING RANGE SAE Ideal Ideal English(in.) Metric (mm) Fits Hose I.D. FLEX-GEAR CLAMPING RANGE Sizes Part No. Part No. Min.Dia. Max.Dia. Min.Dia. Max.Dia. Min.(in.) Max.(in.) SAE Ideal Ideal English (in.) Metric (mm) Fits Hose I.D. 41 45 Sizes Part No. Part No. Min.Dia. Max.Dia. Min.Dia. Max.Dia. Min.(in.) Max.(in.) 175 41175 45175 1 1 3/4 25 45 7/8 1 1/8 43 47 212 41200 45200 1 1/4 2 1/8 32 54 1 1 1/2 10 43010 47010 9/16 1 1/16 14 27 3/8 5/8 262 41250 45250 1 3/4 2 5/8 45 67 1 1/2 2 12 43012 47012 5/8 1 1/4 16 32 3/8 3/4 312 41300 45300 2 1/4 3 1/8 57 79 2 2 1/2 362 41350 45350 2 3/4 3 5/8 70 92 2 1/2 3 16 43016 47016 13/16 1 1/2 21 38 3/4 7/8 412 41400 45400 3 1/4 4 1/8 83 105 3 3 1/2 20 43020 47020 13/16 1 3/4 20 44 3/4 1 1/8 462 41450 45450 3 3/4 4 5/8 95 117 3 1/2 4 24 43024 47024 1 1/16 2 27 51 7/8 1 3/8 512 41500 45500 4 1/4 5 1/8 108 130 4 4 1/2 28 43028 47028 1 5/16 2 1/4 33 57 1 1/4 1 5/8 562 41550 45550 4 3/4 5 5/8 121 143 4 1/2 5 32 43032 47032 1 9/16 2 1/2 40 63 1 1/2 1 7/8 612 41600 45600 5 1/4 6 1/8 133 155 5 5 1/2 36 43036 47036 1 13/16 2 3/4 46 70 1 3/4 2 662 41650 45650 5 3/4 6 5/8 146 168 5 1/2 6 40 43040 47040 2 1/16 3 52 76 2 2 1/4 712 41700 45700 6 1/4 7 1/8 159 181 6 6 1/2 44 43044 47044 2 5/16 3 1/4 59 82 2 1/4 2 1/2 762 41750 45750 6 3/4 7 5/8 172 193 6 1/2 7 48 43048 47048 2 9/16 3 1/2 65 89 2 1/2 3 812 41800 45800 7 1/4 8 1/8 184 206 7 7 1/2 862 41850 45850 7 3/4 8 5/8 197 219 7 1/2 8 912 41900 45900 8 1/4 9 1/8 210 232 8 8 1/2 Additional sizes available upon request. 14 For applications involving both high temperatures and the presence of chlorides, or any other special applications, contact us. N/A - Not Available We will be glad to help solve your particular fastening problem.
Goodyear Rubber Products