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V-BELTS V-BELTS V-belts include not only traditional classical and narrow power. However, not all V-belts perform the same. profiled belts, but also Double-V and FHP belts. When Depending on your application and your objectives, some synchronization or timing is not required, V-belts make an V-belts will be better at getting you closer to your end goal. excellent low-cost, quiet and efficient means of transmitting NARROW (WEDGE) V-BELTS Effectively handling drives from 1 to 1,000 hp, these belts The narrow or "wedge" design provides more tensile member rank high in horsepower-hours per dollar, the ultimate meas- support than classical V-belts. Narrow belts handle an equiv- ure of drive valve. The narrow-belt cross sections (3V, 5V, and alent load, but with narrower face width and smaller diame- 8V), offer higher power capacity for any sheave size and ters than the traditional classical V-belts. These features allow weight. the use of smaller belts or fewer belts to transmit the load, an important advantage if your goal is to maximize power trans- mission efficiency by reducing drive weight and size. CLASSICAL V-BELTS The most widely used V-belts are A, B, C, and D classical Many classical belts are used for replacement because it is con- belts. Used more out of habit and convenience than design, sidered too costly to replace sheaves when upgrading from these belts can handle fractional to 500-hp drives, usually classical to narrow or other belt types. Therefore, when replac- at the lowest cost. However, they occupy more space, and ing classical sheaves, it is an opportune time to upgrade to the drives weigh more than narrow-belt drives. Also, classical narrow or other belt types. belts are usually less efficient than narrow belts. But their versatility and wide range of sizes and types make them an attractive alternative to wedge belts. DOUBLE-V OR HEX BELTS A variation of the classical belt, Hex belts come in AA, BB, belts is more complicated and Goodyear's V-belt engineering CC, or a deep CCP cross section. These belts transfer power manual should be consulted when replacing or troubleshoot- from either side in serpentine drives. A drive design using Hex ing these drives. FHP (FRACTIONAL HORSEPOWER BELTS) The 3L, 4L, and 5L light-duty FHP belts are part of the clas- singly on drives of 1 hp or less. sical belt line also. As the name implies, these belts are used COGGED, RAW-EDGE V-BELT CONSTRUCTION VS. ENVELOPE CONSTRUCTION V-BELT Goodyear has a complete offering of cogged, raw-edge belts in under-designed or problem drives can be upgraded to "satis- narrow, classical, and FHP styles. Designated 3VX, 5VX, AX, factory" by substituting classical cogged belts for classical BX, CX, 4L, and 5L, cogged, raw-edge V-belts have higher envelope belts without replacing sheaves. capacity and efficiency, and they use smaller sheaves than tra- Because of their higher coefficient of friction, cogged belts ditional envelope (wrapped) belts. These belts have a higher tend to be more sensitive to alignment. While envelope belts coefficient of friction and are more aggressive, which makes can tolerate some misalignment, cogged belts are more likely them a very efficient belt for power transmission. to turn over under the same conditions. Cogged belts should Unlike conventional fabric-covered V-belts, raw-edge belts not be used in clutching drives, drives with severe shock loads, have no cover. Thus, the cross-sectional area normally occu- and drives that have changing center distances, such as shak- pied by the cover is used for more load-carrying cord. Cogs on er screens. In these applications, the aggressive nature and the inner surface of the belt increase air flow to enhance cool- flexibility of cogged belts can cause vibration, belt turnover, er running. They also increase flexibility, allowing the belt to and belt breakage. Cogged belts should also be avoided in operate with smaller sheaves. With classical V-belts, certain drives that require slippage during frequent stops and starts. 49 V-BELTS
Goodyear Rubber Products