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wl_15_28pg 9/1/01 10:36 AM Page 16 Corrugated Metal Hose (Products) MASTERFLEX Masterflex is manufactured using the same high quality process used to make Annuflex hose, but the number of corrugations per foot is increased to allow for greater flexibility. Explanation of Masterflex Part Numbers: Material Codes: Braid Codes Example: AF4550 = AF _______ 5 _______ 4 - T321 Stainless Steel 00 - Unbraided T321 Stainless Steel, annular, Material Braid Code Code 5 - T316L Stainless Steel 50 - T304 Single Braid corrugated metal hose with a single T304 Stainless Steel Braid. 7 - T304L Stainless Steel 55 - T304 Double Braid *T316 Braid avaiable upon request. Static Dynamic Maximum Inside Number of Outside Min. Bend Min. Bend Working Burst Weight Diameter Braids Diameter Radius Radius Pressure Pressure Per Foot (in.) (#) (in.) (in.) (in.) (psi) (psi) (lbs.) 0 0.42 90 0.07 1/4 1 0.48 0.9 3.7 1800 7233 0.14 2 0.54 2700 9100 0.21 0 0.65 70 0.20 3/8 1 0.71 1.0 4.0 1558 6230 0.30 2 0.77 2336 9345 0.40 0 0.77 70 0.22 1/2 1 0.83 1.2 4.4 1186 4743 0.33 2 0.89 1779 7115 0.44 0 0.96 57 0.31 5/8 1 1.02 1.4 5.6 1205 4820 0.47 2 1.08 1808 7230 0.63 0 1.16 43 0.33 3/4 1 1.22 1.7 6.4 898 3591 0.51 2 1.28 1347 5387 0.69 0 1.47 43 0.45 1 1 1.53 2.1 7.1 718 2872 0.69 2 1.63 1077 4308 0.93 0 1.75 43 0.56 1 1/4 1 1.83 2.5 7.9 645 2581 0.88 2 1.91 968 3872 1.20 0 2.08 28 0.82 1 1/2 1 2.16 3.1 8.7 531 2125 1.20 2 2.24 797 3188 1.58 0 2.61 14 0.95 2 1 2.69 4.0 10.3 449 1797 1.47 2 2.77 674 2696 1.99 0 3.40 14 1.29 2 1/2 1 3.50 5.4 12.8 417 1669 2.09 2 3.60 626 2504 2.89 0 3.88 14 1.84 3 1 3.98 6.3 14.5 346 1384 2.72 2 4.08 519 2076 3.60 0 4.96 14 2.33 4 1 5.06 7.7 17.4 299 1194 3.39 2 5.16 448 1791 4.45 0 6.00 14 3.64 HoseMetalCorrugated 5 1 6.12 10.0 21.9 275 1099 5.07 2 6.24 412 1649 6.50 0 7.01 11 4.16 6 1 7.13 11.6 25.0 210 839 5.91 2 7.25 315 1259 7.66 Notes: The minimum bend radius is measured from the centerline of the hose. The minimum bend radius increases with pressure (see chart on page 68). The working pressure decreases with temperature (obtain derating factor on page 67). For rapid pressure fluctuations consult the factory. 16
Goodyear Rubber Products