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wl_15_28pg 9/1/01 10:36 AM Page 18 Corrugated Metal Hose (Products) PRESSUREFLEX Pressureflex is Hose Master's high-pressure annular corrugated metal hose. With all the advantages of a hydroformed hose, Pressureflex is made from heavy wall T321 Stainless Steel. Pressureflex offers flexibility and dependability when higher pressures are a factor. Explanation of Pressureflex Part Numbers: Braid Codes AF 8 7 _______ Example: AF8750 = 00 - Unbraided T321 Stainless Steel, annular, Braid 50 - T304 Single Braid Code corrugated metal hose with a 55 - T304 Double Braid single T304 Stainless Steel Braid. *T316 Braid avaiable upon request. Static Dynamic Maximum Inside Number of Outside Min. Bend Min. Bend Working Burst Weight Diameter Braids Diameter Radius Radius Pressure Pressure Per Foot (in.) (#) (in.) (in.) (in.) (psi) (psi) (lbs.) 0 1.13 45 0.32 3/4 1 1.21 2.2 8.0 1142 4569 0.58 2 1.29 1713 6854 0.84 0 1.44 45 0.38 1 1 1.54 2.8 10.0 929 3717 0.74 2 1.64 1394 5576 1.11 0 1.72 45 0.58 1 1/4 1 1.82 3.1 11.0 766 3065 0.99 2 1.92 1149 4598 1.40 0 2.05 28 0.75 1 1/2 1 2.15 3.9 13.0 717 2866 1.29 2 2.25 1075 4299 1.84 0 2.58 28 1.15 2 1 2.70 5.1 15.0 649 2596 1.94 2 2.82 974 3894 2.72 0 3.36 28 1.64 2 1/2 1 3.48 6.9 17.0 507 2029 2.66 2 3.60 761 3044 3.67 0 3.84 28 1.78 3 1 3.96 7.9 20.0 369 1476 2.85 2 4.08 554 2214 3.92 0 4.92 28 2.80 4 1 5.04 9.8 25.0 330 1319 4.27 2 5.16 495 1979 5.74 0 5.96 28 3.03 5* 12.8 34.0 1 6.13 331 1324 5.14 0 6.97 23 3.74 6* 14.8 40.0 MetalCorrugatedHose 1 7.22 285 1140 6.44 *Supplied with braided braid. Notes: The minimum bend radius is measured from the centerline of the hose. The minimum bend radius increases with pressure (see chart on page 69). The working pressure decreases with temperature (obtain derating factor on page 67). For rapid pressure fluctuations consult the factory. 18
Goodyear Rubber Products