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INFORMATION GENERAL TMTM�� PDEAGLEPDEAGLEWHITEHAWKBLACKHAWKBLACKHAWKWHITEHAWK TECHNICAL INFORMATION DEFLECTION FORCES FOR BELT PART NUMBER Eagle PdTM Tension Tester (PN 20039446) TENSIONING (LBS) or Small Tension Tester (PN 20044882) Use with Deflection Gauges APPLICATION 0-100 RPM 101-1000 RPM 1000-up RPM Belt Type New Belt Used Belt New Belt Used BeltNew BeltUsed Belt Eagle Pd Yellow and White 8mm Yellow 15 11 12 8 9 7 TM WhiteHawk Pd 20 & 30mm wide White 30 21 24 17 19 13 TM Purple 60 43 47 34 38 27 8mm BlackHawk Pd 12 & 22mm wide Blue 54 38 44 31 38 27 Green 80 57 66 47 57 41 Orange 107 76 88 63 76 55 PART NUMBER Red 161 115 131 94 115 82 Eagle Pd Tension 8MBH 12 12 9 9 7 7 5 Tester (PN 20039447) 8MBH 22 23 17 16 12 13 10 or Small Tension Tester 8MBH 35 36 26 26 19 21 16 (PN 20083773) 8MBH 60 62 45 45 33 36 27 14MBH 20 36 26 27 20 23 17 APPLICATION 14MBH 42 76 55 57 42 49 36 Eagle Pd Purple, Blue, 14MBH 65 117 85 89 65 76 55 Green, Orange & Red 14MBH 90 162 118 123 90 105 77 14MBH 120 217 157 164 119 139 102 8mm WhiteHawk Pd 50 & 85mm wide 8MWH 20 15 11 13 10 12 9 14mm WhiteHawk Pd 40, 55, 85, 115 & 170mm wide 8MWH 30 23 17 20 15 19 14 8mm BlackHawk Pd 35 & 60mm wide 8MWH 50 39 29 35 26 32 24 8MWH 85 69 50 61 45 56 51 14mm WhiteHawk Pd 20, 42, 65, 90 & 120mm wide 14MWH 40 47 34 38 28 32 24 14MWH 55 70 51 56 41 48 35 14MWH 85 116 84 93 68 79 58 PART NUMBER 14MWH115 162 118 130 95 110 80 RSM2000 � Tension Meter 14MWH170 249 181 201 146 171 125 The RSM2000 belt tensioning device can be used to tension BELT STRAND TENSION (NEWTONS) Goodyear WhiteHawk Pd and BlackHawk Pd timing belts. Use only with RSM2000 Tension Meter For the meter to read belt strand 0-100 RPM 101-1000 RPM 1000-up RPM Belt Weight tension in Newtons, the only Belt Type New Belt Used Belt New Belt Used Belt New Belt Used Belt (g/meter) inputs required are specific belt Yellow 998 713 784 499 570 428 68.5 mass (in g/meter) and span length White 1995 1354 1568 1070 1212 785 136.9 (in mm). Purple 3990 2780 3065 2140 2424 1641 273.8 Blue 3633 2494 2921 1996 2494 1711 208.3 The best strand tension in Newtons is provided in the Green 5382 3745 4386 3034 3745 2607 312.5 adjacent table along with the specific mass of the belt Orange 7195 4989 5843 4063 4989 3494 416.7 (in g/meter). Red 10836 7562 8701 6067 7562 5213 625.0 The microcontroller-based RSM2000 measures belt 8MBH 12796 583 583 441 441 298 58.0 vibrating frequency with a highly sensitive sensor and 8MBH 22 1533 1106 1034 750 821 607 107.1 provides an easy and accurate means of tensioning the 8MBH 35 2396 1684 1684 1186 1328 972 169.7 belt to the correct installation tension. 8MBH 60 4128 2918 2918 2064 2277 1637 291.7 14MBH 20 2458 1746 1817 1319 1533 1106 160.7 1) The table values are typically larger than necessary to 14MBH 42 5191 3696 3839 2771 3269 2344 337.8 cover the broad RPM range. 14MBH 65 7989 5712 5996 4288 5071 3577 522.3 2) For drives where hub loads are critical and high speed 14MBH 90 11063 7931 8287 5938 7006 5013 721.8 drives or other drives with special circumstances, the 14MBH 120 14821 10551 11049 7847 9270 6637 962.8 table values (deflection force, installation tension) should 8MWH 20 993 708 851 637 779 566 96.7 be calculated. 8MWH 30 1525 1098 1311 955 1240 884 145.8 3) Consult the Web site,, for detailed infor- 8MWH 50 2589 1877 2304 1664 2091 1521 242.6 mation on using the frequency-based tension gauges. 8MWH 85 4593 3241 4024 2885 3668 2600 413.7 4) Goodyear offers three different tension gauges for prop- 14MWH 40 3168 2242 2527 1815 2100 1531 321.4 erly tensioning Eagle Pd, WhiteHawk Pd or BlackHawk 14MWH 55 4739 3387 3743 2675 3173 2248 442.0 Pd belts. See your Goodyear sales representative or your 14MWH 85 7879 5602 6242 4463 5246 3751 681.6 local Goodyear Power Transmission distributor for more 14MWH 115 11021 7889 8743 6252 7320 5185 922.7 information on the tension gauges listed on this page. 14MWH 170 16970 12130 13554 9639 11418 8144 1364.7 82
Goodyear Rubber Products