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MANDREL QUANTITY REQUIREMENTS MANDREL QUANTITY REQUIREMENTS FOR SPECIAL LENGTH OR MADE-TO-ORDER BELTS.* QUANTITIES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTIFICATION. CONTACT FACTORY FOR VERIFICATION Under 124"� 301" Under 120" HY-T� Belts 123" 300" & Up Positive Drive Belting** 120" Profile & Up A 68 135 --- Standard Positive Drive 28" MXL n/a B* 51 95 50 28" XL n/a >B38=>50 Pcs C 37 64 32 28" L n/a <B38=>53 Pcs D 24 46 24 28" H 14" E --- 42 21 27" XH 13" 26" XXH 13" 124"� 301" Dual Positive Drive 25" XL --- HY-T WedgeTM Belts Envelope 124" 300" & Up 25" L 12" 3V 88 176 --- 25" H 12" 5V 51 95 50 25" XH 12" 8V 34 64 32 HPPD+, WhiteHawk PdTM and 28" 5M --- BlackHawk PdTM 28" 8M 14" Up to 120"� 125"� 300" 27" 14M 13" HY-T WedgeTM Belts Cut-Edge 120" 124" 300" & Up 26" 20M 12" 3VX 98 78 176 --- Super TorqueTM Positive Drive 28" 3M --- 5VX 63 51 95 50 (STPD) 28" 4.5M --- 28" 5M --- Torque Team� Cut-Edge Envelope 27" 8M 14" 26" 14M 13" Belting 25" 116"� 124" 301"� 118" 123" 300" & Up Any Length Variable Speed Belts 38" Wide Mandrel** 3VX 90 3V 90 175 --- 5VX 54 5V 50 100 50 0� 124"� Over (Including 8V --- 8V 30 64 32 Hex Belts 123" 300" 300" Torque- AX 66 A 69 135 --- AA 67 108 --- Team BX 50 B 50 95 50 BB 49 94 47 Plus and CX 36 C 35 64 32 CC 33 60 30 Laminated) DX 29 D 22 36 24 DD --- 50 24 Top 12"�116" 12"�112" Under 28" & Cut-Edge Automotive Belts Width Length FHP Envelope Length 28" Over 13/32 98 *2L --- 4L 82 75 15/32 87 17/31 73 Under 38" & 22/32 60 38" Over 32/32 54 3L 106 5L 62 58 28/32 45 *2Ls unavailable in Envelope Construction. 32/32 39 Dry Can Belts 240"�300" 300" & Over 12"�116" FHP Cut-Edge Length 60 30 2L 152 12"�118" GENERAL 3L 98 Neothane� Belts Length 4L 79 5MR 194 5L 63 7MR 121 11MR 83 Under 116" 124" 301" Torque-Flex� Belts 116" 123" 300" & Up Poly-V� belt (cut-edge only) AX 73 73 135 --- "J" Section 10"-120"= 400 ribs BX 57 51 95 50 "L" Section 25"-120" = 200 ribs CX 42 37 64 34 "M" Section 50"-118" = 100 ribs DX --- 24 46 24 "K" Section 12"-118" = 265 ribs * Nonstock Belts: Orders for nonstock or made-to-order belts are available in multiple mandrel quantities. Please check factory for availability of equipment and/or availability for the desired construction. ** Inches indicate the total top width mandrel yield (e.g., divide belt top width into yield for total number of belts per mandrel). 87 MANDREL QUANTITY REQUIREMENTS
Goodyear Rubber Products