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wl_15_28pg 9/1/01 10:36 AM Page 21 HoseMetalCorrugated Corrugated Metal Hose (Products) EXTRAFLEX Extraflex is Hose Master's spirally-welded corrugated metal hose, specifically designed to maximize flexibility while maintaining good pressure ratings. The helical design facilitates draining and reduces in-line turbulence. Explanation of Extraflex Part Numbers: Material Codes: Braid Codes Example: EF9050 = EF _______ 0 _______ 9 - T321 Stainless Steel 00 - Unbraided T321 Stainless Steel, annular, Material Braid 50 - T304 Single Braid corrugated metal hose with a Code Code 3 - T316L Stainless Steel 55 - T304 Double Braid single T304 Stainless Steel Braid. *T316 Braid avaiable upon request. Static Dynamic Maximum Inside Number of Outside Min. Bend Min. Bend Working Burst Weight Diameter Braids Diameter Radius Radius Pressure Pressure Per Foot (in.) (#) (in.) (in.) (in.) (psi) (psi) (lbs.) 0 0.39 71 0.09 1/4 1 0.45 0.4 2.2 1778 7112 0.13 2 0.51 2489 9956 0.19 0 0.47 43 0.10 5/16 1 0.53 0.6 2.4 1422 5688 0.18 2 0.59 1991 7964 0.26 0 0.55 36 0.11 3/8 0.6 2.8 1 0.61 1138 4552 0.19 2 0.67 1707 6828 0.28 0 0.67 28 0.14 1/2 1 0.73 0.8 3.1 910 3640 0.26 2 0.79 1422 5688 0.39 0 0.85 28 0.19 5/8 1 0.91 1.2 3.9 910 3640 0.32 2 0.96 1422 5688 0.46 0 1.02 14 0.22 3/4 1 1.08 1.4 5.1 711 2844 0.38 2 1.18 1138 4552 0.55 0 1.22 11 0.26 1 1 1.28 1.8 6.3 569 2276 0.54 2 1.34 910 3640 0.83 0 1.57 9 0.45 1 1/4 2.4 7.9 1 1.65 455 1820 0.76 2 1.73 711 2844 1.09 0 1.89 7 0.65 1 1/2 1 1.97 3.0 9.4 356 1424 1.02 2 2.05 569 2276 1.40 0 2.36 6 0.71 2 1 2.44 3.5 11.0 284 1136 1.22 2 2.52 455 1820 1.75 Notes: The minimum bend radius is measured from the centerline of the hose. The minimum bend radius increases with pressure (see chart on page 70). The working pressure decreases with temperature (obtain derating factor on page 67). For rapid pressure fluctuations consult the factory. 21
Goodyear Rubber Products